It took MEG more than 50 days to get to where he is now. If he could go back to the past, he would slap him in the face. "Don't be blind when you're free!"

At the beginning, those requirements were to force himself to a dead end. Even if he had the most perfect experience of making tofu in his mind, after thousands of times of practice, he was not very confident that he could pass through the system.

However, these two portions of bean curd are absolutely the most perfect salty and sweet bean curd he has ever made. Whether it's the production of bean curd, or the deployment of sugar sauce and sauce, they have achieved the ultimate goal. The faint smell of bean flower floating in the air and the flavor of sauce make him swallow his mouth water.

People who like sweet bean curd should be more interested in the bowl of sweet bean curd on the left. After all, even when he smells the faint smell of bean curd and the sweet but not greasy smell, he has a little desire to try.

Waiting for the systematic judgment, McGonagall was a little nervous and expecting.

In cooking, the system has no meaning to discuss from beginning to end, which is one of his bottom lines.

And McGonagall didn't want to complete the task by other means, to make every dish the best, this is his attitude.

The system was silent for a while and said: "according to the original request of the host, the review results are as follows:

1. Color of bean curd: white as jade, without any impurity;

2. Taste of bean curd: tender as fat, easy to melt in the mouth, with a light bean flavor;

3. Side dishes: fresh and refreshing, with appropriate - to achieve;

4. Sauce: bright orange red, refreshing and delicious, fragrant but not greasy.

The requirements of salty tofu brain are met, and the previous hosts have no requirements for sweet tofu brain. However, according to the judgment of this system, sweet tofu brain has also reached the level of salty tofu brain.

The four requirements were achieved at the same time, and we enjoyed the host together. We successfully learned how to make salty and sweet bean curd and completed the task. "

"Hoo..." McGonagall breathed a long sigh of relief, with a happy smile on his face. He was able to meet the requirements of his previous life. The continuous efforts of these decades were not in vain, and then he could make Amy a delicious tofu for breakfast.

A bowl of delicious salted bean curd with a rougamo in wax sauce, breakfast, perfect match.

"System, let me out to find it, I'm going to soak soybeans!" McGonagall didn't argue with the system. Looking at the salty bean curd on the table, he wanted to taste it, but he forced his eyes back and said aloud.

All the scenes suddenly disappeared. MEG, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes. After lying on the bed for a while, he turned on the bedside lamp and looked at the alarm clock. It was two o'clock in the middle of the night.

"It seems that we can make one for breakfast before opening, and give Amy a little surprise." McGonagall got up with a smile on his face and put on a dress to go downstairs.

"Mother... Is that you? Are you waiting for me? " At this moment, Amy suddenly made a whisper.

MEG walked slowly to the side of the bed. Amy, lying on the cot, pursed her mouth slightly. Her closed eyes and long eyelashes were trembling slightly. Her expression seemed to be a little surprised, but also a little tangled and aggrieved.

"But... I don't even know what you look like. Can you turn around and show me? Just a moment, just a moment... "Amy's voice was even more aggrieved, and her little hand outside the quilt was raised, as if trying to catch something.

"Xiaomi, my father is here, and I'm here." Meg said softly, holding Amy's little hand and wrapping it with a warm big one.

Meg's heart sank for a moment. Although he tried hard to give her all the love and warmth, it seems that she still miss her mother. After all, Amy is only a four-year-old child. Other children can cuddle up in her mother's arms and act capriciously, but she has never seen her own mother.

The ugly duckling didn't know when to wake up. She also gave a gentle cry and licked Amy's arm through her clothes. She seemed to be worried.

"My father..." after Meg's warm big hand wrapped his little hand, Amy slowly calmed down, whispered and fell asleep again.

"What happened? Where is she now? " MEG put Amy's hand in the quilt, tucked in the corner of the quilt, rubbed the ugly duckling's head, frowned and thought. He stood by the bed and kept silent for a while. Looking at Amy's face, he clenched his fist and whispered to himself: "well, although he didn't want to be involved in the past, it's still necessary to find his mother, If she could be around, Xiaomi would be happier than now, right? Little guy, I learned to hide my worries at a young age. It's really sensible and distressing. "

McGonagall went downstairs and tried to recall the memory of the fairy princess. But I don't know if it was McGonagall Alex who eliminated it or those people who tampered with it. All the memories of the fairy princess are blank,.

Don't remember her voice, don't remember her face, even the name don't remember, only know she is fairy princess, is Amy's biological mother.

"Judging from what those people have done, she should be forced. Otherwise, if we want to sever the relationship between them, we don't need such a big battle to shake the whole empire." MEG took out a pen and paper from the counter and wrote some names and influences on it.

What a proud man MEG Alex is. If she wants to cut off, he will never look back; If others want to break them up, that night is his destiny.

However, his serious injury will soon lead to the death of two level 9 knights, three level 9 demons, and a level 10 magician. This is his glorious battle as the strongest level 9 Griffin knight in Nolan.

"MEG Alex, fairy princess, imperial royal family, wizard tower, elves, demons..." MEG whispered. This is the person and influence involved in the incident. MEG Alex also analyzed it afterwards, so he can look at his memory.

The second prince should be the instigator of the imperial family. The king of Los Empire has four sons. The third prince has a disability in his right leg. The fourth Prince is only seven years old now. Therefore, the 30-year-old eldest prince and the 26 year-old second prince are candidates for the throne.

The prince has a good relationship with the military. He has been in the military for many years. When he was at the border, he fought side by side with MEG Alex. It seems that he has a good relationship, and the military tends to support him as a whole.

The second prince, who has good magic talent, grew up in the wizard tower. It is said that he respected every magician in the wizard tower as a teacher and claimed to be a disciple of all the magicians. He also respected ordinary magicians and won the hearts of magicians.

Therefore, the two men's fight for the right can be called equal, and no one dares to say what the result will be.

At this juncture, McGonagall Alex, riding a Griffin to kill the Dragon many times and save the people from fire and water, completely overshadowed the position of the magician in the eyes of the people, and even became famous in the whole continent.

Some people say, "whoever gets Alex gets the world!"

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