"I'm a killer without feelings." Out of Basti prison, Rex threw a black windbreaker, said indifferently.

"I'm a killer with no sense of direction." Connie put her helmet on her head and said weakly.

Rex, who was walking in front of him, almost fell down. When he turned around, a chestnut knocked on Connie's helmet. He said in silence, "when you kill people, can you not wear your tortoise shell?"

"Master, didn't you say the killer wanted to be mysterious?" Connie pulled up her goggles and said wrongly.

"It's mysterious to kill all the people who see you?" Rex's mouth is rotten.

"Is that... Too cruel?" Connie hesitated.

"Remember, killers can't be merciful. Once they are merciful, you may be the one who died." Rex looked into Connie's eyes and said seriously. Then he popped off Connie's helmet and threw it on the bicycle 50 meters away. It just fell into the basket.

"Hoo... Really, even if you don't wear it when you kill someone, you can keep warm on the road..." Connie shivered and muttered.

Rex's eyelids jumped. What kind of people are these? His apprentice, with tears in his eyes, wanted to teach him. He said coldly, "let's go."

"Oh." Connie quickly followed.

Two dark shadows, shuttling through the night of the chaotic city, like night owls, quietly fly over the roofs and head for the north of the city.

"Are you sure? Is Princess Connie really hiding in that restaurant Five orcs whispered around a wooden table in a room with yellow oil lamps.

"Well, although she was wearing a strange shell on her head when she went in and out, the bracelet she was wearing on her hand was given to her by the chief at the beginning, inlaid with a cat's eye stone. I happened to see it the day before yesterday. I followed her for two days. No matter her body shape or bracelet, I could be sure that she was Princess Connie." A thin Orc nodded.

"Well, I didn't expect that the princess of tangtangfak tribe went to a restaurant to be a waiter, which made it so hard for us to find. Now that we have found her, we will confirm her again in the daytime tomorrow, and then take action to take her back in the evening. The chief promised us a lot of benefits. After we go back, we will be the big men in the tribe. "

The orcs all laughed with pride. They made great contributions in this rebellion. As long as Princess Connie is taken back, women and money will not be enough in their life, and they will be the right-hand side of the new chief.

After making the plan for tomorrow's operation, leave one man to watch the night, and all the orcs will sleep separately, gather their energy and prepare for tomorrow's capture.

"Here it is. Clean up. I'll wait for you for ten minutes." Lane mouth, two voices quietly fall, Rex said indifferently.

"All right." Connie took a deep breath, grabbed the dagger and rushed to the second yard.

"It's over there." One hand clasped on her shoulder, and Rex pointed helplessly to the opposite yard, which was embarrassing for him to kill the wrong person.

"Master, why didn't you say that earlier?" Connie gave rexa a white look, turned to the other yard, and counted her toes on the wall. Without making any sound, she bowed and fell into the yard quietly.

"Can I be to blame?" Rexa had a helpless face.

Light into the yard, Connie is like a black cat, quickly close to the three rooms in the yard, quietly close to the room, standing cat ears tremble slightly, listening to the subtle movements in the room.

There were people in the three rooms. Two of them were sleeping on the left and right sides, and one of them was sleeping in the middle. Judging from the breathing, they were able to fall into a deep sleep state. This is the best opportunity for hunting.

"Hoo Hoo"

Just as Connie was about to pull the latch open with a dagger and enter the room, a slight snore came from one side.

"Who else?" Connie, who was already nervous, almost dropped her dagger when she shook her hand. She took a few deep breaths to adjust her mood. She reached for the eaves and swayed to the other end of the room. She saw an orc sleeping against the wall with a mace in her arms.

"This guy killed my brother!" Connie clenched the dagger, and her face turned pale. Remembering the scene that the rebels invaded the palace and slaughtered her, this guy followed Gary and killed her young brother with the mace.

"Revenge! I want revenge There was only one thought in Connie's mind. As soon as she loosened her hand, it fell from the eaves. The dagger came out of its sheath silently and pierced the sleeping Orc's heart as accurately as usual.

"Well --"

The orc awoke with a start. His eyes widened and he looked at Connie standing in front of him. His eyes were full of disbelief.

But without waiting for him to make a sound, the dagger drawn from his heart had penetrated his mouth and the back of his head.

Connie pressed the orc's head, slowly pulled out the dagger and made him limp against the wall, hardly making a sound.

Two steps back, Connie looked at the orc lying in the pool of blood. Her breath increased slightly. Her hand holding the dagger was shaking. Blood spattered on her body and face. The strong smell of blood made her sick, but her eyes were shimmering.

She killed the bastard and avenged her brother!

When she escaped from the twilight forest alone, she felt that she would never get revenge in her life. How could she be the opponent of Gary and his subordinates.

But now she killed the opponent she once regarded as invincible. This feeling is really wonderful for her.

A little calm, her eyes became calm again, looking at the three rooms, hesitated for a moment, and went to the far right room.

The orc sleeping in the middle room is the most powerful, so she plans to kill the other four weaker orcs first, and then deal with the strongest ORC.

The dagger opens the door pin, and Connie enters the room smoothly. The snoring orcs know nothing about it.

The sharp dagger easily cut the two orcs' throats and cut off their heads. The two orcs didn't have time to make a sound until they died.

Wipe the dagger on the orc's clothes. Connie enters the leftmost room again in the same way and cuts off the heads of the two orcs with the dagger.


Just then, the door was kicked open. A tall Orc stood at the door, looking at Connie who was throwing an orc's head on the ground. Her face changed slightly and said, "it's you

Connie looked at the sudden appearance of the orc, the same face panic, this guy how to wake up, but after seeing the guy's face clearly, the eyes are burning with hatred, it is this guy who killed her mother!

The orc picked up the long knife and said in a cold voice: "hum, I didn't expect that you sent it to me and killed some of my brothers. Today I'll carry yours..."


With a light sound, a sword point came out of his heart and interrupted him.

"Since you're going to kill everyone, start with the strongest one, so that you can figure out what accidents are and solve them easily. Remember?" Rex gently pushed away the dead Orc and looked at Connie who had become a little blood man.

"Remember, master." Connie looked at Rex, nodded hard, then fell into his arms, sobbing in a low voice.

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