Accompanied by a burst of ping-pong noise, the dishes broke all over the floor.

Vanessa grabbed the last big plate in the tray in a hurry, looked at the broken porcelain pieces, opened her mouth slightly, swallowed her saliva, looked back at the people, and said with some apology, "I'll pay for these."

McGonagall shook his head, looked at Vanessa and said, "it doesn't matter, but a plate of this level needs to be moved hundreds of times a day. There can't be any mistakes. Do you think you can finish it?"

"Hundreds of times?" Vanessa was so surprised. She felt her hands were about to break just after walking a few steps with such heavy plates. Now her arms are still a little sore. If she was allowed to carry so many plates back and forth in the restaurant a hundred times, she would not be able to kill her

"I can't do it for sure." Vanessa shakes her head and looks at them with admiration. These young ladies and sisters are very powerful. They usually look very relaxed and beautiful. I didn't expect that what they did was so hard.

"It doesn't matter. It's a good thing to be able to recognize your own shortcomings. My sister will treat you to hot pot in the evening." Irina looked at Vanessa with a smile and said with a smile.

"Really?" As soon as Vanessa's eyes brightened, she immediately nodded happily, "yes, yes."

Vanessa and Elena made an appointment for a hot pot, and then left happily, which relieved MEG and gave Elena a look of appreciation. This move was really wonderful.

The performance of the next few interviewers was more moderate. Among them, Meg, a few girls with restaurant work experience, added a star. Those with work experience are easier to use, and they have expectations of work intensity, so they won't work too hard for a few days.

However, McGonagall did not admit them directly, but let them see the announcement tomorrow, so as not to miss a more suitable candidate.

"The next interviewer - Rina."

"Didn't Rina come?"

"Uncle McGonagall, it seems that the interviewer Rena didn't come to the interview." Anna came into the door and looked at MEG.

"Well, let's jump to the next one." McGonagall nodded and put aside Rina's profile, the first interviewer to give up today.

"Well." Anna answered, turned around and called for the next interviewer.

"Still no one has been accepted directly?"

"It's so strict. Just a few young ladies and sisters were so beautiful that they were not accepted."

"I'm a little afraid. The girl just came out and cried. Did boss Mai do something to them?"

The girls who participated in the interview talked in a low voice, both expecting and afraid.

"Boss, the interview is almost over. Don't you have a good candidate yet?" While the new interviewer didn't come, abemia yawned and looked at MEG.

People are also looking at McGonagall, just a few good interviewers, but McGonagall still did not give them through.

"I'll see all the interviewers before I decide. So far, I don't think she's the only one." MEG smiles and shakes his head. Maybe he's too demanding, but after all, waiters are an important part of the restaurant, so it's right to be serious.

As the interview continues, McGonagall and Elena remain rigorous.

"Uncle McGonagall, all the interviewers on the list have been interviewed." Anna came into the door and said.

"Well, we've been working hard this afternoon." McGonagall folded the information into two stacks. There were several girls on his list, and he had to think about which one to choose.

The return of Phyllis and Sheryl has eased the shortage of waiters in the restaurant. At present, it's almost enough to add another waiters. If there are more waiters, there will be people standing everywhere.

"Ding Ling!"

Just then there was a bell outside the door.

"Well?" Everyone looked up unexpectedly, didn't they have finished the interview?

Anna stood on tiptoe to open the door. A sweating girl stood at the door, holding the door with one hand, gasping: "I'm... I'm Rina. Excuse me, is the interview over?"

"Yes, it's just over." McGonagall nodded and looked at the thin girl, with long flaxen curls and a pretty face, who seemed to have come all the way.

Rena's name is a little familiar. He looks down at the information he singled out before. It's the interviewer who didn't come.

"Yes, can you give me a chance?" Rena stood up straight, trying to calm her breathing, looking at MEG sincerely.

"You are the 21st person in the interview. The interview time has passed, but if you are late enough, I don't mind giving you an interview." MEG looked at Rina and nodded slightly.

"I've just been working. Although it's a low salary and particularly cumbersome job, I can't lose that job before I'm sure I can become an employee of McMillan restaurant, because it's related to the survival of my mother and me. With the help of my colleagues, I finished my work ahead of time and ran all the way to the restaurant. I'm very sorry for missing the interview time. " Rena apologized, her eyes drooping, her face full of frustration.

Although she and Shanshan have been working hard, they still miss the interview time because there are too many accounts. It seems that she still has no chance to become an employee of Maimi restaurant.

Everyone in the restaurant looks at MEG. It's not easy for the girl to look at her. If only I could give her another chance.

"Very wise choice. Come on, Miss Rina, start your interview today." McGonagall said with a smile that most of the more than 80 interviewees who came to the interview today will not be accepted. If they lose their original jobs because of an interview with unknown results, it is not a smart choice.

Rena looks up at MEG in surprise. She can't believe her ears.

"We're going to be ready for the evening business soon. We don't have time to have too many conversations. Please show us why we chose you to join the Mami restaurant." MEG picked up Rena's profile and watched her open the door to the mountain road.

Rina took a deep breath, walked a few steps forward to the chair, but did not sit down. She looked at MEG and said, "may I come into your kitchen?"

"Why?" McGonagall asked. His kitchen is not open to strangers.

"Although I haven't eaten hot pot in the Maimi restaurant, I once smelled the fragrance of the red soup the evening before yesterday. I can tell which spices you used." Reina said confidently.

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