Six inch small durian pizza, as afternoon tea, is undoubtedly the most wonderful existence.

Irene eating durian pizza, the mood also becomes relaxed and happy, the body is rhythmic slightly shaking.

"Tactical backwardness?" MEG looks like a tumbler shaking back and forth slightly. When she shakes back, Elena and Amy can't help shaking left and right when they eat delicious food.

"You can have... A piece." Irina looked at half of the pizza she had eaten and hesitated at MEG.

"It's said that how much you eat is related to your family status." MEG sighed and picked up a piece of pizza.

"Then you have to lick the plate." Irina took a look at MEG and said calmly.

"Well?" MEG was stunned and felt an arrow in his heart.

Has life been so hard?

"Why is the railway, the city of chaos, so actively promoted? Isn't it just a coal car? Don't carriages run the same way? " Irina asked as she ate.

"All ethnic groups are going to hold peace talks soon. If they can reach an agreement and renew the peace agreement, it will have no impact on the chaotic city. However, if the peace talks break down and Nolan land falls back into war, the city of chaos, which was built at the end of the war, will be in a very awkward situation. At present, it seems that the possibility of renewing the peace agreement is not very great. Several ethnic groups who have improved their strength in the past 100 years want to re divide their territory or eat up several weak ethnic groups.

Therefore, the city of chaos must do something to change this situation, laying railways and trial running steam locomotives. This is a possibility to show the world the future. The travel and communication of all ethnic groups will become smooth and convenient, and the economy will rise with the laying of railways. In addition to war, there are other ways for ethnic groups to rise. " McGonagall explained that, in fact, that's why he left the steam engine to hill.

If we open up a certain amount of science and technology and start to solve the problems of food, clothing and travel in this world, the contradictions will be alleviated.

"It sounds like a good proposal, but for rulers, they don't give up the chance to rule the world because they have one more way to travel." Irina looked at MEG and shook her head slightly. "They always travel on flying mounts."

"It's really a problem." McGonagall nodded, "however, what we need to change is not the thinking of the rulers, but the larger number of ordinary people. The war is harmful to them, and even if they win in the end, it will not bring them any benefits. And if they don't want to fall into the mire of war, the possibility that the whole world will fall into a full-scale racial war as it was a hundred years ago will be much lower. "

Irina looked into Meg's eyes and thought for a moment. Then she ate the small half of the pizza in her hand and said with a smile, "it sounds interesting. When the train starts to run, I'll try it."

"By the way, some iron and steel parts were sent to the factory one after another at noon today, saying that they were customized by you. Are those the machines you said?" It suddenly occurred to Elena.

"Yes, I will go to the factory tomorrow to teach night elves how to assemble the machine. After the machine is assembled and debugged, we can start work." MEG nodded.

At the end of tea time, MEG cleared the table, and soon Phyllis and Camilla arrived.

McGonagall wrote a new product notice on the bulletin board and then hung it directly on the door. The task of 100 durian pizzas needs to be completed.

Nowadays, no one knows the Maimi restaurant in the city of chaos. It is the first restaurant worthy of reputation. As for the Dukas restaurant, which was once the most powerful restaurant for many years, it quickly disappeared from the public.

There are also two kinds of restaurants in the city of chaos: the Mami restaurant and other restaurants.

And the high reputation, bring is the growing number of guests.

In order to make it convenient for customers to queue up, the Management Office of Yading square also opened a path directly on the green belt at the entrance of the restaurant, so that the queuing crowd can extend the queue to the square.

The popularity of Maimi restaurant has also made the southwest corner of Aden square, which had no commercial atmosphere, gradually become lively. Many dilapidated shops have been rented at high prices. As a result, every shop and restaurant has opened, and a new hot spot in the business circle has emerged.

Because late to catch up with the queue of guests, diverted to those restaurants, brought them a lot of traffic.

"It's only half past four. Is there anything like that?" Tony stood outside the Maimi restaurant, looking at the long line extending into the square. He thought that he had paid enough attention to the queue half an hour in advance. Unexpectedly, he underestimated the words of the coachman: "you must go to the queue early, or you won't even have the qualification to queue up!"

"I'd like to see if it's right for such a long line." Tony walked slowly towards the end of the team, but he was calm. Anyway, he was not hungry now.

"Hurry up, the team will reach the upper limit soon. If you miss it, you have to wait for tomorrow to eat spicy hot pot." A group of people trotted past Tony and ran to the back of the line.

"In such a hurry?" Tony frowned, then looked back. There were more than ten people running towards him, with a ferocious expression.

"Lying trough!" Tony's pace is also unconsciously accelerated, feel behind him more and more close breathing, can't help but start running, finally ran to the end, immediately in the last line of the team, this is a relief.

Sure enough, after three more people lined up behind him, a beautiful girl came over with a wooden card and asked the guest to help her with the card, telling the deadline.

"Girl, are you all so exciting to eat?" Tony breathed a sigh of relief and asked, looking at Vanessa, who was in the front row with the same breath.

"We went out to play today. We didn't pay attention to the time, so we almost missed it. We usually queue up an hour in advance, and we can eat delicious food very soon. When it comes to us today, I don't know if we can still eat hot pot. " Vanessa looked at Tony, a demon uncle who looked quite energetic and energetic, and said with some regret.

"Hot pot? Is it a fire pot? " It's the first time Tony has heard of the name of the dish. He can't help but wonder.

"No, it's a way of cooking. Is this your first time to come to the McMillan? Then you can try it. It's super delicious. " Said Vanessa with a smile, revealing her teeth.

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