Chanel, who has been shopping for a long time, still can't control the surprise on his face when he looks at the shining sword in Adams' hand.

Just three days ago, he went to the master who taught Adams' swordsmanship to confirm that Adams didn't succeed in breaking through, and it seemed that he might stay in the level of a third Knight all his life. That's why he had this grand dinner.

But why today, Adams has become an intermediate knight, this is too puzzling!

Mrs. Chanel stood aside, looking at the father and son with a tangled face. She was happy for Adams and worried about Chanel. She didn't know what to say.

"Adams, when did you break through? Have you really become an intermediate knight? " Chanel calmed himself down quickly, looked at Adams and asked, with some doubt in his eyes.

"I just broke through last night." Adams calm, and then looked to the side of Michael, respectfully said: "whether has become an intermediate knight, I want to ask the Lord as a witness."

"The sword Qi turns into light, which can be achieved only after breaking through level 4. In my opinion, the Qi and blood in Adams' body has really reached level 4, and he has officially become an intermediate knight." Michael nodded, then held out his right hand to Adams and said with a smile, "Congratulations, young man's Knight."

"Thank you." Adams quickly put away his sword, reached out and shook Michael's hand. His face was very excited.

"With the witness of the Lord of the city, it seems that this three-year contract will end with Adams's victory."

"Chanel is going to lose sleep again. As a son, he really doesn't know what to say."

"How powerful, young level Four Knight!"

People looked at Adams father and son with different expressions, some were surprised, some were gloating, and some little fans showed their adoring smile.

"Father, you will keep the promise, won't you?" Adams looked at Chanel, trying to control his emotions.

Chanel's hand was shaking slightly, but he had been waiting for three years until this day. He thought he was going to start his successor cultivation plan, but Adams gave him a head-on blow.

But today's stage has been set up, and most of the powerful people in the chaotic city gather together. Lord Michael himself makes a judgment. If he goes back on his word, he will become a man of no faith, and the face of the Goodall family will be wiped out.

"Adams, I appreciate your character and talent as a knight, and you have proved it again in front of everyone. You have become a level 4 Knight of honor. Your mother and I are proud of you." Chanel reached out and patted Adams on the shoulder. He said with a kind smile

"I promise you that I will not interfere with you in the future and continue to advance towards becoming a great knight. However, I hope you can consider that when you become a great knight, you will also become an excellent successor of the Goodall family and shoulder the mission of continuing the glory of the Goodall family. "

Chanel's eyes were burning at Adams, with hope and expectation in his eyes.

"Adams, your father has only one child." Adams's mother also stepped forward two steps, gently took Chanel's hand, looking at Adams affectionately.

Everyone's eyes are looking at Adams, such a condition, no one should be able to refuse it?

In most people's eyes, Adams just wants to be a knight after playing. When he has enough, it's time to return to the position he should have stayed.

"Sorry, father, I refuse." Adams looked at Chanel, slightly raised his chin, showing a confident smile, "my hair has grown out again, I believe I can become an excellent knight, my goal is to become a great Knight like Alex, what I need is concentration, so I can't be distracted for money and women."

"Hair?" Chanel's eyes went up and fell on Adams's head. Under the bright candlelight, his head did have a short layer of new hair, fine as fluff, like grass moistened by spring rain, all of which came out from his head.

"Adams's hair is really growing again!" Adams's mother's face a joy, subconsciously step forward, looking at the new hair full of the top of the head, eyes have been red.

"Did it really grow again?" Chanel murmured with an unexpected look on his face. When he first started to lose his hair, he was once autistic and thought of countless ways to revive his hair. However, neither doctors nor magicians could do anything about it. After many years, he gradually accepted his bald appearance. But every time he heard someone talking behind his back, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Wow, can baldness be cured now?"

Many people are also surprised. Many people who are suffering from hair loss brighten their eyes and look at Adams, thinking about how to get close to him and ask about the way to save hair loss.

Chanel looked at Adams as if he had been covered with a layer of light by the light. His eyes were still as clean and pure as a teenager. He remembered the teenager who wanted to be an excellent musician, but finally chose to compromise. Now he has forgotten how to hold the instrument.

"Am I still the one I hated?" Chanel thought in his heart with some self mockery, looked at Adams and said with a smile: "since you want to be a knight like Alex, he is 30 years old and invincible, then I will wait for you for another ten years. If you are still a nameless native and I am old, you will come back to inherit your family."

Adams looked at Chanel in surprise. He thought his father would try every means to block him. Unexpectedly, he proposed a ten-year agreement again.

Looking at the lonely color in his eyes, Adams felt guilty for the first time. After a moment of silence, he nodded his head solemnly and said, "OK, ten years' appointment. If I am still a nobody after ten years, I will come back to inherit the family business and let the glory of the Goodall family continue."

Michael stepped forward and said with a broad smile, "in this case, I'll be the witness for this ten-year appointment."

"What a strange man." Hill looked at Adams and thought, but then he thought, I'm afraid he's a strange person in other people's eyes.


It was late at night, and the restaurant had already closed. The dark hall on the first floor was silent.

At this time, a bat hanging upside down in the corner quietly fell down and turned into Camilla in a black dress. She said with a cold smile: "ha ha, stupid human, when I get the photo stone, you must look good!"

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