"Come to see boss Mai at night?" In the carriage, Vanessa was surprised to hear what Abraham said.

"Yes, boss Mai said that he had some opinions on oral care, so he promised to help you have a look." Abraham nodded. He was also a little suspicious of boss Mai's dereliction of duty. "But he's a cook, and maybe he can't give you any good advice."

"He can make delicious food so delicious, I believe him." Vanessa said with a smile that although she only had a few mouthfuls of fish flavored eggplant, she was still satisfied with two delicious tofu. She had a clear positioning for boss Mai's cooking skills.

A gourmet who subverts all impossibilities, with amazing creativity and imagination, is the most perfect gift from God.

I have to admit that she has been captured.

The full menu is like a treasure, waiting for her to dig slowly, and then enjoy the enjoyment and happiness brought by the delicious food.

"Come on, what do you want me to say to your majesty later so that you can stay in the city of chaos for a few more days?" Asked Abraham, looking fondly at Vanessa.

Abraham has three sons, but no son, so he has been very fond of Vanessa since he was a child, and he takes her out of the palace.

Over the past few years, Vanessa has been gloomy and silent. She has almost no smile on her face, which is also quite distressing.

Unexpectedly, when she came to the city of chaos, she seemed to be a different person. She not only talked more, but also had a smile on her face. She was a lot more cheerful all of a sudden, which surprised him.

Vanessa thought seriously for a while and said, "just say, I'm having a good time here. I'm going to stay for a while, and then I'll go back. I'm with my uncle. I don't have to worry about my safety at all."

"You know very well what your father will worry about." Abraham said with a smile, which was similar to what he thought. When he went back, he gave up a letter to send the eagle back to lodu, so that the king and queen would not worry.

The carriage drove towards the residence of Abraham in the city. A dark shadow appeared on the roof beside the street. Looking in the direction of the carriage, it disappeared again.


The results of the system examination came out very quickly. Compared with the general description of the psychic gate, the results of the system examination are more professional.

"Saliva is abnormally acidic and corrosive to enamel."

"The attachment of teeth is acidic material deposition, with strong corrosiveness and a variety of abnormal bacteria."

"Accompanied by severe periodontitis, see gingival bleeding and gingival swelling."

"Oral mucosa damage is serious, see bleeding point."

"The tooth structure is seriously damaged, enamel corrosion is serious, masticatory ability is damaged."

"Blood analysis results: the blood is obviously acidic..."


MEG looked at the report in his mind. It was so plain that the little princess's teeth problem was not simply caused by sugar. After all, she had eaten too much sugar and heard that she would get diabetes.

Moreover, the previous psychic gate did not show that she had stomach disease, so gastric acid reflux can be basically eliminated.

As a person without any medical knowledge, the report did not help McGonagall much except to make him aware of the thorny problems.

"Acid is not good, then add some alkali to mix it..." McGonagall began to use science thinking to solve problems.

"Host, it is necessary for this system to remind you that the food consumed by human body will not affect the pH of blood due to the acidity and alkalinity of food itself. It is totally different from neutralizing gastric acid." The system sounds.

"Then you're infusing people? You give people special medicine? Is it natural for you to give me this kind of task and let me be a cook to cure people's cavities? Did you steal the task from the next system and send it to me? " MEG rolled his eyes and was in a bad mood.

"Please put your mind in order and treat actively." The system said weakly, and then the voice disappeared completely.

At the same time, a line of arrival reminder was added in the corner: "Yunnan Baiyao long-acting toothpaste has been delivered to the third shelf of the counter, with three soft toothbrushes attached!"

"Guilty?" Although MEG is used to the unreliability of the system, I'm afraid that Princess Vanessa's tooth disease will have to be cured slowly.

At the end of business in the evening, after they finished the cleaning work, they went back to the dormitory.

Connie didn't come back after she went to deliver the meal. Anyway, the deputy warden of Basti prison is her master, and MEG is too lazy to worry about it. Anyway, at present, her daily work only needs to deliver a takeout.

It was his intention to spare Connie more time for cultivation, but he didn't know if it would be enough.

Too much unity within orcs is not a good thing.

As soon as McGonagall took off his apron and chef's hat, he thought of a knock at the door.

"Isn't it a rest?" Amy looked at the direction of the door curiously.

"Maybe something else." MEG opened the door, and it was Abraham and Vanessa, and the little maid, standing at the door.

"Excuse me, boss Mai." Abraham said with a smile.

"Hello, boss Mai. I'm Windsor." Vanessa said with a smile, looking at McGonagall's eyes with a faint light, full of worship, and looking up at Mr. McGonagall, she was full of charm.

McGonagall looked at Vanessa. Her delicate face was really a little beauty. Her incomplete black teeth were a bit abrupt, but she couldn't hide her face. She also said with a smile, "I'm McGonagall. Miss Windsor has a beautiful smile."

Vanessa was a little stunned when she heard the words. She looked at McGonagall's gentle smile and sincere eyes, and her heart trembled. She could be sure that he was not lying.

What a wonderful feeling.

She has not heard anyone praise her smile for a long time, even if there is, it is just because of the hypocrisy of her identity.

People hate her teeth, hate her smile, talk about her behind her back.

But McGonagall praised him.

"Compared with boss Mai, Randy is really a younger brother." Abraham sighed in his heart, and raised Meg's vigilance level to the highest level. If this guy wants to hook his finger, he thinks that the princess will be hooked. That's not good!

Lola also looked at MEG, and looked at MEG. She refused to invite the princess, and the princess of the princess fled away from the palace and came over a great distance.

Although he did make delicious food, he did not look like a good man, blandishments of his royal highness, and he was certainly an attempt at the princess.

"Come in, please." McGonagall pressed the door with one hand, and the gentleman's side stepped out of the way to let Vanessa and them in.

"Has father got a new pretty girl tonight?" Amy looked at Vanessa coming in the door with a thoughtful expression.


On the last day, ask for a monthly ticket~~

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