McGonagall frowned as the atmosphere solidified, thinking about how to explain the problem.

"The princess has just arrived in the city of chaos, and has not found a place to settle down. She is very tired after the battle in the morning, so she can only trouble her boss to borrow a bedroom." Phyllis quickly explained, looking at McGonagall with some apologies, "I'm giving you trouble."

"It doesn't matter. It's just a small thing." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. Can you trouble me about my wife.

Hearing what Phyllis said, everyone showed some clear expression. It seems that there is no problem with what she said.

And they saw Alex with their own eyes today, the man who rode the Griffin to fight, and McGonagall are totally two styles of men.

"You can sit down for a while. We'll have dinner when we're all together." McGonagall said, turned into the kitchen, hot pot and barbecue, set fire to the arrangement.


"It was a good sleep." Irina opened her eyes, stretched her waist, and raised her mouth slightly.

The string that had been tense in my mind for several months was finally relaxed, and I had a good sleep in the soft and warm quilt. My mind and body were greatly satisfied. This feeling was really comfortable.

All of a sudden, she felt her side move for a moment. When she looked aside, Amy, who was lying in her arms, was looking at her with big eyes and a sweet smile on her small face.

"Mother, you are so beautiful." Amy praised.

"Well, Xiaomi has a good eye." Irina nodded with a smile, woke up with Xiaomi in her arms, listening to her praise, there is nothing more happy than this.


At this time, the two belly calls sounded almost at the same time.

They looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Well, let's get up and eat, too." Irina got up, her long silver hair almost dropped to her calf like a waterfall, and her softness and luster were not affected after a sleep.

He picked Amy up from the bed and helped her change clothes.

"Mother, I want to make a ball." Amy sits by the bed, grabs her messy hair and looks at Elena.

"Meatballs?" Elena looks at Amy in a puzzled way.

"It's to tie your hair like a small ball." Amy made a gesture on her head, and then added, "my father has done a good job. Don't you?"

"Who... Who says I won't? I'm much better than him." Irina said confidently, he can't lose to MEG in the matter of hair binding, but will it really look good to tie a ball on her head? This makes Elena a little suspicious of Meg's aesthetics.

"I'm seated." Amy sat down with her little dressing box in her arms.

Irina touched Amy's soft hair and asked, "does Xiaomi want big balls or small balls?"

"Can you still make big balls?" Amy was a little surprised. Her father had tied small balls for her. She had never tied big balls.

"Of course, I can do anything." Irina nodded with pride.

"Then I'll make big balls. I like big balls." Amy nodded and looked expectantly at herself in the mirror.

"Big ball words..." Irene hesitated a little, and ten slender fingers moved on Amy's head.


"My father, do you think my big ball looks good?"

Amy ran down the stairs, jumped to the kitchen door and called to MEG in the kitchen.

"Here it is Meg, who is preparing to taste the soup, turns around and looks at Amy, whose silver hair is like a bird's nest, forming a big hollow ball on her head. With a shake of her hand, the soup spills.

What kind of surrealistic hairstyle is this?


Hearing Amy's voice, the ugly duckling dozing on the counter opens her eyes and jumps up one meter in place. Her hair explodes and she looks at Amy in horror.

Everyone looked at Amy's new hairstyle and was surprised. I haven't seen the boss tie Amy's hairstyle before.

McGonagall is thinking about how to evaluate this magnificent hairstyle like the bird's nest. After all, this hairstyle is not something that ordinary people can control, let alone a lovely little Lori like Amy.

"I made it for millet." Irina also came down to the kitchen door, looking at MEG, said, with a look of satisfaction and nervousness.

McGonagall looked at Elena, who seemed very satisfied with her work. When she got to her mouth, she swallowed her comments and quickly squeezed out a sincere smile. She looked at Amy and said, "it's really beautiful. It's more beautiful than the small ball that my father made for Xiaomi. If you go out, it must be very popular with the birds."

"Wow, sister Elena is really great." Amy turned to look at Elena, with little stars in her eyes.

"It's a piece of cake. If Xiaomi likes it, I can tie it for you often in the future." Irina's face showed a smile and was praised by Xiaomi. As expected, she had a full sense of achievement. She looked at MEG, and her eyes were gentle.

MEG make complaints about Lao Tzu's wit. He almost turned away from the vomit.

"It was Princess Elena who tied it up." People who thought the hairstyle was strange suddenly realized that it might be a new fashion in the forest of wind. Although it looks strange, it is very close to nature if you are in the forest.

Phyllis looked at Irina with some astonishment. His royal highness, however, did not want to comb her hair, so she kept her hair. The hair kissed by the God of life did not need to worry about knotting and winding. Even a single hair was a small probability event.

"You... You... Hello, Princess Irina, I am a big fan of you. I admire you very much from childhood. Can you sign my name, please?" Connie came forward with a whoosh, stopped in front of Elena, bent 90 degrees, handed a pen and paper in both hands, and said excitedly.

"Orcs? Kitty Irina looked at Connie's trembling pink ears and couldn't help squeezing them.


Connie, bending over, let out a cry. Her legs softened, and she was paralyzed at the foot of Elena. She looked up, blushed and gasped, with tears in her eyes and some wronged looking at her.

"Is this a discipline? How can you pour so skillfully? " Irina drew back her hand and looked at Connie with some jest. This little guy was really funny. It was like installing a switch on her ear, and it fell down with a pinch. Looking at her more pink cat's ear, she showed some curiosity: "if you blow air into it, what will it be like?"

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