MEG came back with boiled water full of bamboo tubes and two steamed cakes made of coarse grain flour. This steamed cake is the softest food in the breakfast shop. He tried half of it. Although it didn't melt in the mouth, it was quite friendly for people who couldn't chew it easily.

"Let's have something to eat first, and then drink some water." MEG handed the steamed cake and boiled water to the old lady.

"No, we just need water. How can we have your breakfast?" The old lady repeatedly waved her hand, only took the bamboo tube, and said with a smile: "with boiling water, I just need to soak the cake in the water, and then I can eat it. Thank you very much."

"Yes, thank you very much, sir. We just need boiled water." Old Jack also said with a smile. He quickly opened the lid, poured boiling water into the lid of the bamboo tube, broke some cakes and threw them into the water. The steaming boiling water soon melted the cakes.

"I've already had breakfast. If it's cold, I can't eat this steamed cake. It's a waste. I think it's a pity. Please help me eat it." McGonagall again handed over the steamed cake and said sincerely.


Old Jack and his wife looked at each other, and their faces were a bit embarrassed. It's a pity if such a good steamed cake is wasted, but they feel a little sorry to accept other people's gifts so plainly.

McGonagall continued with a smile and said, "I bought breakfast for you because I wanted to ask you for something. If you don't want to take it, I'm really embarrassed to say so."

"Sir, if you want us to help you, just say it. If we can help you, we won't delay it." The old lady said firmly.

"Sit down and eat, then I'll talk to you." MEG put the steamed cake into the hands of the old lady and Jack.

Two people see shirk, however, McGonagall really did not take away the meaning, had to accept the steamed cake.

McGonagall looked at them and asked curiously, "I want to know how many cleaners are there in Aden square?"

"There are thirty-two people in all. I usually see so many in meetings." Old Jack thought about it and looked at MEG strangely. "What do you want to do with that?"

The old lady also looked at McGonagall strangely, this kind gentleman, why did she ask about the cleaners.

"Oh, well, I'm the owner of the front McMillan restaurant. I think you work very hard every day for the cleaning of Aden square. I want to provide you with a breakfast to warm your stomach in this cold winter." Meg said with a smile.

Old Jack and old lady are looking at McGonagall in surprise. Usually, passers-by don't look at them in the eye. Those restaurants even regard them as monsters, but they will be driven away when they get close to them. That's why they dare not ask for a cup of hot water.

But this gentleman even said that he would provide them with a breakfast?

"Maimi restaurant? Is it the famous restaurant at the end with a long line every day? " Old Jack suddenly thought of something and called softly.

"Oh, it's that restaurant!" The old lady was also surprised.

During meetings these days, I often hear people mention that restaurant. I heard that it won the first place in the food list. Every day, hundreds of guests line up at the door. The food inside costs at least 200 copper coins, and the most expensive one costs 10000 copper coins.

My god!

They really can't imagine what a ten thousand copper dollar portion of food looks like. Is it made of gold?

They both make less than ten thousand coppers a year.

"Well, it should be the restaurant you said." McGonagall nodded. He didn't expect that the fame of the restaurant was higher than he thought.

"You said you were going to provide us with a breakfast?" Old Jack is still a little uncertain asked, this kind of thing is really incredible.

"Yes, I don't know where I can meet your person in charge. I want to have a direct talk with him." MEG nodded.

The old lady quickly regained her composure, pointed to a small alley not far away and said, "our office is on the second floor of that alley. We will have a meeting there at nine o'clock every day, and Mr. sidka, who is in charge of us, will be present at that time."

McGonagall looked in the direction of the old lady's fingers and said with a smile, "OK, thank you both. Please take your time. I'll see you later."

"We should thank you, sir. It's the best breakfast we've ever had." The old lady said gratefully.

McGonagall said goodbye to the two old people and rode his bicycle back to the restaurant. This kind of thing still needs to go to their person in charge to say that it is most appropriate. Moreover, in order to avoid some trouble, it's better to identify the list and the people, so as to avoid the phenomenon of fake recognition.

After all, McGonagall didn't start a charity. He wanted to help people in need, not everyone.


There is still a long line at the door of the Maimi restaurant, and the hadroes are at the front of the line. Hadroe is looking forward to the direction at the door of the restaurant.

As a person who doesn't eat breakfast, he was completely caught by the delicious set meal of soybean milk and fried dough sticks after his first attempt at Maimi restaurant yesterday.

Of course, the most important thing is that after eating that breakfast, yesterday his stomach didn't hurt at all, and he didn't have the symptoms of stomach distension and acid reflux.

It's amazing to play with my wife and daughter all day.

So, this morning, without any words from Doris, he got up and took them to the McMillan again for breakfast with his family.

"Father, can I have an ice cream?" Casey took Hadro's hand and asked expectantly.

Hadro shook his head and said with a smile, "not today. It's too cold in the morning. Will you bring Kathy for ice cream when father's next vacation?"

"All right." Cathy was a little disappointed, but soon showed a smile again. "It's so happy to have dinner with my father every day."

"I feel very happy, too." Hadro touched Kathy's head. In a twinkling of an eye, the little guy had grown so tall that he really lacked too much company. He had to spend more time with them in the future.

"It's a wonderful restaurant." Doris looked at the father and daughter with a happy smile on his face.


"Mr. McGonagall, I'm leaving. The princess needs me." As soon as McGonagall entered the restaurant, Phyllis came up and whispered, "now miss Camilla has been able to take over my job. Even if I leave, it won't affect the business of the restaurant too much."

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