Goodell manor is brightly lit, and a dinner is going on. The distinguished people in gorgeous gowns are holding crystal cups and talking and laughing with each other.

Mr. Chanel, the head of the gudell family, invited you to join in the three-year engagement between their father and son.

Of course, people close to Chanel know that he intends to take this opportunity to introduce his successor to you.

Everyone knows that the young master of the Goodall family doesn't like business, but prefers to be a knight. These years, Chanel has been worried.

However, the three-year appointment has arrived tonight, and the young master who was once praised for his talent and transcendence has not been able to become an intermediate knight. According to the agreement, he will give up his knighthood ideal and become the successor of the Goodall family.

As one of the four big families in the chaotic city, the gudell family has a great influence in the chaotic city. This kind of treatment of the only son is the envy of the aristocratic children of other families who struggle for the inheritance right.

But this young master Adams, who only wants to be a knight, has become a joke in the circle of the second generation of children.

"That young master Adams must be very upset today, isn't he? I'm going to be forced to inherit hundreds of millions of assets. "

"Oh, if you say no, you may have been happy for a long time. There are no idiots who don't like money in the world."

"It's true. It's said that many families want to send the first lady to Goodall. He should be very happy, too."

A few young dignitaries gathered together, laughing and talking, the tone is full of disdain and ridicule, but the expression is full of envy and jealousy.

Chanel was very happy today, smiling to welcome the guests. His bald head seemed to shine a lot.

Her wife stood beside him, smiling. When there was no one around, she tugged at Charney's sleeve and whispered, "master, will Adams not be happy? Will he be ashamed of you for making such a big scene? "

"Don't worry. In his chivalry, which he loves the most, there is an honest and trustworthy one. He will come. It's an agreement between men." Chanel shook his head without worry, then stepped forward with a smile, shook his hand with hill, who had just arrived, and said with a smile, "Miss Hill, thank you for coming."

"You're welcome. It's an interesting duel. It's worth seeing with your own eyes." Hill drew back his hand and said with a smile.

"Lord, here you are A voice rang out, and all of them were quiet. They all looked at the direction of the door. They were surprised that Chanel invited the Lord of the city.

"Lord, thank you for your time in your busy schedule." Mr. and Mrs. chanels quickly stepped forward and said respectfully, with smiles on their faces.

Today, in order to build up momentum for Adams, he has worked hard, but as the successor of the Goodall family, he deserves such a scene.

"Chanel, I'm not here for you today, but for our young knight who is troubled by inheriting property or becoming a good knight. I personally support him to become a good knight and guard the chaotic city." Michael said with a broad smile.

Chanel was slightly stunned, but soon said with a smile: "you are his idol. If he hears you, he will be very happy."

One after another, a man close to Chanel said with a smile, "Chanel, where's our knight Adams? Today's protagonist is him. "

"Don't worry, he will come. He should be on his way now." Chanel replied with a smile and winked at the old housekeeper standing by. The housekeeper understood and turned to leave quickly.

They all exchanged cups and talked with each other. This kind of dinner gathering half of the powerful people in the chaotic city is not many. Many people come here to make more friends and establish deeper relationships with you.

As for witnessing the eldest young master of the Goodall family become the heir, it's just a passing matter. The news about him is no secret. He has not made any progress in three years, and has been basically determined that he can't become an intermediate knight in his life.

Of course, as a family successor, he does not need any strong personal force, so after he completely controls the Goodall family, he will still become a few powerful people in the chaotic city.

In most people's eyes, his efforts to become a knight are just a joke.

"Chanel, you can rest assured to retire." A middle-aged man touched Chanel's glass with his glass and said with a smile.

"To make him familiar with the business and know how to manage a family business, I think retirement is still far away." Chanel shook his head. The smile on his face betrayed his mood.

The whole dinner party was full of fun. Everyone was waiting for Adams to come. The three-year appointment can be concluded.


"Shao..." as soon as the old housekeeper raised his hand to knock on the door, the door opened from inside, and Adams, dressed in gold and silver armor, came out with a big sword hanging at his waist.

He doesn't wear armor. His hair is very short, almost bald. If you look at it carefully, you can still see that his hair is very short, just like grass sprouting in spring, growing hard.

"Let's go." Adams looked at the old housekeeper and said calmly.

"Little... Young master, it's not suitable for you to wear like this. I've just prepared a dress for you. Why don't you go back and change into a dress?" The housekeeper hesitated and said that he thought today's young master looked different, but he couldn't say anything different.

"No, I'm not going to dinner today. I'm just fulfilling my three-year agreement." Adams went forward first.

"Young master, this is not suitable..." the old housekeeper quickly followed. He finally wanted to understand why Adams looked different. He didn't wear a wig today.

"And! The young master's hair has grown out again The old housekeeper followed Adams, looking at the short hair coming out of his shining head. His heart was shocked.

As an old man who spent his whole life in Goodall manor, he witnessed the bald life of old Goodall, the course of chieftain Chanel from a bald boy to a bald middle-aged man, and watched young master Adams grow bald.

Baldness is like a curse, tied to the Goodall family.

But now!

Adams has grown his hair again!

This is incredible, isn't it?!

"Father, here I am."

Adams stepped into the ballroom and said in a loud voice.

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