Crassus and Julian look at Amy clapping her little hand. Their little face is full of expectation. They seem to see the little girl clapping her little hand 20 years ago, encouraging them to fight and cheering at the same time.

Irina's affinity for magic is unprecedented. She seems to be blessed by magic. No matter what magic is, she can learn it and make rapid progress.

This is also the reason why they both stood in the ranks of the top magicians in the mainland at that time and wanted to accept her as an apprentice at the same time.

With such an apprentice, her life is not in vain. She can learn everything they know. Moreover, she is an elf with a life span of 800 years, the princess of the elf family. After a long time, when she uses some magic, some people may remember who her master is, and leave a little mark of her own in the world.

Just because of the intervention of the elf queen, the two people who were ready to compromise failed to accept Elena as an apprentice.

So Julian came to the city of chaos and opened a magic potion shop to live leisurely. He didn't care much about his apprenticeship. At the beginning, it was just because Krasu, his lifelong enemy, was so eager to accept the apprentice that he deliberately intervened in the midway.

I didn't expect that the elf girl was so old and strange, and her talent was really amazing. After getting along with her, she really had the idea of accepting an apprentice for the first time, and she was completely tied up with Krasu.

At that time, Irene and the two old men were not sure how to choose. She wanted to learn Krasu's magic wand to hit the dragon's head, and wanted to learn Julian's all ice magic, so she didn't learn from them. At last, she learned a few magic from them. Before making a decision, she was taken away by the fairy queen.

This incident also became a pity for both of them. They both felt that they had been ruined by each other. Afterwards, because of this, they fought several times and did not win or lose. After that, they did not see each other again. This is the first formal meeting after parting more than ten years ago.

"Salted bean curd is the best! Krasu, since you are not convinced, dare you fight me? Today, I'm going to make a difference for this bean curd! " Julian looks at Kelasu. His hoarse voice is bone chilling, but the corner of his eye stealthily glances at Amy. The salted bean curd is so delicious that he must like to eat. As long as he wins Kelasu and corrects her name, maybe he can accept her as an apprentice.

"Sweet bean curd is the best Clarissa's expression also became serious. When she looked at Amy, she thought that at her age, she would like to eat sweet food. Not all the children like sugar. Today, if she wins eurian, she may succeed in taking the apprentice. It seems that this battle is the most important thing. She walked towards the door with her wand in her hand, and said: "fight as you fight, new enemies and old grudges count together, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I'm afraid you've forgotten the taste of my wand. "

"Ha ha, as you are now, this is just a crutch. Do you think you are still the melee mage who jumped up and could hit the dragon's knee in those years?" Julian curled his lips and said scornfully. He also held a magic wand and walked towards the door.

"Hello! Lord Julian, please take me with you The voice of black charcoal came from the room, with some fear.

The ugly duckling is tugging at the cage. Her little claws reach into the cage and try to catch the black charcoal. It's just that her claws are too small to touch the black charcoal.

And the black charcoal will have been completely close to the other side of the cage, this little guy looks not big, but the sharp teeth and claws make it feel the threat!

But Julian obviously didn't care what he meant and went out with crassus.

"Father, can we go to see it?" Amy asked, looking up at MEG, her face full of anticipation. She had never seen a wizard fight before.

"Of course, Mia, come out and have a look." McGonagall nodded with a smile, took Amy's little hand and walked towards the door. It was nearly half an hour before business hours, and he was curious about what the battle between the top ten magicians would be like, even in McGonagall Alex's memory.

"Oh." Abelmia answered, and was also full of expectations to keep up. The two magicians were going to fight because the tofu was sweet or salty. As a sweet party, of course, they wanted to see Kelasu win the battle and correct the name of the sweet tofu.

As soon as the bell rang, several guests in line at the door were stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect that the restaurant would open so early.

However, when the door opened in, it was not MEG but Krasu who came out, and his expression looked a little serious, which made the guests at the door consciously give way to the side.

Although Krasu often has some interesting interactions with Amy in the restaurant and comes to the door early as an ordinary guest, his identity and strength as a wizard worshipped by the royal family of Los empire is still awe inspiring.

"Why did Lord Krasu come out of the dining room so early today?"

"He looks so bad, and most of them are rejected by boss Mai. Boss Mai is really a strange man!"

"Well, if any magician likes my boy, let me take 500 gold coins every year."

The crowd whispered that they were envious of MEG, even if she was good at cooking. Even her lovely little daughter was a winner in life when she asked the magician to accept her as an apprentice.

Before Krasu had gone far, the door rang again, and the crowd looked at him unexpectedly. A hunchback old man in a black mage's robe came out of the door slowly, and gave them a cold look.

They all looked away. At that moment, they felt like they had fallen into the ice cave. The magician was so terrible that they could not help thinking of a word: dark magician!

Wandering between the light and the dark, there is a dispute between justice and evil, and the dark mage has always been a frightening existence.

One step forward can remove the prefix, one step back will fall into the abyss, become an evil wizard, this is the Dark Wizard.

Krasu stood on Aden square 100 meters away and looked back at Julian. The blue gem on the top of the wand in his hand lit up red, like a torch!

Julian walked slowly by the crowd. Five meters away from the restaurant, he stepped out. There were countless white frost flowers on the ground under his feet, extending to the direction of Krasu like countless vines.

"In my name, frost dragon! Embracing the extremely cold ice, everyone will surrender... "Julian's hoarse voice sounded like climbing out of the abyss. Suddenly, snowflakes floated from the original clear sky, and a huge figure slowly spread its wings in the snow.

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