Delicacy bloomed between lips and teeth, but Vanessa's cheerful look didn't last long.

Hot and sour stimulation to her teeth, followed by the tingling feeling that she had to put down the chopsticks in her hands, cover her mouth, frown tight.

"Windsor, what's the matter with you?" Abraham asked with concern. His expression also became a little nervous. Is there something wrong with this dish?

"Bad!" Lola reacted quickly and said anxiously, "Miss, is your tooth aching again? You can't eat anything that tastes too strong. "

"I don't mind. Just drink some water." Vanessa shakes her head. Stinging symptoms happen from time to time. The light diet is too painful for her.

"Miss, can we have a glass of water?" Lola got up and walked quickly to abelmia, a little anxious.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abemia takes a look at Vanessa, turns to the kitchen, explains to MEG what the guests want, and then takes a glass of warm water to Lola.

"Thank you." Lola said gratefully, quickly returned to her seat and handed the glass to Vanessa.

"I have a toothache after eating fish flavored eggplant. It's really a serious dental caries." When McGonagall thinks about it, it seems that consciousness of brushing his teeth is very important. Otherwise, even the royal highness of the Royal Highness is deeply affected by dental caries.

"Ding! New task release: ask the host to help Vanessa treat dental caries within one month to restore her ability to taste delicious food. Mission success: get a Durian pizza recipe! Mission failure: will get the same degree of caries as Vanessa! "

At this moment, McGonagall's mind suddenly sounded the sound of the system.

"The trough?"

Meg, picking up his eyebrows, could not help but make complaints about his system. "System, are you too busy with this task?" Her father and her two brothers tried to kill me again and again, but they still haven't given up the idea. It's kind enough that I don't put some bad things in her food. Do you even ask me to help her cure her teeth? Are you stupid, or do you think I am? "

"Host, she should not be responsible for the mistakes made by others, which is illogical. And as a real gourmet lover and kind-hearted person, she should be treated well, so that she can continue to enjoy gourmet food. " The system calms down.

McGonagall looks at Vanessa gargling with warm water. It is undeniable that from the data, she is a kind-hearted person.

"But I'm a chef. As a candidate for chef God, how can I take the job of dentist? It seems to be extremely unprofessional. How can I improve your professional ethics?" McGonagall still refused.

"To make the guests have a good time is my service tenet."

"No, your service should be to make the host have fun."

"Please don't digress. You only have one month."

"Let me treat her teeth, then you have to give me a set of modern dental equipment. In her capacity, the king can invite the best doctors and therapists in the world. Since they are helpless, why do you think I can do it as a cook?" McGonagall turned his mouth. The knowledge in his head didn't allow him to clean Vanessa's teeth and help her repair them.

The system was silent for a long time and said: "I can sponsor you a crest."

"Go away!"

McGonagall flipped the kebab in his hand and watched Vanessa fall into meditation.

As the only princess of the Los Empire, if it was just a simple dental caries, those imperial doctors would have solved it long ago. The real trouble should be the "long-term abnormal corrosion" detected by the psychic gate.

"Let a chef do the dentist's job. The dog system is really imaginative." McGonagall shook his head. He couldn't think of any other way than to give her a crest.

After gargling, Vanessa's pain was relieved a lot, but looking at the fish flavored eggplant, she was entangled.

Delicious fish flavored eggplant, in line with all her imagination, even far beyond her expectations.

But she couldn't enjoy the wonderful taste.

The sting of her teeth made her unable to continue to enjoy the delicious food.

Randy can't help but feel sad when he looks at Vanessa. He doesn't think much about Vanessa, but he and Abraham often have dinner together during this period, and they are quite familiar, so he is more concerned about his niece.

He still can't forget that charming landlady.

Maybe one day, he will go to her again and eat her noodles again.

"Miss Windsor, you'd better eat soft tofu." Randy put the bowl of salted bean curd that she had not moved chopsticks in front of Vanessa, and said with a smile, "taste salty first, and then have some sweet later, so that you won't be hungry at night."

"This..." Vanessa wanted to refuse.

"Eat it. It's rare that he will kindly give the bean curd to others. It's better for you to eat something soft." Abraham laughed and nodded to Randy.

"It's your treat." Randy said with his mouth.

Abraham's face was black, but the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

"Thank you." Vanessa looks at Randy and smiles again. This time, she doesn't cover her mouth and black teeth, but she also has some incomplete beauty.

Her eyes were quickly attracted by the bean curd in front of her. The bean curd, which was white and tender, was put in a small bowl, drenched with a spoonful of orange red sauce, and spread with a bit of chopped mustard. The faint smell of beans came slowly, fresh and pleasant.

"How lovely." Vanessa can't wait to scoop the bean curd brain with a spoon. The spoon easily cuts the bean curd brain. The snow-white cut is soon covered with orange red sauce. The bean curd brain shakes slightly in the spoon, showing its graceful elasticity.

After a while, she was reluctant to feed the bean curd into her mouth.

As soon as the bean curd is tasted, it almost doesn't need to be chewed with teeth. The delicate and sweet bean curd is perfectly integrated with salty mustard and sauce. The refreshing taste is endowed with rich flavor by the sauce, but it doesn't hide the bean flavor.

Bean curd is like a naughty spirit, in the mouth slip a circle, gently licking those injured teeth, dull pain teeth actually become more comfortable, and then Ziliu down the throat.

There is a faint bean fragrance in my mouth, which is full of refreshing feeling.

"It's delicious. It's wonderful tofu brain." Winissa was surprised that the pain of her teeth had disappeared for most of the time. Eating this bean curd would not hurt her teeth, but it seemed that it could also relieve the pain.

The refreshing and delicious salted bean curd makes Vanessa unable to stop, one mouthful after another, and the bowl soon reaches the bottom.

"Your sweet bean curd." Abemia gently put a portion of sweet bean curd in front of Vanessa.


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