"Take out?"

MEG pick eyebrow, although the cold winter has arrived, the hot pot is late, the reward is very attractive, but what is the operation of providing takeout order?

"System, don't you always emphasize that as a kitchen god, you must have a strong personality? Is delivery too low? Which Michelin 3-star do you want to take out? McGonagall said, "and now the reception of guests to the restaurant has been busy enough, and many guests can not eat in line, how can we have the energy and time to do takeout?"

"Host, this takeout is not a random order, but based on humanitarianism. On the premise of not affecting the normal business, it provides limited takeout service for some guests who can't come to the restaurant in person. At the same time, it charges a certain amount of distribution. In addition to the limited space, it expands the territory of the restaurant and gains more praise." The system is strict.

"I'll order the takeout?" MEG asked tentatively.

"This permission is decided by the host. The countdown starts in two days. Please recruit riders as soon as possible and start the takeaway business in a different world." The system sounds light and fast.

"Take away rider." As soon as Meg raised his eyes, he just saw Connie, who had moved to the door of the restaurant on tiptoe. Her petite figure was wearing only a thin dress, and she had just been torn.

Outside, there were a group of ferocious orcs looking for her, so they let her out, Meg's heart was a little uneasy.

"I said..." Meg said.

Hearing the sound, Connie stopped. The blush on her face had not faded. She was in a panic. Wouldn't he take it seriously? But this is not a dream! She saved her virginity for 16 years. Is it really because she wanted to repay this meal to him?

Although he is very good-looking, and the food is delicious, if he can cook such delicious food for me every day, it seems that it would be better for him to sleep

"No! No way Connie shakes her head and drives the shame out of her mind. She has to go back to rescue his brother and avenge her father. How can she get stuck here because of a delicious meal.

"My mother said that men are not good things. We must stay away from them. If we get a kiss, we will get pregnant. I can't get pregnant so easily..."

"Do you have a place to go?" McGonagall asked, looking at Connie frozen at the door.

"No Connie replied subconsciously.

But as soon as she answered, she immediately regretted it. Could McGonagall be testing her? Knowing that she had no place to go, he forced her to stay and shut her up in a dark little house

"The restaurant needs to recruit an employee. Would you like to try?" McGonagall didn't bother to guess what was going on in her strange mind. She asked straight to the point.

"Employees?" Connie was stunned for a moment and said nervously, "is it just to be your servant? You have to do everything, and you have to do it? "

McGonagall: Yes

Who are these people!

Is he such a person?

But can we still recruit such employees? Where to go?

"No, no!" McGonagall rubbed his eyebrows and felt that he was going to be misled by this guy. At the same time, he had great doubts about his hasty decision. It might not be a wise choice to leave this guy.

McGonagall calmed down for a moment and explained: "employees refer to the staff of the restaurant. Some employees are responsible for ordering, some for cleaning, and some for handling the ingredients. They are responsible for their own duties..."

"Do you still have many employees?" Connie lost her voice. "How do you arrange for them to sleep?"

"I said it! The restaurant staff are not responsible for sleeping with me! " Meg's voice could not help saying to her.

Connie shrunk her neck and said weakly, "you... Didn't say..."

"Well, you can go." McGonagall decided to take back his reckless decision.

"If I don't have to sleep with you, will you give me food every day? Or give me that... That... Gold coin? " Connie thought it over and asked in a low voice.

She has been in the city of chaos for two days. The city of chaos is so big, but she can't find a place to stay. She curled up under the bridge and slept all night yesterday. She was bitten by a mouse in the middle of the night. What she fears most is the mouse. It seems that the restaurant is quite clean and there should be no old rat. If she can sleep on the ground here at night, it's very good.

Moreover, after leaving the tribe, she knew that the outside world only recognized gold coins. No matter what, she had to have gold coins. It was a good thing.

"I don't think you are suitable for this job." MEG shook his head indifferently.

"Why? I can do anything but sleep with you." Connie said confidently.

"I think you're stupid." MEG still shook his head.

"Whining, whining..." Connie's pink cat ears drooped, tears began to flow on the spot, and her shoulders shrugged, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"What are you doing?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this guy has a simple mind, but he also knows how to win sympathy with tears. However, what he hates most in his life is to sell miserably. This will only make him more firm in his decision. This kind of employee who only wants to solve problems by crying

"Otherwise, I'll sleep with you. You just need to support me. I'm very good at it, and I eat less..." Connie grabs McGonagall's arm, then sticks it directly up, and says crying. The two soft balls are squeezed out of shape on McGonagall's arm.

"Stop, stop, stop!" MEG quickly stopped the stupid girl's further behavior and pushed her back half a meter by pressing her forehead. It seems that he underestimated her. Her brain circuit to solve problems is quite strange.

Looking at the tearful cat ear girl, with her intelligence quotient, she is expected to be abducted when she goes out. Moreover, she is still the kind of girl who is sold and helps others count money with a smile.

"You have a three-day probationary period to prove to me that you are worthy of me to keep you, otherwise, you still have to go. After the formal admission, I will pay you salary, and ensure your safety. " Meg said sternly.

"Well." Connie nodded, wiped her tears two or three times, looked at McGonagall with interest and said, "so what should I do now?"

McGonagall took a look at Connie's clothes, which were full of holes, with a big crack on her chest, and the perspiration obviously left by not taking a bath for many days. He frowned slightly and said, "go and take a bath first."

"Is this... So fast?" Connie was a little nervous. "It's my first time..."

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