McGonagall sympathizes with the married man's desire for survival, so he agrees to Ivan's request for help.

At the end of business at noon, MEG was holding the railing with a smile, staring at Ivan's jimina and said, "miss jimina, Mr. Ivan said that he wanted to learn how to cook crayfish with me. I thought he was a good cook, so I charged him, but he needed 500 copper coins for the registration fee. He said that the financial power is in your hands. I don't know if you can give it to me."

"Hasn't he given the money to Mr. Hades yet?" Jimina took a suspicious look at Ivan.

"Wife, what do you say? Do I look like a devil with five hundred copper coins on me?" Ivan patted his chest with a calm face. Because of excessive force, he accidentally patted out a gold coin.

The golden coins, shining in the sun, draw a beautiful parabola, Ding in front of jimina, spinning on the ground.

Ivan's expression and action instantly stiff, looking at the gold coin still spinning, eyes gradually panic.

McGonagall is also slightly a Leng, some pity of looked at Ivan, it seems that this old brother can only ask for more happiness.

"No... no, wife, let me explain." Ivan tries to struggle.


Jimina stepped the gold coin into the rock, then turned and walked towards the room. There was a cold voice: "if you can't learn to be a crayfish, don't come back."

"Do you think I have half my life left?" Ivan looked at MEG and tried to ask.

"It depends on whether you can learn." McGonagall couldn't help laughing.

"Ah, life, what a simple and lovely little girl she was, how could she have become such a tiger..." Ivan sighed. It's really inconstant.

On the first day, McGonagall didn't let the demons start cooking. After all, the cost of a crayfish is 50 copper coins. If he practiced more than a few times, he would not lose money, so he only asked them to do some basic cleaning work. After all, even pulling the shrimp line, they couldn't reach McGonagall's standard.

"Well, that's the end of today's course. If you want to start tomorrow, you can buy crayfish by yourself, or go to the seaside tonight to try your luck, and you will have cooking materials tomorrow." In the evening, MEG looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

Although the demons were a little surprised, they didn't say much about the cost of crayfish. Five hundred copper coins were not enough for them to try several times.

"Boss, can you draw me a drawing of this pot? I want to find a blacksmith to make the same one, so that I can practice at home When the crowd was almost gone, kittal came forward and looked at MEG.

"Of course." McGonagall nodded, took a pen and paper, and quickly drew a drawing of the frying pan and handed it to kitar. This young fisherman really has a very good enthusiasm. He is eager to do his work, and he will put forward some places he doesn't know. He is a good apprentice.

"Thank you, boss." Kital solemnly collected the drawings, said thanks to Meg, and left in a rush of interest. Today, he felt that he had learned a lot of new things. He had to go home to digest them well, and he had to catch some crayfish tonight.

Because all the demons in the ten kings Hall of the crayfish house were buried, the crayfish house was quiet because of the storm outside.

In the evening, McGonagall closed ahead of time on the ground that the crayfish had sold out.

"Amy, your mother and I are going out tonight. Will you stay at home with the ugly duckling and watch the cat and mouse?" McGonagall took out a tablet from behind him, opened the screen and automatically started playing the first episode of cat and mouse.

"Wow, there's a big blue gray cat and a small brown mouse hidden in it!" Amy stares curiously at the screen.

"Meow!" Ugly duckling seems to see the same kind, but also excitedly came forward, shrunk to Amy's arms.

"Come on, I think they can watch it all night." MEG looked sideways at Elena.

"Ha ha, that fat cat is so stupid, even more stupid than the ugly duckling..." I don't know when Elena squatted beside Amy and laughed.

McGonagall: "and

Sure enough, it's all age Tong Sha. McGonagall sighs. After Irina has finished the first episode, she reluctantly drags her away from the tablet.

"How did you put the cat and the mouse in such a small thing?" Sitting on ah Zi's back, Irina still looks at MEG curiously.

"They're just images, not real cats and mice." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. This is the new toy that he bought for Amy from the system for 10000 copper dollars - the limited version tablet of cat and mouse.

Although you can only watch cats and mice, but more than 100 level animation, almost can do from any level of infinite cycle, and basically do not get tired of, is undoubtedly used to coax children's best toys.

"Is it OK to leave Amy alone in the restaurant?" Irina looks back at the chitosans.

"No problem. I made some arrangements in the dining room." McGonagall nodded. The restaurant's automatic defense level has reached level 9. Amy just needs to watch cartoons at home. Now there are no level 10 strongmen on the crustacean island.

Irina didn't ask any more when she heard the words. She knew that Meg's love for Amy was more than her own and would not put her in a dangerous situation.

And what they are going to do tonight may be very dangerous. It's really inconvenient to take Amy with them.

The Griffin breaks through the clouds, flies high in the air, and flies towards the West Point Island.

At the same time, Alfred was sailing towards West Point Island in a big ship with only one crew member and a huge spike fighting pig in the middle of the ship.

"Simmons, you'd better take the statue with you, or I'll take it back even if I wash the flame people with blood!" Alfred clenched his fist, with black lines on his face and blood red eyes.

The abyss demon rowing at the stern of the boat looks at Alfred with fear in his eyes. The patriarch seems to be different today. It's frightening and frightening.

On the other side, Simmons, with a gloomy face, sat on the back of a flamingo, and the flames on them almost burned half of the sky.

"Alfred is famous for his lust and cruelty, but why did he lure me here? The abyss demon clan and the flame clan have both indicated that they want to restart the race war. What does he want to do? " Simmons murmured to himself. After thinking about it, his face was a little worried again. "Charlene had better be OK, or I won't be able to get around him today!"

The Flamingo soon approached the sky over West Point Island from northeast, and its speed and altitude began to decline at the same time.

"Oh, it came earlier than expected. It seems that we have to start the ejection system." McGonagall sighed, then took a remote out of his pocket, took a look at Alfred, who was already in the middle of the island, riding on the spikes and pigs, and the Flamingo, who was close to the beach, and pressed the nuclear button.

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