"In this lobster, I seem to see the good life of the devil." Justin opened his eyes, a happy face said, and then stretched out his hand to break off the shrimp brain shell, took a mouthful of the shiny shrimp brain, fragrant shrimp yellow full of a mouthful, let the taste buds fall into madness again, even the shrimp shell did not let go.


With a shiver, Justin's body surface of gray rock fell a layer, like molting general, revealing a new gray black stone shell.

"What is this? Did the first evolution succeed? " Originally also want to give Justin a big chestnut jimina a face surprised looking at Justin's new stone shell, gray black also a trace of red.

"It's a new shell!" Ivan, who reaches half of his hand, is also stunned. He also looks at Justin in surprise. He is only ten years old. According to the Convention, the rock devil will change his shell for the first time at the age of 15, and only a few geniuses will change his shell in advance.

"Change the shell?" Justin didn't understand the meaning. He clapped his hands, took off the mud powder in his hand, and extended his hand to the lobster again. The crayfish was so delicious. It was so happy to live such a delicious life. If only he could be happy all the time.

"Is it about the shrimp?" Jimina and Ivan look at each other. They know best about Justin's talent. At that time, they both changed their first stone shell when they were 15 or 16 years old. Their talent is very mediocre. Justin didn't show any special talent since he was a child. He is more stupid than other people's children. He can't be a genius.

The only explanation is the shrimp sent by the new neighbor next door.

After eating a shrimp tongs and a shrimp skull, Justin suddenly changed the shell. They would not believe that there was no relationship between the two.

"Mother, you can try it too. This roasted crayfish is really delicious." Justin breaks off one of the fattest pieces of shrimp and hands it to jimina's mouth.

The fragrance of shrimp comes in close range, bringing endless temptation, which makes jimina who originally wanted to push away the shrimp open her mouth.

The mouth is full of shrimp meat. The teeth that can easily chew stones feel the special spring tooth feedback. With a slight bite, the delicious taste will bloom in the mouth. The clumsy taste buds are unexpectedly becoming active. It seems that they want to taste every taste once again and cater to the blooming taste crazily.

"The smell! How can there be such a wonderful taste in this world Jimina was shocked. The big turtle in her mind was crushed into a thin meat cake by a red lobster. Just a meeting, her body and mind had been completely conquered by the crayfish.

"My turtles... Turtles... The gap is too big..."

After being conquered, there is an endless gap in her heart, as well as the loss of her cooking skills. Jimina sighs. Compared with the crayfish, her proud stewed turtle is hardly worthy of being called food.

"Wife, give me another bowl of turtle soup. It's delicious today. I think your cooking skills have improved again." Ivan passed the bowl with a smile and looked at jimina with a lost face.

Jimina looked up at Ivan, looking at the smile on his face, suddenly a sour nose, said with a smile: "you don't have your own hands, you want me to scoop you." But then he picked up the spoon and gave Ivan a big bowl of soup. By the way, he added a big turtle leg.

"Well, mother, is this crayfish delicious?" Justin looked at jimina with some pride and said that he finally proved that his idea was right. Other people's food is better than his mother's. turtle soup is the worst food in the world.

"Smelly boy, how delicious turtle soup is. We don't know how many demons in our tribe are envious. This crayfish can only be used as a snack. Can you still be a meal?" Ivan slapped Justin on the head and winked at him. His eyes were harsh.

Justin's head thump hit the table, although it didn't hurt, but the tears of grievance had been swirling in his eyes. Looking at his parents who were like two mountains, he dared not to speak up. He nodded his head and said: "turtle soup, it's delicious."

"Eat, eat the rest." Jimina reached for Justin's forehead and handed him the rest of the crayfish.

"Do you have enough to go on the road?" Justin holding shrimp, some fear, things must be abnormal demon, mother this attitude before and after the contrast is a little big ah.

"I don't want to, do I?" Jimina looked cold.

"I eat it!" Justin stuffed the shrimp meat with the shell into his mouth and chewed it. It was very sweet.

A crayfish was soon eaten up by Justin. He licked his hand, but there was only one crayfish. He didn't eat enough.

Jimina grabbed Justin's hand and looked at it carefully for a while. Compared with just now, the red on the gray white stone shell became clearer, some like the red on the crayfish watch case.

"When I first changed the shell, it wasn't so hard." Ivan also reached out and pinched Justin's little raised stone shell on his back. Suddenly, he shrunk his hand and said, "how can I feel a little tied? It's a bit numb

Jimina ignored it, but looked at Justin and asked, "Justin, what's the special feeling of changing the shell?"

"How do you feel?" Justin got up and clenched his fist. "Seems to be getting stronger?"

"Give it a try." Jimina points to the nearly one person high boulder standing in the yard, which they usually use to train Justin. It is full of holes left by fists.

Justin walked over, took a deep breath, and hit the rock with a fist.


With a light sound and a fist as the center, a crack appeared on the boulder. The crack expanded rapidly. The boulder was divided into two parts and fell to the ground.

"I... why am I so good?" Justin looked at the huge stone which was smashed by his fist in disbelief.

"It has really reached the strength after the first shell change, and this layer of stone shell seems to have some variation." Ivan looked at the boulder and said with a smile.

"That's great. Our son is going to be the genius of the rock troll." Jimina is also surprised that the variant stone shell is extremely rare among rock demons. Once it appears, it will leave a name in the history of rock trolls.

"Genius?" Justin a Leng, some uncertain way: "don't you often say I'm a once-in-a-hundred-year fool in the rock Bureau demons?"

"Will Justin's sudden evolution be related to this crayfish?" Ivan once again raised his doubts and speculation.

"It's possible." Jimina nodded. If eating turtle soup can evolve, it won't be until today.

Justin a face decidedly way: "in order to verify your idea, I am willing to eat crayfish every day, eat enough to go!"

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