The next morning, just after dawn, MEG gets up, knocks on the door of the magic potion shop next door, and gives the key to the restaurant to Xixi, asking her to take care of Amy and Anna for one day.

"Don't worry, boss Mai. Although my food is not as delicious as yours, I'm sure I won't be hungry for two kids." Xi Xi said with a smile.

"Thank you." McGonagall thanks and turns away.

It's a dangerous battle. MEG doesn't want Amy and Anna to take the risk.

And he also needs to be more focused to face the war, any accident may make them fall into the land of doom.

"They all went out and left their two children at home. I don't know what to do." Looking at McGonagall's back, Xixi shakes her head strangely and goes to the restaurant. Her task today is to play with the two children, which she said to the boss yesterday.

In a word, the boss said that he would go out today, but he didn't say where he would go. These people are really mysterious.


"Boss, I've been taming this white headed eagle for many years. You must ensure his safety and bring it back to me." Outside the city, a trainer gave the whip to MEG and told him seriously.

"Don't worry, let's go to the south to find a relative and come back. If we hurry up, we can return the bald eagle to you tonight. Besides, the deposit I paid is enough for you to buy two more bald eagles. What are you worried about?" McGonagall, who had put on a mustache and blackened himself a few degrees, now looks like a 40 year old uncle.

On the other hand, Barbara wore a gauze hat and framed her whole head. She looked like a child and could not see her face.

"All right." The trainer nodded, which was right. This man was straightforward.

McGonagall reached out and touched the big white head of the white headed eagle. She turned over and jumped on the back of the eagle. Barbara also flew on the back of the eagle. The white headed eagle flew up and disappeared in the southern sky.

The white headed eagle has a wingspan of about seven meters. It's just right for two people to sit on her back. It's just a little crowded. Barbara sitting in the front is almost surrounded by MEG.

"We're going north, aren't we? Why go south? " Barbara blushed, trying to keep her voice cool.

"We should try our best to erase the traces of our participation in this war, so we should fly south for a few miles, then turn around the chaotic city and go north." McGonagall explained, tightening the reins and letting the eagles continue to climb.

"It's trouble." Barbara did not think it was necessary. The game moved uneasily, but she found that she was completely surrounded by MEG and couldn't move. She felt the heat almost close to her ears, and her face became more red.

McGonagall didn't want to take advantage of the little girl, but the white headed eagle was the trainer's private mount. It only had a front and back double seat, and usually took the children and wife out to play, so the design of the seat was also very family dress. Sitting at the back, he could only stretch his hands forward and grasp the rein hanging on the white headed eagle's neck, which just encircled the front seat.

After all, the white headed eagle is only a first-order Warcraft. Its intelligence quotient is basically zero. It can't just say a location or a position like ah Zi, so it can find it by itself.

If you don't care about him, maybe when you give you a back turn, you can fall from a height of several hundred meters, or if you see a female bird halfway, you can deviate the course to the Pacific Ocean.

In addition to not intelligent enough, not windproof is also a major feature of this bald eagle.

It's the coldest time of the year. There's a vast expanse of white below. It's not a comfortable experience to sit on the back of an eagle and fly at a speed of more than 100kmh at an altitude of 500m to face the cold wind.

Barbara, who was still restless, was soon frozen unconscious and her hair had frosted.

"I said, you let me sit in the front, just to take my wind?" Barbara suddenly realized something and looked back at MEG with some bitterness.

"I think you have to be able to stop it." McGonagall looked down at Barbara, who was sitting only to his chin. He said helplessly.

Barbara, who was once again despised for her height, blushed and said seriously, "I will grow again."

"Physiologically, the growth rate of height of girls will slow down or even stop after the age of 15, but the chest will continue to develop." McGonagall calmed down and took a look at Barbara's chest, which was completely out of proportion to her height. If it was longer, it would be a bit exaggerated.

"Asshole!" Feeling McGonagall's eyes, Barbara blushed. If they were not in the air now, she would jump up and kick him.


Without waiting for Barbara to say anything, McGonagall put a helmet on Barbara's head, pulled a windproof blanket from somewhere, wrapped it around Barbara's body, put his hands around both sides of her body, grasped the reins, and began to turn the bird's head and fly north.

Barbara Leng Leng, the cold wind was blocked, warm feeling around her body.

The helmet is surrounded by warm and comfortable fluff, but the front is transparent glass, you can clearly see the outside things.

The soft and warm blanket blocks the cold wind and brings warmth.

As for behind.

The hard chest was as hot as fire, a bit hotter than a blanket.

"Take a break. Today we may face a vicious battle." McGonagall whispered in Barbara's ear. He also buckled his helmet. Safety comes first.

Far behind the white headed eagle, a purple Griffin followed slowly in the sky.


The early morning sun shines on the mountain peaks, illuminating the dark caves.

In the abandoned mines, we can still see the traces left by the original mining, and the successive wars in the last half month have left New traces on the stone walls.

At this time, a group of elves in uniform armor had assembled and lined up at the foot of the mountain, ready to launch a final general attack on the grottoes.

"Lord Berger, the convoy has been assembled. Do you want to launch a general attack?" A young general rode up to Berg, who was standing on the high platform, and said respectfully.

"Let the army wait. The high priest has come all the way and brought the most elite soldiers. We can't rob him of this first achievement in suppressing bandits." Berg shook his head and looked at the thousands of elves who had also assembled in the distance, with a sneer on his lips.

"High priest, the army is assembled! Is there an attack? " An adjutant came forward and looked at Helena respectfully.

Helena took a look at Berger, and a trace of disgust flashed through her eyes. She withdrew her eyes and looked at the grotto with countless mines. She waved her hand and said, "attack! Wipe out the rebels! The rebels, shoot to death

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