"So fast?"

McGonagall was a little surprised. He took off his apron and hung it on the chair beside him. He gently pressed Jane's shoulder, which was shaking slightly. He said softly, "Jane, don't be afraid. They don't come for you, so stay in the dining room and don't come out."

"But..." Jane looked at MEG. She was worried about the ten kings hall because she came to the door.

"We said we would protect you." McGonagall said with a smile, letting go and walking out of the restaurant.

In the courtyard, a fat abyss demon is rubbing the mud on his shoes with a stone chair, while another void demon is knocking on the iron pot with a spatula, making a clanging sound.

"What can I do for you, please?" MEG glanced at the spade in the void devil's hand, frowning slightly, but not in a hurry.

"Are you the boss here?" The void demon looked up at MEG, frowning slightly. What kind of demon is this? Why haven't you seen it? Is there a lobster demon?

"Yes." MEG nodded.

The fat abyss devil took his feet off the chair, strode forward, pointed his nose at MEG, and said, "I heard you killed a demon with a shield? Don't you accept the discipline of the ten kings hall? "

"A troublemaker with two sides." McGonagall nodded, then reached out to the large body guard hanging on a side door, and said calmly, "if I remember correctly, according to the rules of the ten kings hall, the devil with the shop body guard has the right to kill any devil who makes trouble in the shop, right?"

"You..." the abyss devil choked, originally intended to suppress this guy in the momentum, and then squeeze some oil from him. Unexpectedly, this guy even moved the rules of the ten kings hall to suppress him.

"Oh, do you have any evidence of his making trouble? I heard that he didn't have any residue left. " The void devil came up with a spatula and looked at McGonagall with a sneer.

"If he doesn't make trouble, I'm a restaurant operator. Why can't I have a bad time with the guests? I'm not happy to kill a guest to worship heaven? Or do you think there are too many guests to scare away? " McGonagall looked at the void demon with an idiot's eye.

"You..." the void devil is also a choke, more angry is this guy's eyes, even undisguised ridicule.

McGonagall sighed and said with a disappointed face: "when I first came to the chitin Island, I heard that the ten kings hall took care of the whole island in good order, so I came here to open a restaurant. If I bought the highest level of body guard, I still can't guarantee the normal operation on the chitin Island, then I can only go to the ten kings hall to discuss an explanation."

"This guy."

The faces of the void devil and the abyss devil are all angry. They are just the lowest level people in the ten kings hall. They only have the identity of the top ten races and the name of the ten kings hall. They are domineering on the crustacean island. No one ever dares to challenge them, let alone do so without face.

But these years, the body shield has brought a lot of income to the top ten races, so the top ten races also consciously regulate the role of the body shield, so that more demons can take the initiative to buy the body shield.

If it comes to the general hall, they can't do anything about MEG, but they have some trouble.

"I'm warning you, be honest with me when you're in the crustacean, or I won't let you have a good time." The void devil warned, pointing at MEG with a spatula.

"I've always been the most disciplined." MEG took the handle of the spatula with a smile and pulled it back from the hand of the void devil.

Looking at the void devil, he can't be angry at all. After all, he cut off his ancestors in the first battle of his career. Now the status of the void devil clan is not stable. It's because of his gift. Looking at this little guy, he has some pitiful feeling.

As for the abyss devil, he should be in a hurry to attend the funeral of their patriarch in two days. I don't know if he can still see people with his nostrils as he does now.

The void devil and the abyss devil met with each other, and they could not find any place to do anything. They could only leave indignantly.

"It seems that the wool must be collected." McGonagall looked at the back of the two demons and whispered to himself thoughtfully.

"The boss is very powerful." Hiding in the restaurant, Jane secretly looks at this scene, looks at McGonagall with adoration on her face. Her humble attitude and unyielding spirit make her feel completely different.

On the crustacean Island, all demons are used to being oppressed by the ten kings hall. She never thought that anyone would dare to resist.

McGonagall closed the door and turned into the dining room. Looking at Jane standing at the door, he said with a smile, "Jane, you should take a nap. The room is upstairs. I'll take you up."

"Well." Jane answered softly, followed MEG up the stairs.

Elena is playing with Amy and the ugly duckling in the room. Amy's laughter comes from the crack of the door.

"You live in this room." MEG pushed open a door at the other end of the corridor, a simple small room, a single bed, a dresser, and a window that could see the back garden. On the window sill, there were orchids in full bloom. The room had a faint fragrance of flowers.

"I... do I live here?" Jane asked, looking at McGonagall incredulously for a long time with her mouth open.

"It's a little small, isn't it?" McGonagall looked at the small room where he could hardly stand more than one person. He couldn't help it. It was added by the system temporarily, which had compressed some space in his study. If it continued to expand, it would be illegal.

"No, it's not." Jane shook her head. "You misunderstand me. I don't think it's small, but I think it's a wonderful room... I've never lived in such a good room. If I'm not suitable to live upstairs, I can sleep on the floor downstairs."

Even the floor downstairs is cleaner than the place where she used to live. The most important thing is safety. Here, she feels a sense of security she has never felt before.

McGonagall looked at Jane who was a little frightened, and suddenly felt a little distressed. It was hard to imagine what kind of life the little girl had lived before.

"This is your room. Let's have a rest. It's hard at noon, and it may be even busier at night." Meg said softly, closing the door gently.

"My room..." Jane read softly. She scanned every part of the room carefully, reached out and pressed the edge of the bed. It was a soft and warm feeling. After hesitating for a while, she sat down on the edge of the bed. After a while, she slowly lay back and lay on the bed.

"It's so comfortable."

There is a smile on Jane's face, which is as warm and soft as falling into her mother's arms. A tear falls from the corner of her eye. If she could meet the boss earlier, her mother might not die.


"This guy really wants to pull out his shrimp tongs and put them into his mouth." The abyss devil twisted his neck and said with an unhappy face.

"It doesn't matter. Since that guy is going to do business on the crustacean, sooner or later he will fall into our hands." The demon of void has a kind of evil smile.

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