McGonagall quickly reached out to catch her, looked at Connie holding his arm helplessly, and said, "come on, don't hang like a monkey. You can't fall down and die."

"If you can't fall to death, it will hurt." Connie went down from McGonagall with a straight face.

"Yes, you are right." McGonagall didn't want to argue with the girl. Anyway, it wasn't the first time that she had forgotten her words. She looked at Connie and said, "why don't you sit and wait for dinner and think about it?"

"Not bad." Connie nodded. She turned around and sat down in a chair, thinking seriously.

McGonagall looked at Connie, a little bewildered. He glanced at the clock. It was eleven o'clock and it was time to prepare lunch.

On the way back, he had taken a bath, went upstairs, changed into a cook's suit, tied his apron, and was preparing to enter the kitchen.

"Boss, I remember!" Connie flashed to the kitchen door, stopped MEG, raised her right hand and said, "look, my hand."

McGonagall took a look at Connie's right hand, pink and round fingers. Although they are a little short, they look very cute. He nodded and said, "the fingers are a little short, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't affect eating."

"No, it's this." Connie suddenly clenched her fist. Three sharp white claws were ejected from the gap between the phalanx like short blades, about 20 cm long.

"Wolverine?" McGonagall had an idea in his mind.

Compared with Wolverine's black blade, Connie's white claws look much softer, more like cat's claws, but still sharp in the direction of inward.

"Isn't it amazing?" Connie waved her claws, a little smug.

"It's pretty cool." McGonagall nodded. It seems that this is a new talent that Connie has just developed.

However, she is mysterious, and is locked, and cicada style wall Dong, just to show off their small claws?

"Actually, what I want to say is, I'm leaving." Connie took back her claws, her face darkened, and her voice sank a lot.

"Go?" McGonagall looked at Connie with her eyes down. "Where are you going?"

"In fact, I haven't told you the truth all the time. I come from the FAK tribe of orcs. I'm the daughter of the chief of the FAK tribe. Because my uncle Gary launched a coup, killed my father and my mother, captured my brother and occupied the FAK tribe. I was the only one who escaped. " Connie looked at MEG apologetically and said, "I heard that Gary is going to kill my brother in eight days and make himself a new chief. I have to go back to save my brother."

McGonagall looked at Connie. In fact, he knew all these things. He also knew that Gary was a powerful ORC with level 10 strength. He frowned and said, "can you do it?"

"I'm really good now. I can sneak into the 18th floor of Basti prison at one time, and I won't be caught yet." Connie nodded.

"No, I'm just worried that you'll get lost at home." MEG sighed.

"That's where I grew up..." Connie's eyes glared, but her confidence was obviously weak. "Even if I get lost, it's a rare thing."

"If you want to go back to save your brother, do you want to go back alone or with your master?" McGonagall asked again.

"Of course, I'm on my own. The master said that I can only do it myself. As a foreigner, he is not suitable to participate in it." Connie naturally said, but there was a little helplessness in her expression, and her shoulders drooped a little unconsciously.

McGonagall looked at Connie, put his hand on her shoulder and said with a smile, "I think we should discuss this with you. You are a member of our restaurant. I'm sure everyone will be willing to help you."

"But..." Connie looked up.

"But today is a holiday, so we'd better discuss it together when we all arrive tomorrow. Your opponent is not a bad guy, but a group of bad guys. If you choose to fight alone, we may not even be able to get your body back." McGonagall interrupted Connie, shaking her head slightly.

"Boss..." Connie looked at McGonagall with a warm smile on her face and said, "you are such a good man."

"Ding! Good man card + 1! "

The sound of the system sounded in Meg's mind.

MEG pulled at the corner of his mouth and had a toothache.

"That's settled first. I'll cook at noon. Go to the ice cream shop and ask them to come for dinner." McGonagall goes to the kitchen. He has been thinking about what to do about Connie and Falk tribe recently. He has thought a lot about various plans, but he has not decided which one to use for the time being.

But Connie wanted to go back to the Falk tribe and save her brother, which gave him some new inspiration.

"All right." Connie answered, and reincarnation walked towards the door.

"Go out and turn left. Turn over the wall on the right. It's a prison. Don't turn right habitually." McGonagall pointed out.

As soon as she went out, Connie, who was ready to turn right, quickly stopped, touched her ear and turned to her left in embarrassment.

Before long, Amy and Mia came to the restaurant.

Amy threw the duckling on one side of the chair, walked around the restaurant, looked at MEG curiously and asked, "father, where's sister Elena?"

"She's probably out. We'll just eat for ourselves at noon." McGonagall said with a smile, it will take at least two days to come to the chaotic city from the wind forest. Even if you are riding a unicorn, it will take you at least two days. If Elena wants to protect the night elves, she will not come back today.

"Oh." Amy was a little disappointed, but she washed her hands and sat down at the table.

"Boss, the menu of the ice cream shop hasn't been updated for a long time. Can I add something else? Like desserts. " Mia asked, looking at MEG at dinner.

"This..." McGonagall thought that he really didn't have a chance to add desserts to the menu, but he still had a 100% chance to draw a high-level menu, which was useless. He didn't know what would come out of it, so he shook his head and said, "there's no good idea for desserts. Let me think about it recently."

"Well." Abelmia nodded and asked no more.

After lunch, Amy and Anna followed MIA to the ice cream shop, where there were many children to play with, so only MEG was left in the restaurant.

"Well, let me see what this high-order turntable can turn to." McGonagall closed the door of the restaurant, opened a chair and sat down. He entered the big turntable interface in his mind, looked at an opportunity displayed above, and pushed the big turntable with his mind.

As the turntable Hula turns, the words on it gradually become clear: Sichuan Mapo Tofu, west lake vinegar fish, Feilong soup, Wuwei smoked duck, Dongpo meat, preserved meat steamed together, spicy chicken, Dong'an chicken, steamed Wuchang fish

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