Randy, Abraham and Vanessa and Lola just got together at the table.

Vanessa looks at the restaurant curiously. The log railings cut off the restaurant ingeniously, avoiding the embarrassment of back-to-back. The transparent hydroponic glass bottles hanging on the railings are planted with green plants, and the walls around are painted with exquisite murals, which are the scenery of all parts of Nolan.

"What a fine restaurant." Vanessa couldn't help admiring. She couldn't talk about the resplendence, but she made every detail exquisite and moving. With the comfortable color of logs and green plants, she made people live in it, and soon they could be quiet and peaceful.

What's more wonderful is that here, the guests will consciously join the table. Humans and orcs sit together, while the elves and Demons sit opposite. Unexpectedly, there is no fierce quarrel. On the contrary, some of them greet each other and seem to have become friends.

This kind of scene, in Luo is determined not to see.

It should be said that you can't see it outside the door of this restaurant.

Lola was also surprised to look around, and carefully guard against the orc sitting next to him. If the tall big man is going against his royal highness, she can only hold his thighs and delay the princess's escape.

"No box? The young lady doesn't like to eat with others. " Lola asked in a low voice.

"McMillan doesn't offer a box, and if you can't get four people together, you have to work with strangers." Randy explained, taking a look at Vanessa's veil. The lady's eyes are so beautiful that she doesn't know why she wears it?

"Does it matter?" Abraham looks at Vanessa with a trace of worry in his eyes. He knows about Vanessa's tooth problem and that she has hardly participated in any large Palace Banquet in recent years. But Randy is right. There is no box in McMillan's restaurant, and boss McMillan doesn't cook for Vanessa.

This is his restaurant. He set the rules. Even if the Lord of the chaotic city comes here, he should also abide by them.

"It doesn't matter. Just eat here. I like the environment." Vanessa shook her head and reached for her veil.

Delicate face, white skin, let sitting opposite Randy have a moment of absence.

"Little... Miss." Lola looks at Vanessa who has taken off her veil and opens her mouth slightly. This is the first time that Vanessa has taken off her veil in front of people in the past three years. She is a little relieved, but also worried that if someone recognizes her identity, it may cause danger to her.

Abraham was also slightly surprised, but soon showed a happy smile. His majesty spent a lot of time to get this girl out of the inferiority complex. Unexpectedly, she took off her veil after she came here. It's a good thing.

Vanessa chuckled and did not show her teeth. She put down her hand under the table and grasped her clothes. She was in a strange mood.

Here she felt relaxed and joyful environment, got rid of the identity shackles of the princess of Los Empire, just like an ordinary girl, even if there is a little flaw, it seems that it is not something unacceptable, right?

"See what you want to eat, just order." Abraham opened the menu in front of Vanessa.

"Will uncle treat today? I... "Randy said with a smile.

"Not including you." Abraham smiles and shakes his head.

"I knew you were a mean guy." Randy turned her lips, but she was not annoyed. Looking at Vanessa, who was looking at the menu carefully, she said: "Miss Windsor, although your beauty has shamed Hua'er, I suggest you try salted bean curd. The limit of each meal is 150. Now it has become the most sought after beauty saint for women in the city of chaos."

"Oh?" As soon as Vanessa's eyes shine, is there any delicious food that can become beautiful after eating?

"Tofu brain, of course, or should eat sweet tofu brain..." as soon as Abraham's words came to his mouth, he suddenly thought of the king and Queen's ban on sugar on Vanessa. What she likes most is sugar, so her teeth became like this. Later, he stopped abruptly and said reluctantly, "of course, salty tofu brain is also excellent, You can eat salted bean curd. "

"Well? Uncle, are you a salt party today Randy looks at Abraham in surprise. When they get to some tofu, they have to fight each other. Unexpectedly, today, Abraham recommends Windsor to eat salted tofu.

Vanessa has found the picture of sweet bean curd in the picture. The golden red soup is poured on the tender white bean curd. She feels sweet and Zizi when she looks at it. Her eyes suddenly light up. "This sweet bean curd looks delicious."

"Miss, you can't eat sugar." Lola shook her head. Her little face was full of worry. The doctor said, if your highness continues to eat sweets, his teeth may fall out.

"I'll have one bowl, one bowl." Vanessa's eyes were fully drawn, and she pleaded with a finger.

Both Abraham and Lola showed hesitation on their faces. What they could not resist most was Vanessa's coquetry. It was such a tangled little cute.

"Bean curd is so delicious, and after eating it, you can have a good look. Why don't you let Windsor have a bowl? It's not a daily delicacy. " Randy said to one side that although she didn't want to eat sweet bean curd, it didn't seem important to see her coquettish appearance.

"That's only one time." Abraham said with a serious face that since Vanessa came to the city of chaos, he must be responsible for her. Besides sending her back to lodu safely, he must also ensure her clothing, food, housing and transportation during her stay in the city of chaos. Otherwise, he has no face to go back to see the king.

"Yes, yes." Vanessa nodded, then gave Randy a smile and said, "thank you."

Randy looked at Vanessa's black and yellow rotten teeth when she was smiling. She had an angelic face, but her teeth were like 80 years old, even worse, which made him a little scared.

Seeing Randy's expression, Vanessa suddenly realized that she was not wearing a veil. She quickly put out her little hand to cover her mouth. Her eyes darkened and her head dropped.

Lola glared at Randy, who, like those guys, wounded his royal highness.

Abraham sighed in his heart. Randy's expression was just a normal reaction, but Vanessa's heart was a little fragile. I'm afraid she was hurt again.

Randy soon realized his rudeness and apologized: "I'm sorry, Windsor girl. I don't mean to offend you."

Vanessa lowered her head and was silent for a moment. She loosened her tight grip on her skirt, raised her head, barely showed a smile, shook her head and said, "it's OK. I'm used to it."

Randy was silent and didn't know what words to use to comfort her.


"Vanessa Andre, female, 16 years old, has severe dental caries with long-term abnormal corrosion..."

In the kitchen, MEG looked at the young lady sitting opposite to Abraham, her eyes narrowed slightly. Our little princess seems to have bad teeth?

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