
Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words. Phyllis gave such a high evaluation. It seems that Meg's new product will be very good.

"It's an unforgettable taste." Camilla cut the last green bean into the size of a grain of rice, neatly took off a knife on her fingertip, then looked at MEG and said, "my work is over, I'll go first."

"Don't you leave after lunch?" Asked MEG.

"No, I don't think I like the taste." Camilla's answer was very decisive and she began to untie her skirt.


When people looked at Camilla, their faces were a little more confused. Phyllis praised the new product, but it seemed that Camilla didn't like the new product, and even didn't want to stay for lunch with everyone. This situation has never happened.

Such a huge contrast is puzzling.


Just then, the oven gave a warning, and MEG opened the door.

A strong fragrance with hot air gushed out directly from the door of the restaurant.

"Wow! How fragrant it is Amy's eyes lit up and she looked at the oven with surprise.

"It's a strange smell. I can't say it, but it's just strange." Barbara covered her nose and frowned.

People's expression is different, although not too exaggerated, but looking at the expression of the oven are a little surprised, what is the taste!

Camilla disappeared in the kitchen, leaving only an apron on the floor. She was already at the door of the restaurant, ready to open the door and leave.

"Wait a minute." Cried MEG, walking towards Camilla.

Camilla stopped and looked back at MEG, frowning slightly and holding her breath.

"Let's go after lunch." MEG came to Camilla and said with a smile.

"Oh, I would never touch that strange thing." Camilla had a look of death.

"Last night, when I used the photo stone to commemorate my handsome share today, I accidentally left a strange picture. The lettuce leaves wrapped with roast beef should taste good, right?" MEG approached Camilla and whispered in her ear.

Camilla's eyes suddenly round, looking at McGonagall with a smile on his face, but in her eyes, his smile revealed treachery.

"Have lunch and go back. Lunch is your portion." MEG asked again with a smile.

"Mean! Shameless! Scum man Camilla clenched her teeth and whispered, stamping her feet in anger and walking back reluctantly.

I didn't expect McGonagall to take advantage of others' danger and use a photo stone to record the picture of her eating grass. If it's spread, her reputation will be destroyed.

"I can't get through this mess in my life?" MEG pick eyebrow, durian can not eat, but durian pizza must try.

People smell that strange smell. Although it's not very strong, it's really strange. The effect of persuasion is full. They all wonder why this new product exudes such a strange smell.

"Sit down." McGonagall spoke to the crowd and walked to the kitchen. Wearing gloves, he took out four 12 inch pizzas and a small six inch pizza from the oven and divided them evenly with a knife.

Then take the tray to the big round table and put the pizza in the center.

The huge pizza is covered with golden durian, and the surface is a little bit burnt yellow due to baking. The fragrance of cream carries the fragrance of durian, and the heat diffuses in all directions.

"Gulu." Amy swallowed her saliva. She was already drooling.

Phyllis also looked at the durian pizza with amazing face. Unexpectedly, the delicious durian was processed into such beautiful and exquisite food, just like a cake, but shorter than the cake.

People are also amazed at the appearance of durian pizza. The mixed flavor of durian and cream is much milder than that of durian alone. For everyone, it's just strange.

"Is that all for lunch today?" Irina came down from the upstairs, looked at the five durian pizzas on the table, smelled the smell in the air, frowned slightly, and looked at Phyllis with some doubts.

"This is durian pizza. It's my new product. Please have a taste at noon." MEG nodded with a smile.

"Princess, this is durian pizza." Phyllis looked at Elena and repeated.

"So what you just ate was Durian?"

"Yes." Phyllis nodded quickly, feeling that her grievances had been washed away.

"It's a strange smell." Elena frowned, went to Amy and sat down.

"Adults eat big pizzas, children eat small pizzas, right?" Amy looked at MEG, her eyes shining.

"Yes, this little pizza is for Amy." MEG nodded, reached for the six inch pizza and put it in front of Amy.

"That's great. I'll take it." As soon as Amy's eyes brighten, she reaches out and grabs a piece of pizza that has been cut into a triangle. When she pulls it up, she takes a long piece of silk. Durian meat and pizza have almost melted together.

Amy held the pizza high in her hand, caught the long cheese in her mouth, ate the cheese slowly like a lamb eating grass, then opened her mouth and took a big bite of the pizza.


Amy's mouth let out a sigh, and then happily chewed the pizza, his face was filled with a happy smile like eating sugar. After swallowing it, he immediately took another bite and pulled it out. When the long LASIK looked at it, people wanted to bite it off. Amy's eyes lit up, swallowed the pizza, and continued to take a small bite of cheese, just like playing an interesting game.

Watching Amy happily eating pizza, everyone's throats could not help rolling.

Sure enough, Amy is McGonagall's best partner. No matter what kind of food she eats, it will be very delicious.

"Do it yourself." McGonagall put on disposable gloves for himself, reached out and picked up a piece of pizza, the continuous cheese is very cool, the shape and color have reached the perfect situation.

This is the real peak of durian pizza!

MEG opened his mouth and took a bite of the pizza.

The fragrance of durian and cream fills the mouth instantly.

The slightly crispy bottom collides with the tender and delicate durian layer between the teeth. At this moment, it is like a perfect match made in heaven, bringing an ultimate delicious feast to the taste buds and brain.

McGonagall felt as if he had suddenly fallen into the encirclement of durian. It was a swamp with endless attraction, and people couldn't help but want to get into it.

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