"Ha ha, Krasu, do you think I'm that stupid dragon? This time, don't do me any harm, or I'll seal you up in the ice. " Julian, too, said with a sneer, in a cold voice.

"Elena?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows and said it in his heart. He felt that the name seemed familiar. When he looked at the two men who were going to fight, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In Krasu's information, twenty years ago, he wanted to take the fairy princess as an apprentice, but the matter was not settled later. However, judging from the current situation, it seems that this matter has something to do with Julian, so this Irina is likely to be the fairy princess.

"Why? Black charcoal, you're here. Where's mung bean? " Amy jumped out of the chair, looked at the black charcoal happily and asked. The ugly duckling stared at the black charcoal, opened his mouth and mewed, looking like he wanted to rush out.

"That guy is the laziest. He's still sleeping." Black charcoal a little disgusted to say, looked at Kelasu one eye, some fear of back two steps, he had never seen such a terrible old man, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.

"All right." Amy nodded, then turned to look at Julian and Crassus, who were going to fight again. She was puzzled and said, "grandfather turtle shell, grandfather half beard, are you going to fight? You can't do it in a restaurant. You have to be good. "

"No, we're just talking." Krasu immediately smiles and shakes his head. He has a good face.

"Yes, not at all." Julian hesitated for a moment, but also reluctantly squeezed out a smile, nodded.

"No?" Amy was a little disappointed and tried to suggest, "in fact, if you want to take a taxi, you can take a taxi outside so that I can watch it."

Krasu and Julian were speechless at the same time. The little girl didn't persuade them to fight. In order to watch the fun, she even abetted them to fight. This strange brain circuit made them think of a person at the same time. That girl liked to pick things up like this, and wanted to make them fight all the time.

"Do you have anything to say?" McGonagall touched Amy's hair with a smile, looked at them and asked. Although he wanted to see the two Great Magicians fight, it's obviously not suitable now. If he didn't guess wrong, they should both come for Amy, otherwise they would not be so humble.

"Boss Mai, I'm here today to accept the younger boss as an apprentice." Krasu spoke first. Seeing MEG frowning, he quickly raised his hand and said, "don't be in a hurry to refuse. You say you don't want the little girl to leave. Then I'll change the conditions. I don't have to go to Luodu. I decided to build a new magic room in the city of chaos, and then teach her to learn magic here. I believe that in this city of chaos, Even the whole continent of Nolan has few better teachers than me

"Stay in the city of chaos?" McGonagall's eyes brightened. As Krasu said, what he disliked most was Krasu's insistence on bringing Amy back to the mage tower from the beginning. However, if he could stay in the chaotic city, combined with the information in the morning, there would be no more powerful mages in Nolan.

Crassus looked at McGonagall's change of expression, and his face was also a bit happy. These days, he can see that McGonagall's decision is the key.

"Not many, but one of them happens to be here." Standing on one side, Julian leisurely said, looking at McGonagall, with a smile on his face, he said: "boss McGonagall, if you let a little girl learn magic with me, the magic room is ready-made, you can start learning directly today. The materials he used to build the magic room have to be transported from lodu. There is not a month to build it. In this month, I can let her have a comprehensive understanding of magic and learn more than three kinds of magic. This is a complete win at the starting line. "

"This condition..." McGonagall felt his chin, showing the color of thinking. In fact, he was already happy. In order to compete for apprentices, the two Great Magicians even promoted themselves here. Suddenly, they all thought that the teachers of the two schools were competing for high-quality students.

"The magic room is not a problem at all. I don't need too high requirements for the magic room at the beginning of my study. I just want to say hello to the grey temple, and I can directly borrow their magicians to start teaching first." Krasu waved his hand, took out a scroll from his arms and slowly spread it out on the table. He looked at Amy with a smile and said, "and I designed the new magic room for Amy. This is the only one in Nolan. It will be mainly purple. There will be swings, Trojans and other interesting things. You can play when you are tired of learning."

"Wow, it looks so interesting!" Amy came up with the ugly duckling in her arms and looked at the beautiful magic room, swing, Trojan horse and all kinds of interesting toys in the picture. The purple magic room was also dotted with all kinds of little stars. She looked very dreamy and her eyes lit up completely.

McGonagall was also surprised to see the picture. It was just an effect picture. Unexpectedly, in order to take Amy as an apprentice, Crassus put so much effort into it, which surprised him a little.

"What's the use of all these fancy things?" Julian looked at Amy with an unnatural expression and said to herself: "old man Ke is so shameless and prepared. He used this move in those years, but now he does it again. The little girl has no experience of Elena. I can't help seeing these gadgets!"

His eyes fell on the cage in his hand, and his eyes suddenly brightened. He looked at Amy and said with a smile, "Amy, if you follow me to learn magic, then black charcoal and mung bean will be yours. In the future, they can play with you every day and talk to you to relieve your boredom."

"Wow! Old man, you just sold me! Little Amy has a cat Black charcoal screamed and jumped up and down in the cage.

"Meow!" The ugly duckling bared his teeth to the black charcoal with a eager expression.

Black charcoal is even worse. Although it's still a little guy, it really wants to fight. It's not sure whether it can really fight.

"I don't want to. Ugly duckling is ugly enough. Black charcoal is even uglier. When Xiaomi becomes uglier under their influence, what should he do?" Amy looked at the black charcoal and said with disgust.

"That is, look at its bird like appearance. It's not a good bird. If you like birds, my grandfather will go and catch you a beautiful Golden Peacock tomorrow." Crassus was worried that Amy would be moved. When he heard what she said, he was very happy.

Julian's face was stiff, and he looked at the black charcoal. He was bald all over. It was a bit ugly with two leaves tied on his chest and back. But how could he drop the chain at this critical moment? He said with a dry smile: "although black charcoal is a little ugly, it can sing. It's really fun. Come on, sing a few songs."

"Really?" Amy looked at the black charcoal incredulously.

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