"What... What?"

Camilla's expression instantly solidified, looking at the water blue crystal in Meg's hand, this is really a photo stone, this guy, is so shameless! Have you recorded what happened that day in this photo stone?!!

Thinking of that day, I was bound to look ashamed and couldn't control my voice under his whip

The most hateful thing is that, in the end, a chair was slapped and hung on the wall by a woman who didn't know where it came from!

If such content were spread, the reputation of Countess Bartoli would be ruined. How could a beautiful girl be devoted to her in the future.

If Miss Gloria knew that she might be a shaking m, it would be even worse!

"No! Such a thing can never happen Camilla's eyes are cold, looking at McGonagall's neck, there is a trace of killing in her eyes.

"There is more than one photo stone, one of which I left with a friend. If I die, he will take the photo stone out for auction. I think it can be sold at a good price." McGonagall looked at Camilla and grinned, "yes, Countess."

Camilla forced to resist the impulse to suck McGonagall's blood, did not expect this looks very serious guy, was so cunning!

"Human beings are indeed the most despicable!" Camilla said in a cold voice.

"I just want to be safe. If the countess doesn't use any more crazy methods, such as tailing, bludgeoning and kidnapping, I can guarantee that no third person will know about the photo stone." Meg said with a harmless smile.

"You... You..." Camilla trembled with anger, but she had no way to attack.

He was the Countess of Bartoli, who was so threatened by a human cook that she could not accept.

McGonagall blinked as he looked at the pair of breasts that swayed with their master. The sun was still shaking.

"Mr. McGonagall, Countess Bartoli... What are you doing?"

Just then, a voice of surprise rang out from behind them.

Gloria, who had just come down from the carriage, looked at the scene in front of the dining room and covered her mouth with her hand.

McGonagall was lying on the deck chair, while Camilla was bullying him, almost completely pressing him under the body, and the distance between the faces was no more than 10 cm.

Such a beautiful scene happened in broad daylight, giving her a huge impact.

Camilla's expression froze again. Although she didn't look back, she recognized that it was Gloria's voice.

Eyes swept down, pale face suddenly rose a trace of blush.

I didn't expect that when I was just excited, I was in such a shameful position with MEG.

More unexpectedly, Miss Gloria appeared at this time!

Looking at the stone in Meg's hand, there was a flicker of hesitation in her eyes. If he gave it to miss Gloria, she would be sentenced to death.

"If the countess really wants to be a waiter in the restaurant, you don't have to. As long as you are qualified, I will welcome you to the restaurant." As soon as McGonagall's words changed, he was serious.


"When did I say I was going to be a waiter? And in order to be a waiter, do you still use seduction? This shameless man Camilla's eyes gradually widened, eager to cut Meg's chest with her sharp nails, and then dig out his heart and eat it.

"I've changed my mind. If I want to get all the photo stones back, please agree to my terms." McGonagall's voice dropped suddenly, and he looked at Camilla and said with a smile.

"Asshole! Let Mrs. Ben be a waiter Camilla felt that she was going to be furious, but when she thought that her shame might be announced to the world, she could only clench her teeth and stood up from McGonagall. She looked at McGonagall haughtily and said, "it's your honor that I can come to your restaurant. You should bow down to welcome me."

"Was it just a job application?" Gloria was stunned by the conversation.

McGonagall ignored Camilla's pretense as Queen and turned to Gloria. He was a little surprised and said, "Miss Gloria, what are you doing here?"

As if she had just found Gloria, Camilla gently pulled her clothes, looked at her with a charming smile and said, "Dear Miss Gloria, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I'm still fine."

"How do you do, Countess?" Gloria bowed slightly, but there was a trace of vigilance in her eyes. Yesterday, her grandfather called her alone to keep some distance and vigilance from the countess. The strange things happened around her before may be caused by her.

Looking at McGonagall, there was more joy in his eyes. He stepped forward two steps with a smile and said, "I want to talk to Mr. McGonagall about something, so I came here abruptly."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have nothing to do now." McGonagall got up from the recliner, looked at Camilla again, and said with a smile, "do you mind, Countess?"

The difference in Gloria's attitude has made Camilla a little sad. McGonagall's attempt to leave the villain to her makes her feel uncomfortable. However, she has to smile and sing. She shakes her head slightly and says, "I won't mind if Miss Gloria has anything to talk about."

"Then please avoid it." McGonagall raised his hand to one side and said with the same smile.

"I..." Camilla clenched her teeth and saw Gloria turn her head. She forced a smile again. "OK, you talk first."

Then he twisted his graceful waist to one side and gave space to MEG and Gloria.

"This guy, sooner or later I'll drain his blood!" Camilla clenched her fist and thought in her heart that for so many years, she had never been so subdued as she is today!

"Miss Gloria, this way." MEG got up and went to meet Gloria. He opened the chair and sat down opposite her. He said with a smile, "what do you want to tell me?"

"Now that Dailan is on the right track, the profits of the past two months have been counted out, one tenth of which belongs to your dividend. I've converted it into a silver note from Buffett's Bank to bring you 530000 copper coins." Gloria took out two money tickets from her small bag and put them on the table. She said with a smile, "I promised to give one tenth of the profits of Dai LAN to the foundation established by Miss Luna to help the children, but miss Luna and I are not very familiar with each other. I don't know if Mr. McGonagall can help transfer the money to her."

"It's cold in winter. She has prepared a batch of children's winter clothes and hopes Miss Luna can help distribute them."

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