Orcs, FAK tribe.

"Chief, there's still no sign of Princess Connie coming back from the capture teams." An orc walked quickly into a cave and looked at the tall, thin Orc sitting on a high position.

"Waste!" Hearing that, Gary grabbed the plate and smashed it at the ORC. He said angrily, "a group of useless guys can't even catch a little girl. What's the use of you!"

The ORC was hit by the stone plate, but he didn't dare to escape and retreat. He knelt on the ground and didn't dare to move.

"If you don't catch it, you can't catch it, but it's just a useless girl. Can she make waves?" Gary soon calmed down, with a smile on his face. "In a few days, I will be the real chief of the FAK tribe. I will be the only successor if I kill my lovely nephew."


Early in the morning, MEG woke up, reached out and turned off the ringing alarm clock, got up quickly to wash, put on a clean cook's clothes, stood in front of the mirror and cleaned his hair. After making sure everything looked neat and clean, he went downstairs to prepare breakfast for everyone.

When everyone came to the restaurant one after another for breakfast, MEG looked at the people and said, "before dinner, there is something I want to discuss with you. I want to know if you have any suggestions."

"Father, do you want to make new delicious food?" Amy asked curiously.

People are also curious to look at McGonagall, new products seem to come out a little frequently recently.

"No, it's about Connie." McGonagall shook his head with a smile and raised his hand to Connie, who was sitting by.

Connie got up, gave a stiff wave and sat down again.

McGonagall also didn't understand what she was doing with this slightly embarrassing move, but continued: "Connie came to me yesterday and said she was leaving."

"Gone? Where to? Are you going home? " Barbara looks at Connie nervously. They have a good relationship recently.

"Yes, Connie, where are you going?" Mia and others are also concerned to see Connie.

"I..." Connie opened her mouth and looked at the crowd, but she didn't know where to start.

McGonagall raised his hand to signal the crowd to be quiet for a while, and then said, "let me tell you, this is how it is..."

He told you what happened to Connie, and how she wanted to return to the Falk tribe, save her brother, and kill her father's enemies.

After hearing McGonagall's words, the restaurant was quiet. People looked at Connie with pity, but they didn't know how to comfort her.

"I'm still thinking about what's important. If I have goals, plans and time, I'll just call back." Irina scooped up the bean curd and took a sip. Then she looked at Connie and said, "can't you fight? I'll help you. "

Connie looked up at Elena, her eyes were bright, and she had the impulse to pay homage to her elder sister.

"Don't do it now. We need harmony." McGonagall quickly reached out to stop it, and it was almost bad.

"Yes, I'm an asshole uncle. There are many people in our restaurant." Barbara nodded, put her hand on Connie's shoulder and said, "I'll beat him for you, too."

"I... I want to go, too." Gina raised her hand.

"If you're all right, I'll be the only one." Camilla also served preserved egg and lean meat porridge, which was plain.

Mia raised her hand and said, "although I'm not very strong now, I can carry you by my back."

"I'll go too." Elizabeth said coldly that she wanted to do something about beating her uncle badly, so she should do it in advance.

"Killer AI, get ready." Amy raised her little hand and said seriously.

"Everybody..." Connie looked at the crowd, her eyes were red, and her tears were flashing in her eyes.

McGonagall looked at the people and said, "now that everyone has made their stand, we will send a special operation team to this rescue operation of Connie's brother. Jane, Rina and Anna are non combatants and are not included in the combat unit. For the rest of us, we need to design an action plan to complete the rescue task on the premise of protecting ourselves as much as possible."

"Boss, you should also be regarded as a non combatant?" Mia asked, looking at MEG.

People are also looking at McGonagall. Although McGonagall has always given us the feeling of wisdom and resourcefulness, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is really just an ordinary person who can cook.

"Er..." McGonagall pondered, blaming him for his clumsiness. Now it's a problem to prove that he's not no good at all. You can't say that he's Alex, can you?

"Although he can't fight, his mouth gun skill can be equal to three level 10 magicians." Irina chuckled.

After thinking about it, they all nodded their heads one after another. They wanted to be reasonable, but no one ever talked about it.

McGonagall: "and

What can he do? He's desperate, too.

His qualification to take part in the war was obtained by the ability of mouth gun.

"FAK tribe, as the second tribe of orcs, although its strength has just declined after the coup, still has three top ten. We only have a few days to prepare. We need to set up a complete plan. This matter should not be publicized to the outside world. We all remember it." McGonagall and the others said seriously.

At the end of business in the morning, McGonagall rode his bicycle to the city hall.

After the doorman announced, he was quickly invited into the city hall, and was taken to Michael's office.

"Princess Elena has just left. I didn't expect you to come here." Michael got up from behind his desk and looked at McGonagall with a smile.

McGonagall moved the corner of his mouth. The old fox had something to say, but his expression was still calm. "Is that right? In the morning, I didn't hear the princess say that she would come to the Lord's mansion. "

Michael motioned MEG to take a seat and said with a smile, "boss McGonagall, you may not know that Princess Elena did a great thing yesterday. She came to me this morning to buy a large piece of land and plan to move 20000 elves to live in the chaotic city."

"It's a good thing for the city of chaos. After all, there is no chance for other cities to introduce high-quality talents like elves. It's very rare for them to buy land and build houses by themselves." McGonagall also laughed.

"Yes, the city Lord's mansion is short of money to build a railway recently. Princess Elena, this is a timely help." Michael nodded deeply.

"Lord, I'm not here to buy land today. I want to talk about the FAK tribe with you." McGonagall didn't continue to joke with Michael and went straight to the mountain road.

Michael also put away his smile, looked at McGonagall and asked, "does boss McGonagall have any good idea about this?"

"I need a good reason for the staff of the Mami restaurant to appear at the coronation ceremony of the chief of the FAK tribe." Meg's voice dropped a few minutes.

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