"Pretty boy, do you want to eat?"

"Pretty boy, do you want a haircut?"

"Pretty boy, knock on the back? My little sister's work is very good. "

Walking in the streets of chitose Island, McGonagall gradually lost himself in the sound of beautiful people, watching each one standing at the door of the small house, with a warm smile and sweet voice to meet your demons, such a passionate and serious work attitude, is really respected.

"These little sisters are so enthusiastic. Let's go to their homes to play." Amy looked around curiously, and still waved to those enthusiastic Miss demons.

"Yes, such a warm little sister is rare. Shall we go and have a play?" Irina said, looking at MEG with a smile.

"Yes, but not necessarily." McGonagall's face is serious. It's like framing him. He's not that stupid.

However, this crustacean island is really special. Walking on the road makes him feel like walking on the streets of Guangzhou. Maybe it's because the sound of pretty boy is too bewitching, and he just floats away.

"Where are we going now?" Amy asked curiously.

"We're going to buy a piece of land and build a restaurant." Meg said softly, looking left and right, most of the places on the chitin island are occupied by shell houses of large and small. There are more than 100000 demons living on the island, which can be regarded as a big island. There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. The bottom demons rely on fishing for a living, while the middle and upper demons exploit the bottom demons or do some business to maintain their dignity.

On the rugged rocks outside the island live the demons at the bottom. Every year when the demonic wind blows, many demons at the bottom are blown away with their houses.

Close to the center of the island, the terrain is gradually flat. A town of good scale has sprung up. Although it is also a house made of shells and rocks, its scale and style are completely different from those small caves on the rocks that can only accommodate one or two demons. Tall buildings and shops can be seen everywhere. All kinds of demons run all kinds of shops, which are very lively.

Besides, MEG noticed that there was a wooden sign hanging at the door of the shops, with three characters of "ten kings hall" engraved on it. It was similar to the wooden sign hanging on the old fisherman's waist, but it was more exquisite and bulky.

"Will we have a shell restaurant, too?" Amy's eyes brightened and her face was full of expectations.

"If Amy likes it, we'll build a shell restaurant." McGonagall nodded with a smile, style can be integrated into the crustacean nature is the best.

After walking all the way, McGonagall didn't see the shop on sale. Here, he had to start all over again. The first thing he had to do was to get a piece of land, so that he could summon the mobile restaurant and build a new restaurant.

"There seems to be a land seller over there." Irina reached out and pointed to a closed shop on the far corner.

"Land sales"

McGonagall looked at the two big words on the shop. He was a little surprised at the devil's honesty in doing business. However, since there was a special channel for selling land, it saved him the trouble of looking for the shop everywhere.

When he got to the shop, McGonagall patted the wooden door. After a while, a tall bull headed demon opened the door and yawned and yelled impatiently, "what are you doing?"

"We want to buy a piece of land." McGonagall said calmly that the Tauren devil is only level five strength. He can hit ten with one punch.

"Come in." Tauren looked at McGonagall, did not see which race he belonged to, did not see his strength, but vaguely felt no weaker than himself, relaxed a little, turned and walked in.

McGonagall and they entered. The shop was small, with only one table and three chairs, one of which was lame. The light was very dim, and the air was full of the smell of cattle. On one side of the wall, there were more than a dozen wooden cards, each with a bunch of keys.

"It stinks." Amy went to the door, turned to go out with her nose in her hand, and refused to enter again.

Irina also stopped at the door and closed the door.

The Tauren devil went to the wooden cards, turned over a few pieces at will, looked back at McGonagall and said, "what land do you want to buy? Central or peripheral? To live or to do business? "

"I'm going to open a restaurant. It doesn't have to be in the center of the island, but it's bigger." Macleod thinks about the cableway.

"What a troublesome request." After a while, he took off a wooden card from the corner and threw it at MEG, saying, "this piece of land, 150000 copper coins, full money."

"Why don't you show us the place first?" MEG took a look at the address and the approximate area on the board, looked at the Tauren devil and said.

"Show me? Oh, without this service, do you want to buy it or not? " Beef demon a face impatient way: "don't buy go, I also want to sleep."

MEG flipped the wooden card in his hand, which recorded the general information of the house. It had six rooms and a garden, and the area should be not small.

"Deal." McGonagall took out a purse and poured it on the table. The Golden Dragon coin fell on the table, making a clear sound, "click it."

As soon as the ox head demon's eyes brightened, he squatted in front of the table to count the money, and the 150 dragon coins were quickly counted.

"Tell me your name. I'll register and the land will belong to you." The Tauren devil put away the Dragon coin, drew a thick book from under the table, looked at MEG and said.

"Hades." Said Meg.

The Tauren devil left three words of Hades on the booklet in crooked handwriting, then wrote a serial number, took out a seal from the drawer, pressed it on the name, nodded at MEG and said, "Mr. Hades, that wooden card is the certificate for you to own this house. The transaction has been completed. You can go to see your new house."

"All right." McGonagall nodded slightly. The process was simpler than he thought. He put away the card and turned to leave.

"By the way, if you just come to the chitose Island, I suggest you go to the ten kings hall to buy a body guard card. If you don't have a body guard card, you will have a hard life in the chitose island." The Tauren devil put away the book and looked at Meg's back to remind him.

"Thank you." MEG nodded slightly, pushed open the wooden door, went out, took a breath of the fresh air, waved the token at Elena and Amy, and said with a smile, "come on, let's go to the ten kings hall to buy a body guard, and then we can go to our new home."

"Ten kings hall? Shouldn't those guys protect themselves first? " Irina looked at MEG and frowned slightly.

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