"Connie, this is your room. The boss has prepared a set of toiletries for you and put them in the bathroom. Yours is blue." Mia took Connie into the room and said with a smile.

"Thank you." Connie said, her eyes were completely attracted by the furnishings and warm decorations in the room.

Comfortable big bed, beautiful dressing table, and French window facing the square, open the curtain, stars can come in through the window.

"This is a wonderful room!" Connie said with admiration, gently fell on the bed and felt the soft silk was slowly wrapped around her. The warm and soft feeling was so comfortable.

After sleeping in the open for half a month, I finally got a place to settle down. Unexpectedly, it was so comfortable.

Mia looked at Connie lying on the bed with a smile on her face. When she first lay on the big bed in the room, she was the same as Connie. She felt that she could lie on the bed all her life, because it was so comfortable.

After feeling the softness and warmth on the bed for a while, Connie reluctantly got up to wash. As soon as she entered the bathroom, she was surprised to see the two faucets.

"The boss really has a dragon fetish, and even installed a tap in the staff dormitory..." Connie muttered. Then she turned on the tap, picked up a handful of warm water and splashed it on her face with a big smile. "It's so convenient for me to install a tap at home in the future..."


"How many days has the Maimi restaurant been closed? Why do I feel like a hundred years have passed? "

"It's been closed for seven or eight days. Is boss Mai inflated? It's a good shop. It's not open for more than ten days. "

"Brother, you mean it... Did you learn from the PE teacher?"

"Don't mention that our P.E. teacher was our math teacher's husband. He took our math teacher's class every day and didn't go to the playground, so he gave us math class. Later, half of the class almost failed to graduate."

Early in the morning, there was a long line at the door of the McMillan restaurant. Many people came earlier than the cleaners. Looking at the notice that had been removed from the door, they were relieved.

At 6:30, the cleaners also arrived at the door of Maimi restaurant on time. They didn't eat the preserved egg and lean meat porridge made by boss Mai for two days. They felt that it was much colder when sweeping the floor. The hot porridge in the early morning could warm the whole day.

When the bell rang, the door of the dining room opened. MIA came out with a big pot in her hands. Barbara and others came out with a big bowl. MEG walked at the end with a big spoon and a bulletin board.

"Boss Mai, you said yesterday that there was a new product today. Did you come out?" Harrison, who was at the front of the line, asked curiously.

Everyone's eyes brighten when they hear the words. Is boss Mai asking for leave to develop new products these days? If there is a new delicious food that can comfort the stomach that has been waiting for a few days, it will be OK to put up the pigeon for no reason.

"It says on the notice." McGonagall put the sign on the door with a smile and held the spoon to the bucket whose lid had been lifted.

"Today's new product: minced pepper fish head! Limit: at noon and in the evening. "

The crowd looked at the notice one after another, and someone in front of it read aloud.

"Fish head with chopped pepper? Sounds like another spicy fish? "

"Shouldn't the fish head be thrown away? Why can we make a dish? Is it really delicious? "

"For those who like fish, I'm looking forward to this new product. Moreover, the meat near the fish's head is super tender, OK?"

The guests in the queue immediately talked about the new products.

McGonagall just laughs and doesn't give any answers to this. Delicious food can only be realized by tasting it in person. If he talks too much, it is easy for people to have redundant associations.

The steaming preserved egg and lean meat porridge is scooped into a big bowl and handed to a cold hand cleaner. Looking at their simple smile, their mood will be better.

With Mia's help, more than 30 bowls of preserved egg and lean meat porridge were quickly handed out to the cleaners. They were sitting on the steps with big bowls and sipping hot porridge. The throats of the familiar customers who came to line up early in the morning could not help rolling.

"Mr. Mai, why don't you sell me a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge in this pot? This morning I watched others eat, but I didn't have enough last night. Who can stand it?" A familiar customer looked at MEG with a melancholy face.

"Yes, boss Mai, you see how early we are here. Let's have hot porridge first. We are all regular customers. We can eat standing." Other guests also follow Ying he's way. In winter, a bowl of hot porridge is better than anything else. Although most of them are dignified people, they don't pay attention to it at all.

The breakfast of preserved egg and lean meat porridge was just launched by Maimi restaurant a few days ago. It is only provided at breakfast. Because fried dough sticks and soybean milk are too delicious, there are not many people trying this new breakfast.

However, the guests in the queue were cold and hungry. Looking at the hot porridge and smelling the delicious smell, their stomachs began to purr. Then they realized that this breakfast might be underestimated by them.

"It's not business hours yet. It's a kind of preserved egg and lean meat porridge for them, so I can't sell it to you." McGonagall shook his head. There was no room for negotiation. He was puzzled and said, "besides, there is still an hour to go before business hours. You can come back to line up later. Why do you have to line up early in the morning? In this way, it will be you who will suffer the loss every day."

"Boss Mai, I have to blame you. I go to work at eight o'clock to have your breakfast. If I'm late, I have to be late for work." A young girl coughed two times, a little grumbling.

"Yes, we want to be late, but when we are late, the front position will be occupied. Mr. Mai, the more famous you are, the harder it will be for us guests. It's all tears when we talk too much." The other guests nodded. Who didn't want to sleep more in his warm bed? It's not because he was afraid that he would miss the breakfast.

Most of those who come early have to go to work and open a shop. Of course, some of them come early because they haven't eaten the delicious food in the Maimi restaurant for three days.

McGonagall looked at the crowd and felt a little sorry. It's not easy to queue up so long in advance in this winter.

People looked at McGonagall and wondered if McGonagall would make breakfast for them in advance because he was moved.

McGonagall thought about it seriously, and said“ Well, I'll make it a rule that queuing will not be accepted half an hour before the business starts. Even if the customers come to the queue early, they can only queue half an hour earlier at most. "

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