Lodu, the palace.

A knight stood down in front of the king and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the cook of the chaotic city refused to come to lodu. His knight happened to encounter Roland, the Lord of the grey temple. He had no way to bring him back. Please bring him back."

"Won't you come?" There was a smile on the king's face that he had expected. He waved his hand and said, "it's not your fault. He dared to refuse my invitation in the main hall at the beginning. It's not unusual to refuse your invitation, but I didn't expect Roland would come out in person for the sake of a chef."

"Shall I investigate the cook?" Asked the knight.

"No, I have something more important for you to do." Andre shook his head, lowered his voice and said a few words to the knight, who promised to leave.

"No, it's not good to talk to Vanessa." Andre sighed. His dignified face rarely showed some helpless color. He walked back and forth in the hall for two times, and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Princess, here comes the king." Lola ran into the room in a hurry and looked at Princess Vanessa, who was reading in bed.

"Really! Did father invite chef McGonagall Vanessa got up from the bed and asked in surprise, letting Lola help with the laundry.

"His majesty didn't say anything to his servant, but his majesty invited him personally. The cook had the courage to come." Lola shook her head, but she was more determined.

"Yes, my father is the most powerful king in the world." With a smile on her face, Vanessa straightened her hair and walked out of the room briskly.

"Father, is chef McGonagall here?" As soon as Vanessa entered the hall and looked at the king standing at the window, she quickly stepped forward and looked at him expectantly.

"It's chef McGonagall, chef McGonagall, who forgets my father completely. Can't the king of tanglous Empire compare with a chef in the city of chaos?" Andre said with a straight face, but looked into Vanessa's eyes with a smile.

"Who said, no one in the world can match his father." Vanessa shook her head, but then she turned around and said expectantly, "is he in LoDo? Or is it already in the palace? Can we have his dinner tonight? "

Lola stood outside the door, listening to the dialogue between the king and Princess Vanessa, smiling on her face. Her Majesty was most in love with her royal highness. Beside the princess, she had never seen her majesty angry, and what she was all about.

"He refused my invitation." Andre shook his head.

"No?" Vanessa was stunned, looked at Andrea and said, "doesn't he want to come and make dinner for us?"

"No!" Lola closed her mouth, eyes full of surprise, there are people in the world dare to refuse the king's invitation, and that is just a cook!

Though I know from her royal highness, it is a very good cook who can cook very delicious food.

But anyway, he is only a humble cook. It is his honor to cook food for the nobles. He can receive the invitation from the king to come to the palace to cook dinner for his royal highness and his royal highness. How glorious is that? How can he refuse it?

"Yes, he is an interesting cook. At my Palace Banquet before, I invited him to stay in the imperial dining room. He also refused my invitation, saying that he would go back and continue to cook food for his guests." Andre nodded. There were not many people who dared to refuse him, but McGonagall, who refused him twice in a row, although he was only a humble cook, still let him remember.

However, perhaps his spicy grilled fish is too unforgettable, which makes him often think of it when he has a meal, and he even feels that the food made recently by the imperial dining room tastes ordinary.

"Is that so? It's really a very interesting cook to refuse the king's invitation and cook for ordinary guests. " Vanessa, who had been somewhat lost, gradually brightened her eyes. The chef who dared to refuse the king's invitation must have extraordinary courage to bring food to more people instead of sticking to the bustling palace. This chef is really great.

"Don't be upset, Vanessa. No matter where he is in the mainland, he will come to cook for you as long as you ask." Andre comforted.

"Well." Vanessa nodded, turned her eyes, looked at Andre and asked, "I hear uncle Abraham is in the city of chaos now. He goes to the McMillan every day, doesn't he?"

"Well, he had a good stutter. Last time he went to the city of chaos with chef McGonagall, he didn't come back for months. It seems that he forgot that he was the Duke of the Los empire." Andre said with a trace of helplessness.

Of all his brothers, Abraham was the last one he could discipline.

When he was fighting for the throne of king, Abraham was the most determined to stand beside him. He even blocked an arrow for him in the battle of seizing the throne and was seriously injured.

After he ascended the throne, he intended to entrust a heavy task to Abraham, but after he recovered his wounds, he resigned from all his posts, only retained his title, and even did not divide his territory. He did nothing but eat, drink and play every day. He was the first free man in the Norland Empire.

"Well, I'll wait for that day. When chef McGonagall comes to Luodu, he'll make delicious food for me." Vanessa said cleverly, but a little cunning flashed in her eyes. The delicious food that can make uncle Abel forget to return must be the best in the world. She must try it herself.

"Well, I'll ask the imperial dining room to prepare your favorite pear porridge. My father will deal with the government affairs first." Andre said, looking at Vanessa fondly.

"Well, father, you can do it." Vanessa nodded, took Andre out of the door, watched him go away, and immediately waved to Lola.

"Princess." Lola came up.

"Lola, get your things together. We're going to get ready to leave." Vanessa whispered.

"Does the princess want to go to the manor again?" Lola doubts a way, this just returned to the palace a few days ago.

Vanessa said with a sly smile, "that's what they say to my father, but actually the place we're going to is the city of chaos. I'm going to find uncle Abraham."

"City of chaos!" Lola's voice rose a little.

"Shh, I'll be heard later." Vanessa covers Lola's mouth.

"But... But your highness, if the king and queen find you are gone, you will be very anxious." Lola whispered anxiously.

Vanessa said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. When we get to the city of chaos, I'll find uncle Abraham and ask him to write to my father."

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