"What? Durian Promotion Ambassador McGonagall raised his eyebrows and almost lost control of his emotions.

"The promotion of every kind of food is a great step forward, especially the controversial food like durian. How to make the public accept it is a difficult thing. However, every kind of food is worth trying and liking, which requires the Promotion Ambassador to work tirelessly... "

"Shut up, these useless titles are not container trucks. They can be exchanged for big gift bags. What are they for?" McGonagall interrupted the system. He was not interested in these obscure titles, but he was very interested in the big turntable. He remembered that it seemed that there were still two useless opportunities before, and he was ready to change a high-grade dish with the third one.

He doesn't know what the so-called high-grade dishes are in the system, but if they can be at the same level as fotiaowei, it should not be bad.

"The title of a chef represents the supreme glory. How can it be measured by a mere gift package?" The system said solemnly, pausing for a moment, and then said, "I just looked through the manual and found that after this title has been collected for ten, I can exchange it for a mysterious gift package from the system..."

"Well? Is that true? " McGonagall's eyes brightened when he heard that he didn't know what was in the mysterious gift bag, but since he had to collect ten gift bags to exchange, it was estimated that the things inside would not be bad.

However, it seems that this title only appears after the hidden task is triggered. It's highly accidental. He already has several Titles: you are a good man, base guardian... And so on. It's still a little distance from the ten of Qiji.

One hundred in three days. If you quit tomorrow, that's two days.

In two days, sell 100 durian pizzas

As soon as McGregor thought about it, he answered the task confidently.

It's more mysterious. Let the guests order it.

He is not afraid of the guests to lift the table. Anyway, now a group of big men in the restaurant are holding the table. If they order, they will eat.

McGonagall didn't worry about their dissatisfaction as long as he got in.

Looking at Camilla who licked her finger and stared at the second durian pizza is the best evidence.

What's the difficulty of selling 100 copies of delicious durian pizza that you love after eating and miss after eating.

Five durian, was soon eaten, people licked their lips, but also some meaning.

McGonagall, according to the taste of everyone, gave them a portion of tofu. Lunch was over.

"Boss, this durian pizza is delicious. Do you want to launch a new product today?" She asked curiously as she cleared the table.

"Well... Yes, tonight." McGonagall nodded. He suddenly remembered that he would go to the wind forest with Elena the day after tomorrow. If the launch of durian pizza is delayed until tomorrow, it means that he has only one day to complete the task, so the difficulty of the task will be increased in a straight line.

Clean up the table, a short rest, busy noon business began.


"How comfortable it is to live on the island. The sea breeze blows and the air is full of flavor. Well, I can only hide in the city of chaos. When the storm is over, I'll go back to wash white. " Tony pressed his straw hat, jumped from his flying mount, carried a box, and walked towards the gate of the chaotic city, with a look of helplessness and sigh.

"Damn boss Hades, I'd better not meet you again!" Tony thought bitterly in his heart, but soon his face was filled with resentment and sighed: "I really want to meet him again. No one can make such a wonderful taste of such delicious food as crayfish except him."

"City of chaos, I'm here. I hope you won't let me down in the next few months." Tony lowered the brim of his hat and quickened his pace. It's said that there's a restaurant in Maimi restaurant that is very popular recently. It's often on the cover of food magazines, and that vegetarianism has created a sales miracle.

He is not interested in vegetables and meat, he only likes seafood, but since he has come to the city of chaos, there is no reason not to try such a restaurant.

He deeply doubted the level of the colleague. What's good about a vegetarian dish? Fish flavored eggplant. Shouldn't seafood be the one with fish? If you want to be a vegetarian, now the entry threshold is really getting lower and lower. The sales of such magazines can explode. What's the matter with the world?

When he got into the city, he reached for a carriage. He was just hungry. When he got on the carriage, he said to the coachman, "take me to your best restaurant."

"You mean the Maimi restaurant. If it's over, their family may have closed down. You may not be able to eat it." The coachman said with a smile.

"Out of business so early? Is there anyone who does business like this? " Tony was stunned for a moment. This meeting was at noon. He was hungry when he just got off the flying mount.

"It's half an hour from here to the Maimi restaurant. It's too late for people to close at one o'clock." The coachman answered.

"So you're a regular? So much? " Tony looks at the coachman with some surprise.

"How can it be? I'm not the kind of person who can often afford to eat their food. I occasionally save some private money and collect 300 copper coins before I can sneak into a rougamo with wax sauce. But I can't forget the taste after eating it once. " The coachman said with a smile, but he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He touched his pocket and said with a smile, "in two days, I'll be able to eat again."

The coachman's performance made Tony very interested in the restaurant. He took out a gold coin and handed it directly to the coachman, saying, "don't change it. You can send it to the door of the restaurant. Since the door is open for business, there's no reason to keep the guests out. I'm trusting... Trusting..."

"To what?"

"I came here with such a big box." Tony managed to squeeze out a smile. It's a bad feeling.

"Well, I'll take you there. If it's closed later, I'll take you to other places." When the coachman saw that Tony was a big spender, he stopped talking, put away the gold coins and drove away.

About half an hour later, the carriage stopped outside the Maimi restaurant. The driver raised the curtain and said to Tony, who was about to fall asleep, "you see, the door is closed. Shall I take you to another restaurant?"

Tony shuddered when the cold wind blew. When he heard the coachman's words, he looked out. A large restaurant appeared in sight. The exquisite pavement and decoration showed its unique and chic, but the door of the restaurant was closed, and a wooden plaque was hanging on the door: "resting"

"I don't believe it. Do you not receive any guests?" Tony jumped out of the carriage and went to the door of the dining room. He reached for the bell on the door.

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