"That's great. I like to sleep with my mother!" Amy said happily, threw the duckling aside, put her arms around Elena's neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I like to sleep with Xiaomi, too." Irina said with a smile, gave Amy a kiss on the cheek, and then looked at MEG with some pride.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling looks at Amy bitterly and moves to MEG. In this home, she also loses her family status.

McGonagall looks at the two of them and is surprised that Elena is showing up to Amy so quickly. Besides, her heart is also a bit more remorse.

After he came to this world, he lived with great caution and restraint. Whether it was Alex's hatred or the gradually chaotic world, he and Amy could be easily crushed.

With the opening of Maimi restaurant, his strength is gradually rising, but compared with those enemies, he is still not good enough.

So he lived more carefully, carefully erasing any connection between Alex and McMillan's restaurant, even Elena.

Amy has asked him several questions about her mother. MEG weaves a fairy tale. Even after Rodo met Elena, she still hasn't talked to her. Elena is her mother.

In retrospect, he is not really a good father or a good husband.

He is too cautious, too careful to control his feelings, and tries to make Amy control his feelings.

The four-year-old's mother is in front of her, but she still wants to keep it from her.

This is a terrible father.

Irina looked at MEG, seemed to see what he thought, and said with a smile: "Xiaomi is a very smart child."

"Yes, Xiaomi is the smartest kid I've ever seen." MEG nodded and looked at Amy with the same smile on his face.

"Yes, much smarter than someone else." Irina cut a glance at MEG, holding Amy toward the stairs, "millet, let's go upstairs to sleep."

"Wait a minute." McGonagall suddenly opened his mouth and reached out to pick up a bunch of blue goblins delivered by the system in real time.

Irina turned and looked at MEG, at the big pot of blue flowers in his hand, with some surprise in her eyes. When did he prepare the flowers?

"This beautiful fairy lady, I wonder if you would like to be the landlady of the Maimi restaurant?" MEG fell on one knee and handed over the bouquet.

"Wow, what a beautiful flower. Mother, please agree." Amy egged on in Elena's arms.

Irina looks at MEG, who kneels on one knee. Her eyes are clear and warm. The faint fragrance of flowers comes slowly. The blue enchantress is shining in the light, her nose is slightly sour, and her eyes are glimmering.

For three years, the three years of losing them, she lives in despair every day, no one can rely on, can only rely on the faith of revenge to live.

And now, the three of them are finally together again.

"That..." Irene sniffed, reached for the bouquet, raised her chin slightly, and said with pride, "I'll just accept it."

"Great! So we are a family! " Amy patted her little hand happily. She didn't expect that her father was so powerful that she cheated her mother so quickly.

And from today on, she also has a mother and father, which is so happy.

MEG stood up, put her arms around Elena and Amy, and put her three heads together with a happy smile.

"No one can separate our family any more." McGonagall said firmly in his heart.

Irina put her forehead close to Meg's forehead. Her inner panic and emptiness were filled with family and warmth, and she got peace and happiness.

McGonagall's mouth was also smiling, with the joy of just expressing success.

He was sure that he had fallen in love with Elena.

This innocent and romantic spirit, this lovely and kind woman, this tough and powerful Queen.

In the two worlds, never has such a woman attracted him so much that he wants to protect her and take her for himself.

She is not controlled by him and has her own ideas and persistence.

Such a person turns out to be the one he really wants.

"Although I promised to be a landlady, it's just a landlady now." Irina looked at MEG with some warning and said, "as for the rest, it depends on your performance."

"Yes, Madame." McGonagall immediately nodded, was inexplicable a little regret?

As for family status and husband's class, does it matter?

"What are the others?" Amy asked curiously.

"Er..." Elena and MEG were stunned at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed at each other.

"After eating the hot pot, you are full of the taste of hot pot." Irina digs the subject and sniffs Amy's hair. "So does hair."

"Just a moment. I'll give you some water and take a bath before you go to sleep." MEG immediately picked up the dishes and went upstairs to fill the master bedroom bathtub with warm water.

"This bathtub is quite big." Elena bent down, picked the water with her hand, looked up at MEG, and her collar sank slightly, revealing a touch of white skin.

"Actually I also..." McGonagall reached out and untied a button.

"You can also wash and sleep, next door." Irina straightened up, pointed to the door with a smile, and a bad smile of mischievous success appeared in her smile.

"All right." McGonagall buttoned up, then squatted down and gave Amy a kiss on the forehead. He said with a smile, "Xiaomi wants to go to bed. Today, my father won't tell you bedtime stories. Good night, baby."

"Well, good night, father." Amy gave MEG a kiss on the cheek, then whispered in his ear, "I'll say more good things to my mother."

"Good boy." McGonagall touched Amy's head with a smile. If the baby is like this, what can I do for her.

"What are you whispering?" Elena looks at them.

"My father asked me to take good care of my mother. He's so eccentric. It's clear that I'm the baby," said Amy

"Well, mother will take care of you." Irina picked up Amy and gave MEG a white look, but her smile couldn't be hidden.

"This is the master of teasing girls." MEG looked at Amy with admiration. The little guy's mouth can be as cold as winter and as sweet as honey. It's time for him to learn.

"Then you can have a rest early. Your pajamas are on the bed. There is a new suit in the closet. You can wear it tomorrow." McGonagall said, then turned straight out of the bathroom, put the pajamas that had just been delivered by the system on the head of the bed, opened the wardrobe door, confirmed that his customized dress for Elena was in place, and then closed the bedroom door and went out.

"System, let me have a look at the parameters of the flight restaurant." MEG lay down on the floor next door and said to himself.

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