"I won!"

Looking at the Dragon smashed by Krasu's stick, the crowd was silent for a while, and there was an uproar. By contrast, Krasu, who was so small, smashed the ice dragon with a stick close to him, which made people feel absurd.

"Wow, grandfather half beard is so powerful! Great Amy also opened her eyes wide, patted her little hand and cried, looking at the magic wand in Krasu's hand. Her blue eyes were bright. "This magic wand is very powerful. If you take it for me..."

McGonagall's face was also surprised. The strength that Krasu showed really makes people hard to believe that this is what an old man in his twenties can do. This is not pure physical strength, but the perfect use of magic in his own body, which can break a dragon. This kind of control ability is amazing.

"How terrible the old man is The two lava demons behind Sargeras had a look of horror. They thought the dragon was terrible enough, but they didn't expect that the old man would smash the dragon with one blow. This intuitive sense of power shocked their minds. For the first time, they knew that human beings, who used to be the synonym of weakness, could be so powerful and terrifying.

"Half of the old man's beard was burned by the restaurant owner's daughter." Sargeras had seen Kelasu beat back the real dragon, so he had some expectations in his heart. He didn't react so much. He took a look at them and said faintly.

"That little girl is so terrible The tall and thin devil hesitated and pulled Sargeras's clothes. He was a little afraid and said, "boss, let's change the restaurant. Kiel and I went to the city of chaos today. We can just find a restaurant to eat at random."

"Yes, boss, we haven't seen each other for decades. As soon as we heard from you, we came here. There are still more brothers on the way. Mond and I discussed to have a good drink with boss on the way. I'm afraid it's boring to drink in the restaurant." The short and fat devil on one side also nodded.

"There is no wine in this restaurant, and I'm not here for you. I'm here to take you to taste the rougamo of this restaurant. After you have tasted it, you will know why I called you to the city of chaos this time." Sargeras shook his head and didn't explain much.

The two demons looked at each other to make sure that Sargeras didn't change his mind, so they didn't dare to say anything more.

Sargeras is the most powerful lava warrior of lava demons. He has fought with lava demons and other demons countless times.

However, 50 years ago, he chose to leave the devil islands, saying that he wanted to find a way to let the lava devil break through and rekindle the glory of the lava clan. Fifty years later, there has been no news.

A few days ago, I suddenly used Flamingo to send a message to the Hui people, saying that I had found a way to let the soldiers of lava group break through quickly, and called those brothers of that year to gather in the chaotic city.

In recent years, the situation of the lava clan is not very good. Many of them are wandering outside, so they are the only people who can come here at the first time, and many others may be on the road.

The name Sargeras represents the hope of the lava clan. Once upon a time, they thought that he had died in a foreign land. Otherwise, they didn't send back any news for such a long time. When the clan leader received the news, he even suspected that it was the trap set by other demon races.

When the two of them came to the city of chaos and found Sargeras according to the address, although they hadn't seen him for 50 years, the feeling of seeing the leader still made their blood flow back to their hearts, and the lava clan didn't have to continue to be bullied by other races!


"You are a third slower than you were then. It seems that you are really old." Julian looked at Krasu with deep eyes, and his tone was filled with emotion.

"No, I'm dying. If you want to fight me again this time, I'll try my best." Krasu slowly clenched the wand in his hand. The flame rose from the wand and wrapped his body in it. Standing in the snow, he was eye-catching.

Julian frowned. This time he was silent for a longer time. He said in a hoarse voice: "all the people who went through that war were almost dead. Unexpectedly, in the end, our two enemies lived to the end."

"People will die. We two old people have lived a long time." Krasu's face was also a little slow. He looked at Julian with the same aging face and hunched like a turtle shell. At that time, those people died one by one, and there were few left.

"Yes, they're going to die anyway, so I don't mind if you go to die earlier." Julian nodded and grinned. With a wave of the black magic wand in his hand, a series of crisscross sharp ice cones suddenly rose at Krasu's feet, growing very fast, like a bird's nest, stabbing at Krasu standing in the center.

People watching this scene, heart unconsciously pulled up, Julian this hand and sneak attack is no different, suddenly Krasu want to dodge is not easy!

"You think as much as I do." Kelasu also said with a smile that the master's wand slammed heavily on the ground, and the flames around his body suddenly surged out, forming a wall of fire around his body. After all the ice cones hit the wall of fire, they all made a crackling sound, broke, turned into a stream of water vapor, and completely evaporated. The seemingly breathtaking scene was thus transformed into invisibility.

Krasu's step is a flash, and he rushes towards Julian not far away. All the ice that appears constantly along the way is smashed by him, but he can't stop him.

"Bang!" Almost in the twinkling of an eye, Krasu appeared in front of Julian. The wand in his hand fell on his head without hesitation, but it made a clear sound and turned into ice crumbs. It turned out to be an Iceman!

"CRAs like as two peas," I heard here, "I'm here..." the voice of ulian came from behind, and there were countless ulinas on the square. All the faces were the same. They had a cold smile on their lips, staring at crousue.

"There are so many tortoise shells, which one is the real one?" Emiman looked as like as two peas, and tried to find out the real ulinam from inside. But none of them looked the same.

"Julian, you still like to hide as you used to. As a great magician, is that all you can do?" Krassou, the exaggerated Julian, frowned.

"Krasu, it's you who led the magician to the wrong side. Do you know how many magicians with good talent fell to the ground like ordinary Knights cutting melons and vegetables because they wanted to learn from you in melee at the beginning? As a noble magician, they should play between the enemy and applause. Only those heavy Knights like melee." Julian's angry voice sounded, and he raised his hand, ready to move.

"Don't fight. If you fight again, you will damage my restaurant. Xiaomi is going to be angry. I also know fireball. You may be familiar with my fireball skill!" At this time, a young voice called out with some spirit.

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