"Thank you, thank you." Xi Xi got up and bowed deeply to Irina, his face full of surprise and gratitude.

"Thank you." Lu Lu Han bowed to Elena with a smile and looked at Xi Xi's eyes full of doting and joy.

Irina shook her head and said with a smile, "you're welcome. I'll take it as a little compensation for you on behalf of the wind forest. I hope druids and elves can live in peace in the future."

"If we can coexist peacefully, it is naturally the best." Xixi is also smiling.

"It seems that before long, there will be another little Druid." MEG came over with two glasses of water and said with a smile.

"Is that bear or cat?" Amy came up and asked curiously.

"Could it be a panda?" Irina looks at hee hee and Lu Lu Dao.

"That's too precious." McGonagall is picking eyebrows. It's interesting to have a national treasure.

"Whatever it is, I'll be happy." Xi Xi gently stroked his stomach, as if there had been a small life in it, with a happy smile on his face.

MEG looked at the tall world tree and said curiously, "I'm curious about one thing. Why is this tree called the world tree? Can we plant a world? "

"I only heard the patriarch mention this once when I was a child. When the world tree comes of age, it will become a small world of its own. Druids live carefree in that small world, free from outside interference. But before I was born, the world tree had been destroyed, the small world had disappeared, and the Druids who had lost their homes had been killed and wounded in the racial war. " Xi Xi shakes his head, a little lonely in his voice.

"I've read the relevant records in the elves. The world tree can grow up only after a thousand years. Although you also have a life span of nearly a thousand years, most of you have no chance to live in that small world." Elena reached out and gently plucked the leaves of the world tree. The leaves shrank back like shyness, looking full of spirituality.

"Even if we can't live in it, it's good that our children can live in it." Xi Xi smiles a way, didn't feel disappointed, on the contrary more expect.

Xixi and they leave. Camilla has long been looking for a chance to slip away. Phyllis cleans up the table, looks at Elena and says, "princess, where are you going now?"

"Where to?" Irina took a look at MEG and then said with a smile, "the food here is so delicious. I decided not to go anywhere, so I'll stay here."

"Ah?" Phyllis was a little stunned. She took a look at McGonagall. She came up to her and said in a low voice, "princess, as you are, it's not suitable to be a waiter. It's not very good to go out."

"Who said I'm going to be a waiter? I'm going to..."

McGonagall quickly took the lead and said, "does Princess Elena want to stay? There's just another room upstairs, if you need to... "

"Sister Elena can sleep with me. Little sister Anna is gone. I'm afraid to sleep alone." But before McGonagall's words were over, Amy had grabbed Elena's hand and begged.

"I can't help it. Little Lori's request to sleep with her is always hard to refuse. So I'll stay and sleep with Amy." Elena smiles and touches Amy's head.

"Great." Amy squinted and rubbed her head against Elena's palm. Her face was full of happy smiles.

"Well? Have you been cut off? " McGonagall slightly raises his eyebrows, looks at Elena and Amy who have reached an agreement, and the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned.

Phyllis's mouth was slightly open. Some of them looked at Irina and Amy with unbelievable eyes. If he did not love his royal highness, how could he suddenly agree to sleep with Amy?

"Is your royal highness trying to master children first? After all, I'm about the same age as Amy, and I don't know where I am now. " Phyllis thought to herself, but hesitated: "princess, are you sure you want to stay in the restaurant?"

"Bean sprouts, have you entered the old age of wordiness ahead of time?" Elena flicked Phyllis's forehead.

"Well, it hurts!" Phyllis covered her forehead and nodded helplessly. "Well, you can have a rest in the restaurant that evening. Do you have any other arrangements in the afternoon?"

"No, I just want to have a good sleep in the afternoon. I haven't had a good sleep during this time." Irina shook her head, a little tired between her eyes and eyebrows.

McGonagall looked at Elena with some heartache, looked at Phyllis and said, "Phyllis, you should go back to have a rest first. Let me take care of the princess. Let Mia and her come to the restaurant for dinner at night, and have a good celebration tonight."

"OK, I'll trouble the boss." Phyllis nodded and left the restaurant in three steps.

"Go and have a rest first." MEG locked the door and walked up to Elena.

Elena didn't rush upstairs, but looked at Amy with a smile and said, "Xiaomi, do you keep a good diary these days?"

"Yes, I remember it very seriously every day. I'll show it to you." Amy immediately nodded, ran to the counter, pulled out the diary from behind a pile of books and handed it to Elena as a gift.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and have a look." Irina takes a look at McGonagall, with her notebook in one hand and Amy's hand in the other, and walks towards the stairs.

"It's not going to be anything, is it?" As soon as Elena turned around, Meg's expression changed, and ten thousand grass mud horses ran in her heart.

Although he still keeps his integrity and clean during this period of time, he will inevitably have some normal contacts when he works with his employees every day.

Now he just hopes that Amy doesn't write down Gina's way of greeting, the colorful confession of the female guests, Camilla's too tired to sleep on the floor of his room... These things in the notebook.

Even though he didn't do anything.

It's like he did everything.

"It's a mistake. We should pay attention to this problem earlier and make improvements." McGonagall sighs in his heart, holding the bottom line of a qualified parent. He has not secretly read Amy's diary, so he has not been able to grasp her recent records.

On the way upstairs, MEG found that the big bed of the bedroom was occupied by Irina and Amy. He looked at him in the arms of Irina, and looked at her diary with a smile. Amy smiled, and sleep on the floor.

What can we do? In this family, his status is obviously rapidly declining.

But when he thought of Amy's smile, his heart was as sweet as honey. The little guy really needed to stay with his mother. There were some things he could not replace.

Amy closed her diary, looked up at Elena, and said seriously, "sister Elena, I think my father likes you very much, and I like you very much, too. Would you like to be my mother?"

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