The girls who came for the interview at noon have already formed a long line at the door of the restaurant. The interview list is a total of 50 people. They are interviewed according to the order of the names on the list.

Most of the girls wear delicate makeup and stand nervously. Among them, there are many noble ladies in gorgeous clothes, which makes many passers-by marvel.

The restaurant where noble ladies line up to be waiters is the only one in the chaotic city.

"First time interviewer, Miss Hannah, please come in." Anna took the roll and went to the door to read.

A tall lady came out of the line and unbuttoned her overcoat. When she got to the door of the restaurant, she took off her overcoat and dressed in a black tights, presenting her plump figure perfectly.

"Wow, this figure is very good, (✧◡✧✧) envy!"

"Well, I just want to sell meat, cunning bitch."

"Wrap my stomach in silence."

The girls waiting for the interview looked at Hannah one after another and began to whisper.

"Little cute, can you hold it for me?" Hannah looked at Anna and said with a smile.

"All right." Anna put out her hands and hugged the big dress, almost drowning her whole body.

"Thank you." Hannah said with a smile, taking a deep breath, then confidently pushed the door open and went in.

Ding Ling!

As the bell rang, McGonagall and others looked up at the door.

A demon in a black tights came in. His big wavy red hair was wild, and his graceful figure was protruding forward and backward against the background of the black tights. A pair of Danfeng eyes fixed on MEG sitting in the middle of the room like silk and threw a wink at him.

Sexy, this is the first impression of this enchanted lady.

Even if she doesn't do anything, standing there, there is still a magic charm that makes people want to see more.

Of course, in addition to the fact that she is beautiful and sexy, they have the gift of charm.

McGonagall's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he looked at the enchantment lady who was looking at him full of eyes. It was obvious that she had launched her enchantment talent for him, which made him a little unhappy.

Magic is a natural sales expert. As long as you can bring your charm into full play, and do it freely, you can easily beat 99% of the ordinary people in this industry.

But the Maimi restaurant doesn't need a salesperson, and now it doesn't need a waiter to charm the boss. Does he have the courage to do something?

Oh, No.

Irina is looking at MEG and the demon with a smile. The demon is brave enough to seduce her man in front of her.

"Well! How big Phyllis looked at Hannah, and then looked down at herself, a little autistic.

"A third level demon dares to use temptation. I can't resist lying on the floor. This guy can sleep till dawn. How can you tempt me?" Camilla curled her lips and looked at Hannah with disdain.

"Miss Hannah, have a seat, please." McGonagall put down the information and looked at Hannah clearly.

"All right." Hannah looks at McGonagall with clear eyes. She is surprised that boss McGonagall has no response to her charm? Although she is only a third level demon, even if the seventh level knight is charmed by her, the flame in her heart will be aroused, but it fails here?

Although she was surprised, Hannah sat down in her chair calmly and looked at the semicircle of the besieged city, facing her people from all directions. There was still a little tension in her heart.

"When did the interview become this style? Don't you just talk to the boss alone? " Hannah murmured in her heart that she likes to eat the food in the Maimi restaurant, but now this job only allows her to come to the Maimi restaurant twice a week, and she can't eat expensive food. It's too cruel for a demon who likes to eat, so she signed up immediately after seeing the recruitment notice.

She is full of confidence that she can be admitted. Although she is not familiar with the catering industry, she knows men like the back of her hand. She is naturally attractive to men.

It's a coincidence that the owner of the restaurant is a man and a bachelor.

If she can, she doesn't mind being the boss of Maimi restaurant. In this way, she should be able to have a second portion of tofu, right?

Although they are all beautiful girls, Hannah soon regained her confidence. Beauty alone may not be able to deal with men. Otherwise, the restaurant would have a landlady. Obviously, these beautiful ladies can't let go.

"Miss Hannah, would you like to introduce yourself first?" McGonagall looked at Hannah and said that the information in the materials was very limited, and he didn't want to brush out an interviewer directly because of his first impression.

Hannah looked at McGonagall and said with a smile, "Hello boss, I'm Hannah. I'm twenty years old. I'm a three-level demon. I've been in the building materials sales industry for three years. I'm a sales champion in this industry..."

"Sorry to interrupt." McGonagall raised his hand to signal Hannah to stop, and then said: "because there are more interviewees today, you can omit the specific details and growth history of your previous work as far as possible, and tell us what you can do in our restaurant and what you can do in this restaurant."

"Er..." Hannah, who was interrupted, pondered for a while, then looked at McGonagall with a smile and said, "I think I can do the job of receiving guests, which is an important part of my current job. What's more, if the boss has anything to do in his daily life, he can let me do it. If he has something to do with Hannah, he has nothing to do... "Hannah throws a look you know to MEG.

McGonagall looks at his nose and his nose at his heart. He says he doesn't know anything.

The girls nodded slightly. Looking at Hannah, they all felt that she could do a good job in receiving guests. Guests should like such employees.

"Nothing to do, Hannah? It's a great example of a good employee. " Irina curled her lips and said, "comrade, your idea is very dangerous."

Hannah's expression is stiff, and she looks at Elena. She is an extremely beautiful spirit. Her noble temperament makes her feel a little ashamed, and subconsciously restrains her charm.

But who is this beautiful elf? I haven't seen her in the restaurant before. Is she the new waiter? Or the landlady who never showed up?

"I... I don't mean that. I just think that I can do a good job in the restaurant while taking care of the boss's life. I think that's what I should do as a restaurant employee.

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