Magic flies all over the sky, collides in the air and makes a huge sound.

Tens of thousands of ELF convoys are watching from a distance. This kind of level of fighting, without a commander, is not what they can participate in.

The purple Griffin flies in the starry sky, but every time it tries to get close to the magician, it is always driven back by the fire.

Kelasu's chest began to rise and fall slightly with one against three. He was still a little weak in the face of this level of fighting at his age.

On the other hand, after destroying most of the stars in the sky, Bingfeng was finally hit by a meteorite and turned into ice debris.

Helena stepped back with pale face. There were only a few stars in the crystal ball in the sky. But looking at Julian in the air, her face showed a sneer. She used the elves to fight against three people. If there was no way to kill them, the elves would not be able to gain a foothold in Nolan.

"Kill them!"

Helena indifferently ordered that hundreds of strong men of level 8 and level 9 who had assembled would charge against the besieged three. When the balance of victory tilted towards the elves, these strong men of level 8 and level 9 would become the last iron bar to crush them.

Standing not far behind Helena, Sally clenched her fist again. Clara Su and Julian let her breathe a sigh of relief when they appeared, but now the situation is still in the worst direction.

All over the sky, magic fire flies towards the three people. Level 8 and level 9 are just children in front of level 10. But when enough children pick up the knife to attack madly, they can still kill a giant.

Then the eyes of the elves lit up, and the power of the elves was shown at this moment. Hundreds of level 8 or level 9 strong people, together, could kill any strong people into dregs.

"Helena, the old witch, has made a lot of preparations." Irina frowned. Her mana was completely overdrawn. There was no way to help them any more.

"It's a bit of a problem." Julian crushed the sprouts on the ground without fear.

McGonagall looked at the magic all over the sky with a slight frown. The time in his eyes has entered the 60 second countdown, and there is not much time left for him.

But it's time for his people to arrive, isn't it?


Just then, a dragon roar came, and a golden dragon and a frost dragon appeared above the mountain.

"For the glory of landister! Charge

The high priest raised the crystal ball in his hand and yelled aloud in the language of landist. A vast ocean poured out of the crystal ball and turned into a huge wave to meet the magic.

With Trident in hand, hundreds of thugs in suits jumped down from the dragon's back like dumplings, stepped on the waves, and went to the hundreds of elves without fear.

On that wave, the nine strong men of level 10 guarded one side, began to cast their magic, and then poured it into the crystal ball of the high priest.

Crystal ball light flash, in the twinkling of an eye, a water curtain barrier appeared in front of MEG and them.

The magic of the elves smashed on the water curtain and exploded like smoke and flowers.

The water curtain vibrated violently. After the last magic, it dissipated and turned into water mist.

"Who are these people?"

All the people on the scene looked at the guys who suddenly appeared in strange clothes with a black thing on their faces. They were all confused?

But I have to admit, neat black suits, black sunglasses with a cold expression, the appearance of these suit thugs has a great impact.

And that easily blocked all the magic attacks of the water curtain, is to let all the elves eyelid jump.

This is where a group of strong people come from!!!

More than double-digit level 10 strong, no less than the number of wind forest level 8, 9 strong!

"Who are these people?" Helena face upheaval, the victory is in sight, but suddenly killed such a group of unknown strong.

She can be sure that this has nothing to do with the goblins on the border of Chen Bing. If the goblins had such a powerful force, they would not only dare to be turtles.

"Who are these people?" Elena is also confused. Although they look like human beings, they are not from the Los Empire, and they seem to be on their side?

It's mia, Gina and Miss Elizabeth Phyllis looked up at the Golden Dragon and the frost dragon in the sky, surprised.

"It's them." Sheryl nodded, then looked at the suit thugs, her eyes brightened, and said, "then these strong men should come from randist."

"It seems that this is also his arrangement." Irina doesn't know what the power of landist is, but she has her own judgment.

Four hundred suit thugs from landist, stepping on huge waves, collide with the powerful elves.

The huge wave will make the formation of the powerful one of the elves in chaos. There is a whole body of magic in the sky. When there is no time to cast it in the water wave, it will be knocked unconscious by a mug.

It is clear that the strength is similar, and the number of people is almost the same. But after the front end is blocked, the elves' will almost disintegrates in the face of fierce opponents. I don't know who yells "run!", Hundreds of elves abandoned their armor and fled.

"Shrink the formation, those who escape, kill!" Helena broke a level eight spirit in one hand and cheered coldly.

The fleeing Elves were surprised and contracted in the direction of Helena.

Other Great Magicians also gave up their attack on McGonagall and began to limit the forward momentum of those suddenly appeared suit thugs. Finally, after the momentum of the wave stopped, they relied on a dense forest to stop the top 400, leaving a mess.

The elves behind the dense forest look at the thugs in suits, gasping for breath. They are full of fear in their hearts. It's really terrible for these powerful people with unknown origins to charge. If they were not covered by level 10 magicians, they don't know how many people would be left.

"Who are you? Why do you want to fight against our elves? " Helena looks at the high priest standing in the air with a dignified face and asks in a loud voice that the number of the strong of the other side is similar to that of the elves, but she can't see which racial force the other side belongs to. For the elves, this may be a close war.

The high priest frowned and looked at Gina standing beside her.

Gina is also perplexed. Although she has recently learned some common language with Anna and Amy, she can only understand half of the daily conversation. She doesn't quite understand what the following elf is saying. After thinking about it, she points to the direction of the mountain with her hand and says in a loud voice, "we're here to meet people. You go away."

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