As night falls again, Jane is cleaning up the mess left by the end of the restaurant's business, while McGonagall and his family are on the balcony.

"Xiao AI, we are going to solve the bad guys and maintain world peace tonight. You are ready." McGonagall squatted down, straightened Amy's nightwear, looked at her eyes from the black scarf and black hood, and asked earnestly.

"I'm an emotionless killer." Amy nodded coldly.

"Well? There's something wrong with the style of painting? " MEG looked at Amy and felt that the girl's painting style had been completely distorted by her mother.

"Isn't that cool?" Amy looks at MEG with a puzzled face.

"That's right. We're just bad guys. We're emotionless killers." Irina had taken off her disguise and regained her long white dress with a cold face.

MEG looked at the mother and daughter, some helpless smile.

OK, he also intends to cultivate Amy's character of punishing evil and promoting good. There's nothing wrong with learning from her mother.

"Ah Zi." McGonagall waved, purple from the sky like a purple lightning fell rapidly, wings, buffer after quietly fell on the balcony, although slightly convergence wings, but still covered the whole balcony.

"Come on." McGonagall threw the ten Jiaohua chickens to ah Zi one by one. Ah Zi chewed them one by one, and his tail swayed unconsciously. After eating, he looked at McGonagall expectantly.

"It's finished. I'll make it for you next time." McGonagall touched ah Zi's head with a smile. With his appetite, ten Jiaohua chickens can only be regarded as a small supper.

"Ouch." Purple affectionately rubbed McGonagall's palm with her head. Although she was not satisfied, she was still very grateful.

"Then let's go." MEG picked up Amy and jumped on ah Zi's back. Elena also jumped up. Ah Zi got up with a pair of wings and disappeared over the crustacean island.

"It's windy all of a sudden." Just put the garbage together, Jane quickly reached out and pressed her skirt. She looked up with some doubts. There was still a distant moon hanging in the sky, so she continued to clean up the garbage.

Not far away, two shadows poked out a head from the alley and looked at the crayfish house.

"Do it now?" A demon whispered.

"Wait a second. We'll do it when they're all asleep." Another demon whispered.

"The landlady and the chick are so beautiful. We'll take the money later and let's have a good time before we leave."

"Hey, you think the same as me."

"They earn tens of thousands of copper dollars a day. With this money, we can live everywhere."

Two deep laughter reverberated in the alley.


The purple Griffin flies all the way north. About 400 miles away, a red island appears in sight.

Xie Neng island is the territory of Xie Neng demons. As the seventh strong family in the demons, Xie Neng demons are famous for their evil and powerful talent. They can absorb the strength of others for their own use. They are endowed with evil and their strength grows rapidly.

A hundred miles to the north of Xie Neng Island, there is an unnamed island with lots of strange rocks. It looks like an uninhabited island, and even Warcraft can't see it.

"That's it." Irina reached out and pointed to the black uninhabited island on the sea, and said in a cold voice.

"Ah Zi, go down." McGonagall patted ah Zi on the back, and she immediately dived down.

As it gets closer, MEG feels the presence of demons. It seems that the information that Elena got is correct. There is something hidden in this uninhabited island.

A Zi glides slowly at low altitude close to the uninhabited island, while Elena closes her eyes, and her strong mental power rushes down like water waves.

"The entrance to the crypt is there. There are 40 demons in all. The strongest one is a level 8 demon. The others are miscellaneous fish. There are 320 elves trapped in caves in the crypt. " Irina opened her eyes and whispered.

"Ah Zi, go to the cave entrance." Ordered MEG.


Ah Zi screamed, turned into a purple lightning, and flew quickly towards the entrance of the mountain.

At the entrance of the cave, a demon is dozing. He opens his eyes vaguely when he hears the sound, and then he sees a huge Griffin descending from the sky.


Before he could speak, a huge paw had been pressed on his head, pushing him directly under the ground.

There was a confused sound of footsteps in the passage, and MEG had gone in with his sword.

The sound of scuffle is not fierce, because it is only a one-sided massacre.

In a short time, more than ten demons in the passage have been cleaned up by MEG, and the alarm has finally sounded in the cave.

"It's too kind for them to die quietly." Irina looked at the blocked passage and said coldly.

McGonagall put away his sword and drove aside.

Elena walked slowly forward with a bench in her hand.

Amy followed her step by step, holding the high wand in her hands.

"Boss, there are enemies invading the crypt!"

A demon rushed into a cave and looked at the evil demon who tied an elf naked on a wooden frame, holding a bloody whip in his hand.

"What's the matter? This is the territory of our evil demons. Who dares to invade?" The evil energy devil whipped the ELF's body with a whip, leaving a bright bloodstain on the snow-white body. With a painful groan, his eyes became more excited.

"But our brothers outside are dead. We have blocked the passage, but the enemy may come in soon." The devil is still a little flustered. They are employed by the demons and protected by big trees, so they have never been invaded.

"Waste wood." The evil demon threw the whip to the ground, reached out and pinched the ELF's face tied on the wooden frame, and said with a grim smile, "little baby, I'll play with you later, and I'll send you away in a few days. There are not many opportunities like this."


The spirit spat a bloody spit on the evil demon's face, looked at him coldly and said, "Princess Elena will kill you sooner or later."

"Elena? She can't protect herself. Who else can she kill? Maybe I'll have a chance to tie her here like you and play with her wantonly. " The evil energy devil wiped the saliva on his face and raised his right hand with a ferocious expression.


There was a loud noise in the passage, and the dazzling light lit up the dark crypt.

"Holy light, purify these filthy demons."

A cold voice sounded.

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