McGonagall's teaching is in-depth, simple and easy to understand. Even if Ivan is such a complete cook, he can understand and quickly start under his guidance.

Because there are only three iron pots, so people can only take turns to operate, a crayfish is an opportunity to try, the price of 50 copper coins, so that everyone's attitude is more serious.

With 13 crayfish in his seat, kitar has become a local tyrant with a high trial and error rate.

Failure is visible to the naked eye. Whether it's scorched during stir frying, or the paste pot when the juice is collected by fire, the common mistakes of novices appear in turn.

However, the progress is also very obvious, even the spatula is not smooth, Ivan has been able to turn over a whole crayfish successfully in the big pot.

"Well, that's the end of this morning's practice. I'm going to start business after a short rest. Go back first." At eleven o'clock, MEG and the apprentices said that if they didn't leave, they would have to stay for dinner.

After learning from MEG, they realized how difficult it is to make a delicious crayfish, and their admiration for MEG is also rising.

"Alfred and Simmons have settled. Who's next?" MEG asked, looking at Elena at lunch.

Elena thought about it and said, "Westin."

"It's a good choice." McGonagall nodded slightly. Westin, elder destructor II, was one of the participants in the volley against him.

Destructor is also an extremely warlike demon race. It is famous for its terrible destructive power. It ranks second among the top ten demon races and has a large number of people. In the past century, its high-end combat power has grown rapidly, and it has begun to challenge the supremacy of fear demons.

The fear demons' attitude towards the peace agreement is not clear, while the sabotage demons are the real leaders of the main battle camp, and they are putting pressure on them to form a strong alliance of main battle demons.

As the second elder of the destructive demons, Westin has a high status.

However, his strength is not very strong. He barely broke through level 10 more than ten years ago, but he is a rare demon who is good at strategy. He can be regarded as destroying the mind of the demons. He has played a vital role in the rapid growth of the strength of the demons in the past hundred years.

McGonagall recalled that in the clip, when the demons and people looked at Alex who had broken his hand and foot, Westin was the only one who offered to kill him completely.

In that year's ambush, the destructive demons did not appear on the punishment list of the Los Empire, but it can be guessed that they should get a huge reward from George.

"But this guy is hiding like a tortoise. Maybe it's not that easy to solve." Irina took a bite from a piece of chicken. "If you don't have a chance, choose Bashir."


"I hear he likes collecting fairy maids." Elena's voice and eyes were cold at the same time.

McGonagall's eyes were slightly fixed. Most of the elves who fell into the devil's hands didn't come to a good end, and the collection made elves pets, nodded slightly and said, "then choose him."

Jane looked at Elena and MEG. Although she didn't understand anything, she had a strong feeling.

At the end of the day, McGonagall put up a sign for lunch break on the door of the courtyard, so as not to be disturbed by the active students. He went upstairs to continue reading.

The ksuru myth system is very huge. It takes a lot of time for McGonagall to have a deep understanding of it, but there is no good way at present except reading books.


"The third day when boss Mai left, I miss him."

Vanessa held her chin and looked bored at a string of wind chimes swaying in the wind outside the window.

"Princess, I went to ask today. They said that boss Mai should be back soon." Lola said with a soft voice that she also missed Miss Mai's boss. He went away for a few days, and her royal highness even lost a lot of appetite.

"Lola, do you think I like boss McGregor? I've never thought so much about a man, even when I sleep, I'm full of him. " Said Vanessa, looking back at Lola.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat, but boss Mai?" Lola asked hesitantly.

"Well," said Vanessa, looking embarrassed and muttering, "most of the time it's food, but if there's no boss Mai, there won't be any food."

"That means you just like his food, not boss Mai." Lola was relieved that she was going to die. Her Princess really liked a cook, and she was still a cook who had children. She would die when she went back.

"Well, I really prefer bean curd, stewed chicken and rice, Yangzhou fried rice to boss mai... He has to rank more than ten places." Vanessa nodded, feeling inexplicable guilt. I didn't expect that she was so sorry for boss Mai. I'm really sorry.

"By the way, the Duchess says that your majesty has sent a letter to urge you to return to the palace again. Do you really intend to stay in the tower?" Lola road.

"What's the fun of going back to the palace? There's no one to play with me, and there's no delicious food. It's moldy to stay in my room every day." Vanessa shook her head with a bright smile on her face. "It's nice to be here. Uncle Abraham takes me to eat delicious food every day. Besides, the diners in the restaurant are lovely. It's much more fun to eat with them than to stay in the palace."

Lola looked at Vanessa's smile and swallowed back to her mouth. There was a smile on her lips. In the palace, she rarely saw such a smile.

"Besides, Mr. McGonagall has promised to treat my teeth. I won't go back until my teeth are cured." Vanessa took it for granted.


"You see, this is the 36th blood letter. If the boss doesn't come back, I think someone will hang himself at the door." Abelmia went out, then came in with a stack of blood letters and letters torn from the door of the restaurant. She looked at the people helplessly and said, "it's been three days. It's rare for the boss not to come back for such a long time."

"I guess he and Amy won't be back today either." Barbara was a little bored, flipping a suspended dish up and down with her fingers.

"If the boss doesn't come back, the complaining guests may have a meeting to demolish the restaurant." Phyllis was worried that it was more than a few days before the royal highness of the princess and Amy.

"Don't worry, they can't tear down the restaurant." Elizabeth said with a calm face, if anyone tries to do it, it's necessary to ask her whether she agrees or not.

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