"Once a life." Angela said coldly, raised her hand to press the devil's head into his own crotch, accompanied by a brittle sound of bone fracture, raised her leg to kick him a hundred meters, and fell into a broken house in the distance.

Angela clapped her hands, lifted the curtain of the red wine room and went in.

"Wow, sister Angela is so handsome." Amy was standing on the eaves of an alley, patting the alley.

"Unexpected crispness." Irina was also surprised. She looked at the room and wondered, "but why did she come here? Does she work here during the day? "

"It's not right. If it's work, it's just not enough to kill that guy. Why is she here?" Irina thought about it. With a flash of green light at her feet, she carried Amy directly into the room and set up a sound barrier.

This is a small single room, only a messy bed, half lying on the bed, half leaning on a demon covered with a thin blanket, plump white thighs exposed outside, eyes with fine wrinkles, heavy makeup can not hide the traces left by the years, looking at Angela in some surprise.

"New?" The demon soon recovered her composure and looked at Angela with the eyes of the elder looking at the younger. There was a trace of envy in her eyes. What a young body, what a God's eyes. When she was young, how many male demons would be crazy if she looked at them once.

Unfortunately, time has passed... She is old, too.

"I'm not here to rob you of your business. I'm Angela Auster, the only successor of the demon royal family." Angela raised her hand, and a holy white lotus rose in the palm of her hand, slowly spinning in the light, and then blooming.

"Holy white lotus!"

The demon looked at the white lotus in Angela's palm and thought of some legends. His body began to tremble. He got up on the punch and knelt down in front of Angela. His forehead touched the ground. He said respectfully and humbly, "dear king, please forgive me for my recklessness and impoliteness. You are here again."

"Is sister Angela Wang? Then why does she want to be a waiter? " Amy looked puzzled and didn't understand.

"I didn't expect the king of the Meizu to appear again. No wonder she can cultivate to level 8. She was recognized by the holy white lotus." Elena thoughtfully recalled some of the records she had seen before about demons.

Many years ago, the demon had its glory, and the name of the king of the Meizu had been shining on the continent of Nolan.

However, with the death of the king of the Meizu, the Meizu gradually declined, and the people scattered all over the mainland. Because of their charm talent, they became playthings of all ethnic groups and were labeled as Yingdang.

Probably everyone forgot, including the demon himself, that what they once believed in was the purest and purest holy white lotus, which came out of the mud without being stained.

"Get up." Angela put away the white lotus, reached out to help the demon up from the ground and put on the bed sheet for her.

The demon still did not dare to look directly at Angela, hung his head, and his body trembled slightly with excitement.

"I'll take you." Angela looked at the demon and said.

The demon suddenly looked up and looked at Angela in disbelief.

How many years, about the legend of holy white lotus, even the demon himself has begun to gradually no longer believe.

They indulge in sound and color, regard themselves as men's playthings, and let them vent their lust for animals in exchange for little money.

They have no way to resist, they have no ability to resist.

No matter where they go, they always stick the label of low and win.

So they lie in the small house in the dark alley and accept it all.

However, the magic with white lotus in his hand really appeared!

She came to the dirty, dark alley and held out her hand to take her away.

"Where to?" The demon hesitated for a moment and asked in a soft voice. Before she came to the crustacean, she had enough of wandering and wandering. She was afraid to experience that kind of life again.

"Perhaps you all forget that we demons once had our own territory, a holy land full of white lotus." Angela looked at the demon and said in a soft judo voice, "I'll take you home."

Enchantment, home, what a strange word.

Tears can not stop from the corner of her eyes, and then into a silent sob.

"Close the door, don't take anything, and be ready to leave with me at any time. No one can force you to do anything in the future." Angela patted her on the shoulder, turned and walked out to the next bungalow.

The demon looked at Angela's back and quickly wiped away her tears. From the bottom of the cupboard, she pulled out the long skirt she had worn when she was young and put it on her body.

The long coarse cloth dress was a bit ugly, but it blocked all the favorite parts of the animals, and then it closed the door heavily.

"Unexpected fun." Elena leaves with Amy, but does not stop Angela again and takes Amy back to the restaurant.

"The king of Meizu? Is it new? " MEG listened to Elena's narration, pick eyebrows, feel things are not so simple.

Irina said: "I have read in the book that the king of Meizu is good at attacking by spiritual magic, killing people invisibly, and even controlling other people's behavior. In those days, although the demons did not dominate, because of the existence of the king of the demons, no race dared to provoke easily. "

"It seems that she is trying to revive the demons, and is regaining them." McGonagall was thoughtful.

"The situation is similar to that of the night elves, but it's not easy for her to take all the demons away from the ten kings hall." Irina shook her head. "After all, she's not me."

Although a little forced, but McGonagall had to admit that Elena said nothing wrong.

"It seems that we did recruit a problem employee." MEG feels a bit of a headache.

"When necessary, I will give her a little help, just as employee benefits." Irina said boldly.

"You are a good landlady." Meg's a little sour.

"Well, I knew I could do it."

"It's easy to say anything... But please don't take Xiaomi to the kiln next time." McGonagall looked at a little proud Irina and said, "is this what a normal mother would do?".

"Well." Irina answered noncommittally.

"I'm going out, too. I need help." MEG and Irina said, got up and went out to the sea.

At the cost of a shrimp, McGonagall rented the deep-sea submarine from the system, found a deserted coast, drove the submarine away from the crustacean island and went straight to the deep sea.

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