The answer is probably in everyone's mind, but no one dares to say it.

These are two Great Magicians above level 9. One is a royal worshipper and the other is a mysterious dark magician. Judging from the previous moves and conversations, it's not too much to say that fire and water can't tolerate each other. Unexpectedly, Amy didn't think much and proposed that they both want to learn.

Krasu and Julian were also stunned, but unexpectedly, they did not rush to refute or refuse. They looked at each other, and there was a bit of complexity in their eyes.

Twenty years ago, the elf girl clapped her hands and said the same thing. Then they fought for nearly a year, and neither of them convinced the other. Before they could decide the outcome, the girl was taken away.

Although no one said it afterwards, it can't be denied that it was probably one of the most regretful things in their hearts. Because no one was the master, even the obstruction that they stood up to in the end was not justified.

"I think it's very good. I can learn the magic of grandfather banbeard who can fly, or the magic of grandfather turtle shell who can turn into a dragon. In this way, Xiaomi will be very powerful." Amy patted her little hand and said something longingly, with a happy smile on her face.

"In fact, I think it's OK to learn one. As long as you can learn my magic well, you can knock the dragon's head at will. You don't need any extra magic at all. For extra magic, you only need to learn one fireball. Like the Dragon just now, one fireball can smash it from the sky." Krasu tried to persuade.

"It's not nice for girls to fly around in the sky with a big stick. If you learn my magic, it doesn't matter if you wear a skirt. They can't even touch the corner of your clothes. How elegant it is, that's what a girl should look like." Julian also let the voice as soft as possible said.

McGonagall's mouth was slightly raised. From the faces of Julian and Crassus, he saw the possibility of compromise. Sure enough, it was the most appropriate thing for Amy to mention this kind of thing by himself. Moreover, both of them really wanted to accept Amy as an apprentice. If Amy could reconcile the contradiction between the two, it would be a good thing. After all, people of this age are old, There are probably few old friends in the world.

"I just want to learn from both of them, please..." Amy shook her head and looked at them pitifully with big watery eyes, and said softly.

Krasu and Julian look at Amy, suddenly feel a soft heart, trance seems to see the usual extremely poisonous tongue, a coquettish but let people think you can say anything.

But Amy was younger, and she was also cute. When she looked at her with this kind of eyes, she couldn't even refuse, so she nodded.

"Really? Grandfather turtle shell and grandfather half beard, do you really promise to teach me magic together? " Amy's eyes suddenly brightened, hugged Meg's face, and said happily, "my father, Xiaomi has two masters, who can teach Amy magic."

"I..." Krasu just recovered. He even nodded and opened his mouth to say something.

"Good master half beard." Amy turned back and yelled at crassus.

Krasu was stunned for a moment. He looked at the smile on Amy's face and swallowed all the words behind him. The corner of his mouth moved and he still pulled out a little smile. He nodded and said, "OK."

"But..." Julian asked.

"Good master turtle shell." Amy also looked at Julian and said, thinking about it, and then said with a smile, "in this case, can I play with mung bean and black charcoal every day?"

Julian looked at Amy with a smile on his face. After a while, he nodded and said: "yes.

"How nice, how happy!" Amy patted her little hand. There were little stars in her eyes. She was full of longing and expectation. After learning the magic of grandfather banbeard, she could fly to the sky by herself. After learning the magic of grandfather turtle shell, she could snow and turn into a dragon. It was so interesting.

"So, is that a promise?" From the beginning to the end, the onlookers didn't dare to make any noise. They didn't expect that the two big magicians, who were in full swing, would become the masters of the same little girl in a twinkling of an eye. Moreover, they were still a half elf girl. It seemed that they were the daughter of the restaurant owner.

"Boss Mai, what do you think of this?" Crassus turned to McGonagall, who had never spoken. It was McGonagall who played a decisive role in this matter.

"I respect Amy's choice. It's undeniable that both of them are powerful magicians, but I hope they can fulfill the promise they made in the restaurant. This is my only condition." McGonagall looked at the two seriously and said that the only requirement, in fact, contains many requirements.

"Crafty and cunning!" Julian and Crassus looked at McGonagall, and four words flashed through their hearts at the same time. That was the condition they proposed when they were competing with each other. Now they agreed to accept both apprentices at the same time, and McGonagall even wanted them to follow that condition, which brought the merchant's nature into full play.

Can see McGonagall's expression, there is no room for negotiation, there is a talented and lovely daughter, really can do whatever you want.

"Although I hate that my apprentice has another master, I respect her choice. Unfortunately, I have a poor vision. From tomorrow, I will study with you for three days, study with me for three days, and have a rest. I have agreed to all the preconditions. " As soon as Julian raised his hand, the rest of the ice seemed to be broken. He walked out of the corner slowly. Looking at Julian, he said coldly, "and the salty bean curd is the best."

"If Amy didn't want to learn your fancy things, do you think I would like to teach the same apprentice with you? Three days is OK. The time is according to the rest time of the restaurant. I have agreed to the prerequisite. " Krasu also took away the flame from the mage's staff. He pointed the wand at Julian and said seriously, "the best thing to eat is the sweet bean curd. If you don't agree, you can fight at any time."

MEG put Amy on the floor with a smile, looked at the table in the restaurant, looked at them, nodded and said, "OK, in that case, Amy's class will start tomorrow. It's time for the restaurant to open. If you want to have dinner, you can have breakfast before you leave."

"Two Yangzhou fried rice. Well, you can add another rougamo today." Crassus headed for the restaurant.

"One for each." Julian looked at Krasu's back, thought for a moment, said, and walked towards the restaurant.

"Captain, what do you do now?" A member of the grey Temple looked at bazer and whispered that because the fighting lasted for a short time, the damage to the square was not serious, and there were no casualties. Only two small trees were affected in the fighting, and the damage was not as destructive as the two orcs fighting two days ago.

"Report the situation, but don't rush to ask. If I guess correctly, the white robed magician is a big man." Basil took a deep look at MEG and said in a low voice that the owner of the restaurant was not simple.

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