The capital of randist, Evo, is surrounded by a ring of silver metal balls, as if wearing a collar.

Except for a few fortresses, all the Mermaids have retreated into the city of Ivo, waiting for the most violent storm to strike.

But this time, landist no longer defends passively, but chooses to attack actively.

On the northwest border, near the location of the curse seal, a mermaid looked at the distant yellow sand, issued a harsh warning signal, and then quickly withdrew into the underground base.

A team of more than 100 mermaids, dressed in bright clothes, provoked the first wave of Youming sharks, and led more than 100 Youming sharks to start running mode.

The chase didn't last long. After the mermaid rushed into a narrow canyon, it disappeared completely, and more than 100 ghost sharks rushed into the canyon.

Countless sonic balls sealed both ends and the top of the canyon, and the ghost shark rolled the hurricane and collided back and forth wildly in the canyon.

A metal ball appeared in the Youming shark group, and the dazzling silver light flashed away. The fierce hurricane around the Youming shark within a kilometer radius instantly disappeared, as if it had been instantly disarmed.

A group of mermaids came down from the sky and stabbed their shining blades into the whirlpool above the ghost shark.

This is a fierce melee, lost the hurricane defense and turning space of the ghost shark, in the fight with the mermaid, for the first time in the downwind.

The same thing happens all over the canyon.

Mermaids with God given artifact, easy to break the ghost shark whirlwind, and then use progress to attack the ghost shark's den, kill or control it!


"Sire, the front report, the third batch of invading netherworld sharks have all been killed!"

A general rushed into the hall and said excitedly.

The king sitting in high position and the high priest standing in the middle of the main hall were smiling.


"The artifact given by the gods is really extraordinary!"

The faces of all the mermaids in the hall also have a happy look. Such a war report has never been heard of in the past thousand years.

The king took a look at the high priest, looked at the general and said in a loud voice: "order to go down, start from the next batch of Youming sharks, don't kill all of them, choose the right Youming sharks to catch, and start to build Youming shark fishing ground!"

"Yes The general promised to leave quickly.

"Wait a minute, let them collect the shark's fins and lips. That adult is of great use." Said the high priest.



When McGonagall came back from chaos school, he plunged into the kitchen and began to complete the last and most important step of Buddha's jumping over the wall.

Take an old Shaoxing wine jar, stack 30 kinds of processed ingredients into the jar in turn, pour in the already cooked soup, carefully seal the mouth of the jar with lotus leaves, and cover a small bowl upside down.

Put the wine jar on the charcoal stove and simmer it.

"What's this, boss?" Phyllis was stunned. MEG added so many ingredients to the big jar. What kind of mysterious food was she going to cook? MEG spent a whole day cooking it.

"You'll know in a moment." McGonagall said with a smile, looking at the half man high wine jar, his eyes were also full of expectation.

This is the so-called high-grade dish in the system. He will wait and see how high it is.

However, it is true that the ingredients of this Buddha jumping off the wall are very advanced. Not to mention the top sea cucumber and abalone, the whole supply chain of shark fins and lips is in the charge of landist, who lost tens of millions of fish farms in the sea.

The cost of such a pot of Buddha leaping over the wall is 20000 copper coins, excluding shark fin and fish lip. Because this supply chain is built by McGonagall himself, it is not included in the cost listed in the system.

"It's not too much to add 10000 coppers to the cost, is it?" McGonagall thought in his mind that such a pot of Buddha jumping over the wall could serve 30 people, with 10000 copper coins for each person. Even if only one jar was sold a day, it would be a profit of 270000.

In fact, McGonagall is still a little worried about the sales of the ten thousand copies.

After all, by far, the most expensive one in the restaurant is spicy grilled fish, 2500 copper coins.

The price of ten thousand copper coins for a portion of food, not to mention the city of chaos, is hard to find a second one even in lodu.

"Such ingredients, even if a pot of stew, it is definitely a tonic in the tonic." McGonagall easily convinced himself that the ingredients he chose could be sold at a high price if he took them out alone.

In addition to having a taste in the evening, he also plans to launch this new product to see what the market feedback is.


On the second floor of the magic potion shop next door, Amy ran upstairs with an empty birdcage. Looking at Julian who was writing something in front of his desk, he said, "Mr. Julian, I just used a teleportation magic for black carbon, but I don't know where to teleport it. Would you help me find it back?"

"In the chimney." Julian said without raising his head.

"Oh! So I went there. No wonder I can't find it anywhere. " Amy's eyes lit up, and then she went downstairs and put her head in the fireplace.

"It's so dark. I can't see anything."

"Light the fire."

"Hoo --"

The fire lit up the interior of the fireplace, bringing warm light and heat.


"My new clothes!"

A shrill cry sounded from the chimney. A blackened crow fell out of the chimney, smoking all over. There was not much bird hair on its body, which was burned bare again. The black charcoal looked down and fainted.

"Poor black charcoal, is that how it died?" She reached out and took out the black charcoal. There was a faint smell of barbecue in the air. She sniffed and her eyes brightened. "It's very fragrant. Bake it for a while, sprinkle some pepper powder and cumin, and you can eat it."

"Are you the devil?"

Black charcoal suddenly opened his eyes, waved his bare wings, and tried to fly to one side of the shelf, looking at Amy with a face of fear. If he woke up later, he had no doubt that Amy would really roast it.

"Great. I thought you were dead, black charcoal." Amy.

"But why do you look so disappointed?"

"Yes? I'm very happy? "

"Sir, we have something to say. Can we put down the magic wand first? I'm... I'm a little scared... "

"Don't be afraid, it will be over soon." Amy's face showed a smile, holding the magic wand and walking toward the shivering black charcoal on the shelf.

"Amy, didn't you say it was Mia's birthday? Would you like to prepare a gift with me? " At this time, Xixi came in from one side and asked with a smile.

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