"The black fog is a bit weird, but how do you know it's in the devil islands?" Irina looks at MEG with some doubts.

"The landists are living under the endless sea now, they told me." McGonagall said that he didn't mean to deceive Elena. The existence of the system can't be known by other people. This is one of the core principles of the system. The system has repeatedly warned him not to tell others.

"The mysterious people in black last time? What are their origins? " Elena thought of the group of suit thugs who fell from the sky. She couldn't help asking curiously. Up to now, she still doesn't know the origin of these mysterious strong men.

"Randiste was a country that existed in Nolan a long time ago, but it sank thousands of years ago..." McGonagall told him the history of randiste and how they established contact, and agreed to help him talk to Elena three times.

"It turns out that you've raised a powerful army on the bottom of the sea, and it belongs to the kind that other people can't understand." Irina nodded, looked at McGonagall with a smile and said, "I put down my sword and picked up the kitchen knife. It's still very good."

"I can't help it. It's just so good." McGonagall sighed. It's going to overflow. It's a headache.

"Tut tut." Irina rolled her eyes to let him know.

"By the way, the last time I fought with Berg, I found that your holy light magic had a very good purification effect on the black fog, so you may have to go to the black fog with me before killing people." McGonagall added.

"Can the Holy Light purify the black fog?" Irina was a little surprised when she heard that. It was obviously the first time that she knew it.

"Yes, you are disgusted with the breath of the dead. It should feel the same to you. It is the existence of mutual restraint." MEG nodded.

"Well, I also want to find out what it is. I dare to touch the tree of life." Irina nodded.


The next morning, McGonagall was woken up by the alarm clock. He rubbed his bleary eyes and went to the window to open the curtain. He looked out at the dim square. Last night, it snowed again, and the whole square was covered in silver again.

McGonagall looked down and saw a figure wrapped in cotton padded clothes walking downstairs. From time to time, he stamped his feet. A series of footprints were made on the snow.

"Why did Rina come so early?" MEG set the alarm clock at 5:40, and the time he agreed with Rina last night was 6:00. Judging from the footprints on the snow, she should have been here for a long time.

McGonagall changed his clothes, then went downstairs, opened the door, looked at Rina, who was walking around her neck, and said, "Rina, come in."

"Ah?" As soon as Rena looked up at MEG standing at the door, she stood up straight, nodded to MEG and said, "you're up."

"Come in, it's cold outside." McGonagall sidled to open the way, waiting for Rina to enter the restaurant, which shut the cold wind outside.

The temperature outside was at least ten degrees below zero. He could not help shivering when he opened the door. The silly girl was waiting outside.

"Hoo." When Rena enters the restaurant, she also breathes the air conditioner. It's so warm in the restaurant. It's just two worlds from outside.

"Isn't it an appointment to arrive at six? Why are you here so early? " MEG asked as she rubbed her red hands.

"I got up when I heard the crow of the chicken. I didn't know if it was six o'clock, so I came here, and I only waited for a while." Rena put her hand behind her and said with a smile, "it's better to be early than late. That's what mother always tells her.

McGonagall suddenly realized that there is no universal clock in the world. Whether it is a household clock or a magic watch, tens of thousands of copper coins are just things that rich people can play with. Obviously, there is nothing in Rina's home that can let her confirm the time.

"Sit warm for a while, I'll wash it." MEG and Rina said, turning into the kitchen, smashing a few pieces of ginger, boiling them with water in the pan, throwing in two pieces of brown sugar, closing the lid, and then going upstairs to wash.

Rena gently opened a chair, sat on the edge, took out her red hands and rubbed them. The temperature in the restaurant was very warm, and her body began to regain consciousness.

Soon MEG came down, and Rina got up.

"Sit down." MEG motioned to her to sit down, went into the kitchen, and soon came out with a bowl of brown sugar ginger tea, "drink ginger tea to get cold."

"Thank you... Thank you, boss." Rena was flattered and took the ginger tea. The smell of brown sugar and the spicy smell of old ginger came with the heat. The pottery bowl, which had cut off a lot of heat, was warm in her hands.

"Even if you come early in the future, just knock on the door and don't wait outside. Your hands are used for cooking. You can't freeze them." Meg said seriously.

"Well." Rena nodded slightly, ginger tea has not yet drunk, the heart is warm.

"Sit down and drink it. After drinking it, you can almost start making preserved egg and lean meat porridge." Meg said with a smile, turning to the kitchen.

Rina sat down again, scooped up a scoop of bright ginger soup, put it to her mouth, blew it, and drank it.

Some of the hot ginger soup is slightly sweet in the mouth, but after swallowing down the throat, the hot ginger blooms instantly, burns all the way down the throat to the stomach, and then spreads to the four limbs.

"This ginger soup is delicious." As soon as her eyes brightened, she drank one spoon after another. After standing in the cold wind for half an hour, her body became hot and dry from inside to outside. Her whole body was warm and her forehead was covered with sweat.

After a bowl of ginger soup, Rina quickly took off her big cotton padded jacket. It was too warm, and it was warm from the inside out.

Rina moved her chair back to her original position, walked into the kitchen with her used bowl and said carefully, "what should I do next?"

"Let's leave the bowl. Next, we'll make breakfast for the cleaners in Aden square. They have to start their cleaning work against the cold at four o'clock every day, so we'll make them a steaming preserved egg and lean meat porridge to supplement their heat and energy." MEG took Rena's bowl, put it in the sink, looked at her and said.

"You are a good man." Rena said from the bottom of her heart.

"Ding! Good man card + 1! " The system sounds.

McGonagall's mouth twitched, tried to restrain himself, and said with a smile, "OK, let's start now. We should make the porridge before 6:30. It's the breakfast time I made with them."

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