For lunch in advance, MEG made two rougamo for abelmia according to her own request. Amy and MEG made Yangzhou fried rice and rougamo for each other.

"Sister mia, try it. Rougamo is really delicious." Amy was eating fried rice, looking at abemia with a rougamo in her hands.

"Well." Abemia nodded and looked at the rougamo in her hand. She served so many guests in the morning and watched them enjoy the delicious food with happy expression. She didn't know how much saliva she swallowed secretly. After a busy morning, she finally got her own rougamo and took a bite with expectation and solemnity.

"The smell!" Abelmia couldn't help exclaiming!

Two layers of soft and sweet Baiji steamed bread with soft and rotten stewed meat. When she bites it, the delicious gravy overflows. It's full of crisp stewed meat. Every taste bud on the tip of her tongue is cheering and cheering. Compared with Yangzhou fried rice with mild taste, the taste is more exciting. She can't help but close her eyes. After swallowing it, she still has the taste of stewed meat between her lips and teeth.

After swallowing it, the wonderful taste suddenly became a little frenzied, turned into a hot current, ran wildly in the body, made the whole body's blood restless, and her face turned red. It seemed that something wanted to come out of her body. She stood up by pressing the table, opened her mouth and uttered a long dragon chant.

One of the two buttons on the front of the maid's chest broke open directly, revealing a touch of tender white. Under the skirt behind her, a dragon tail full of golden scales suddenly appeared, poking the chair behind her to the ground directly.

MEG and Amy looked up at the same time, their throats moved, and they swallowed the rice in their mouths, their expressions of surprise synchronized.

"It's too much! Besides, is this atavism? " McGonagall raised his eyebrows and glanced over the tender white gully. Unexpectedly, there was a maid dressed in explosive clothes. However, his eyes soon fell on abelmia's dragon tail from under her skirt.

The golden scales about the size of little finger are closely arranged, shining like pure gold, and moving uneasily from side to side. If it turns into a dragon, it may be a golden dragon.

"Wow, it's dragon tail!" Amy looked at abelmia and whispered.

The ugly duckling also took a look with her head, but she was not afraid. On the contrary, she bared her teeth as if she saw her opponent, and stretched out her claws forward.

"It should be all right." MEG frowned. It would be a good thing for abelmia if the direction of returning to ancestors was the dragon. After all, the dragon stood on the top of Nolan continent and was born strong.

Abemia stopped the Dragon chant and opened her eyes slowly. The golden eye had a golden light in it. Her cheeks were red, and her forehead was covered with fine sweat. Her eyes were also a little confused. She felt that a giant beast trapped in her body had been released completely at that moment. That kind of hearty feeling, It makes her feel a little weak in her legs.

But at the same time, wisps of warmth slowly gathered in her body, like a strange energy, constantly injected into her flesh and blood, which was a sense of fullness she had never experienced before. She could not help but give a cry, and then her eyes turned to Amy and MEG with a spoon in one hand.

Looking down at her chest, she suddenly became more red. She stood up straight and tried to block her chest.

Unexpectedly, when she was nervous, the chair beside the dragon tail was knocked over to the ground. She looked back, her eyes fell on the dragon tail exposed from her skirt, and said, "what is this?" Little face a white, anxious about to cry out.

"Mia, don't be nervous. You are a half dragon. After eating this rougamo, there may be atavism or evolution, which should be good for you." MEG got up and gently took abelmia's shoulder, looked into her eyes and said gently.

She is only a 17-year-old girl. Her previous growth experience makes her lack of security, and seeing that she suddenly has a dragon tail, no matter who it is, it is impossible for her to calm down immediately.

Abelmia looked at Meg's gentle eyes, and her mood gradually calmed down. She grabbed her collar with one hand and said with red eyes, "but I don't want a tail. I don't want to be looked at with strange eyes. It's strange enough to have a pair of dragon horns. If there's another dragon tail..."

"Why is it strange? It's lovely." MEG smiles, shakes his head and looks at her with encouragement.

"Yes, yes, what a lovely dragon tail. If sister MIA turns into a dragon, she can fly to the sky with Xiaomi and the ugly duckling." Amy also nodded and said seriously.

"But I just want to be an ordinary person, can continue to work in the restaurant, but now this way..." abelmia expression some tangled, put on the shoulder of the hand let her feel warm, McGonagall and Amy encourage the eyes also let her feel comforted, but looking at the golden dragon tail behind her, face is helpless and worried.

MEG looked at abelmia, suddenly a little pity, if ordinary people know that they may be able to become a powerful dragon, the first idea must be excited.

The power that people look up to, and the chance to return all the grievances she had suffered before, were now in front of her.

However, her first thought was to worry that she would lose her job in the restaurant because of the extra tail. She didn't seem to hate the exploitative and shameless boss, and didn't want to revenge those who bullied her. She just wanted to live a peaceful life.

"Don't worry. Even with this tail, you are still the only employee in the restaurant." MEG shook his head and said seriously.

"Boss Mai." Abelmia looked up at MEG, her eyes red.

"And maybe you can concentrate and try to put your tail away." MEG took the hand off her shoulder and said with a smile. Abemia is not the only one who has changed after eating rougamo. Amy and Sargeras both get benefits. The system has also promised that there will be no adverse reactions, so this change may be controllable.

"Put it away?" Abelmia's eyes brightened, and she closed them slowly, clenched her fist tightly. After a while, a golden light suddenly flashed over her body, and the dragon tail sticking out from under her skirt disappeared.

"Well, the dragon's tail is gone." Amy looked down, surprised.

"Really Yabeimia also opened her eyes, full of surprise, and turned around in the same place. Her skirt floated slightly, and there was no more dragon tail. Looking at MEG, she was a little excited and said, "boss McGonagall, I can really control it to disappear."

"That's good. Is there any other change in the body besides that?" McGonagall also breathed a sigh of relief. The system was really reliable. He turned to ask curiously.

"I feel like I have endless power in my body. Even if I work all day, I won't be tired." Abelmia clenched her fist and felt the change of her body. She was surprised.

"That's a good thing." McGonagall nodded with a smile, looked at the rougamo on the table, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "do you still eat this rougamo?"

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