Mo Bai clenched his fist and looked up at the dragon. Anger rose in his eyes. However, he quickly recognized that it was not the real dragon. He looked down and fell on Julian. He was surprised.

He has been a blacksmith here for decades. Of course, he knows that Julian moved here more than ten years ago, and before that, he still bought intermediate recovery potions from Julian. For so many years, although he didn't have much communication, he still knew him.

Before that, he thought that Julian was at most a level 5 magician, because the effect of his intermediate potion was average, but the price was cheaper than other places.

But now it seems that he completely underestimated his strength, can summon this degree of ice dragon, at least the strength of level 9 magician, let him against this ice dragon, no chance of winning.

"It seems that we need to seize the time to develop the thunderbolt bomb, otherwise we can't even beat a magic dragon, let alone the damned red dragon!" Moby clenched his fist and turned his eyes to the direction of the restaurant. He took a look at MEG with Amy in his arms. He didn't know why Julian and Krasu were so angry in the early morning, fighting at the door of the restaurant.

Not far away, leading two demons with black lava lines towards the restaurant, Sargeras stopped and looked at the direction of the restaurant in surprise.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Asked the tall, thin devil on the left, looking at Sargeras.

"I told you that when you get to the restaurant, you should be obedient and do as you are told. Do you remember?" Sargeras asked aloud, still staring ahead.

"Boss, didn't you say it was a human restaurant? Even if anything, human beings have to make a detour when they see us. When we enter the human restaurant, we don't do whatever we want The dwarf Devil Beside said with a simple smile. He didn't take Sargeras's words to heart at all.

"For you Sargeras slapped a chestnut on the devil's head and said with a smile: "you see for yourself, what is it? Just you melon boy, the boss's little daughter can burn you away with a fireball."

"It hurts!" The devil covered his head and took two steps to the side. He looked along the direction of Sargeras' fingers. His eyes suddenly widened, and he dodged behind Sargeras. He was a little afraid and said, "boss, isn't that the legendary dragon? How can there be a dragon here? "

"Yes, boss, there isn't a dragon behind the restaurant, is there?" Tall and thin Troll also leaned to Sargeras, some scared and curious asked.

"This is obviously not a real dragon, but even if there is no dragon behind the restaurant, there is also a big magician who is more terrible than the dragon. So, be honest with me later, or I can't save you." Sargeras looked at the distance holding the mage's staff standing Crassus with some fear, and told him seriously.

Sargeras' awe of Krasu has gone deep into his heart since he watched Krasu's wand smash back a giant dragon outside Los Angeles. He has not seen MEG Alex, and he has only heard about the rumors of dragon slaughtering, but Krasu's strength has been seen with his own eyes.

"Is that the white bearded magician?" The two demons also looked at Krasu and the dragon in mid air. "I think that old man will be stuttered by the dragon?"

"Not necessarily." Sargeras turned his mouth and said no.


"Look, it's snowing over there! And there's a big white dragon inside

"Really! Is there a dragon trying to make trouble in the city of chaos? Isn't that the restaurant where business has been booming recently? "

"It's the restaurant with two courses on the menu, and the cheapest price is 300 copper coins. I don't know how those idiots send money to the boss every day and come to line up early in the morning."

"That's right. If only the Dragon had smashed the restaurant. The business of my restaurant has been quite poor during this period. Many of my regular customers have not come recently. I saw them queuing up at the door of the restaurant yesterday. "

"Come on, let's have a look, dragon! It's the first time I've seen a real dragon

A lot of people in Aden square also noticed the movement in the corner, and there was a lot of discussion. The tone of many restaurant owners was a little sour, while the travelers were curious to approach the restaurant. Even in the city of chaos, the dragon is not usually visible. After all, many dragons will turn into human action after entering the city of chaos.


"There's something over there! It's two magicians over level 8 fighting, level 5 event! You immediately report to the temple, you two go with me, evacuate the crowd first, try to avoid and reduce casualties! " At the same time, at the other end of Aden square, a middle-aged man in a gray suit looks at the direction of the CAI Maimi restaurant. His face changes, and he says to a young man in the same gray suit. He rushes to the direction of the restaurant first.

"Yes The young man answered, turned around and ran out for a few steps. He saw a young man in a fancy dress coming on horseback. He directly pulled him off the horse, threw a wooden card into his arms, and turned over on the horse's back. "The gray Temple handles the case, temporarily requisition your horse, and then come to the gray temple to lead the horse with this brand."

"When did the grey Temple rob the horse?" That childe brother looked at the wooden card in his hand and was stunned. He had bought a new horse and wanted to show it off. Now he could only scold his bad luck and went back to the direction of the grey temple.


"The new product that the restaurant is going to produce hasn't been officially SOLD yet. These two just had to come to the door, so they let them have a try. I didn't expect that they would fight because of the taste after eating." At the door of the restaurant, McGonagall looked at the curious guests and explained with a smile that at this time, it's natural to advertise for bean curd.

"It's for the taste of a new product!" People's expressions suddenly became a little strange.

"It seems that these two tastes must be very unique and distinct, and very delicious." Prowl looked at McGonagall thoughtfully and expectantly and asked, "boss McGonagall, will there be a new product today?"

Hearing the words, they all looked at MEG. The delicious food that could make the two Great Magicians fight had completely aroused their appetite.

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