Out of the factory, McGonagall rode his bike back to the restaurant, changed into a chef's uniform, and immediately began to prepare for the noon business.

Now that the remaining 20000 night elves are in the city of chaos, he has some plans in mind. The weaving factory supporting the spinning factory can start to prepare. After the train is officially put into business, it is necessary to invest a lot of manpower to build trains and rails. He can build a steam train processing plant with hill, Put 20000 of the night elves' labor into it.

At lunch, Elena didn't come back. She should have gone to the north and continued to escort the elves to the south.

"Father, can you accompany me to a place this evening?" After lunch, Amy walks up to MEG and whispers.

"Where to?" MEG looks at Amy.

"Go to Jessica. Today is her birthday. I want to bring an ice cream cake to her home to celebrate her birthday and surprise her." Amy leaned mysteriously to Meg's ear and whispered, "I only told you about this."

"It's Jessica's birthday." McGonagall suddenly had a good feeling for the beautiful girl with short hair, who was also one of Amy's good friends. Looking at the expectant Amy, he nodded and said, "OK, let's bring ice cream cake tonight and give her a surprise."

"Father, it's very kind of you!" Amy hugged Meg's neck and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Then she ran around the restaurant with her hands open, and kicked the ugly duckling.

"Meow ~"

Ugly duckling slapped on the wall, and then slowly fell down along the wall, looking at Amy with some resentment and grievance.

"Ugly duckling, it's not my fault. I didn't see you coming at all." Amy shrugged and looked innocent. Then she said, "but I think you really need to lose weight. It's heavier than usual."

"Meow." Ugly duckling raised two small claws to cover his eyes, and then lay back on his head, began to lie on the corpse.

Although it's a little sudden, as a father, the girl's request is to try her best to satisfy it.

So before opening at noon, McGonagall wrote a notice and posted it.

"I'll play with my daughter tonight. Only the hot pot zone is open."

The guests looked at the sign on the door with strange expressions.

"Although it seems to be OK, I always feel that something is not right?"

"That's the little boss. You don't know anything, and you don't dare to ask anything."

"So lovely daughter, if it's me, what restaurant do you open and play with her every day

Although the guests are a little resentful, they can't say anything at the thought of the cute little boss.

"But... I want to eat grilled fish..." a weak voice rang out, regardless, was soon ignored.

In the afternoon, McGonagall made an ice cream cake for Jessica. The little man in the middle made the appearance of Jessica and her mother, two people with smiling faces.

"I'm back." Amy pushed open the door of the restaurant, put her schoolbag behind the counter, ran to the kitchen door, looked at McGonagall, who was packing the ice cream, and said with expectation, "father, is the ice cream cake ready?"

"Here, it's packed. You can start with it." MEG raised his hand and motioned for the ice cream cake box in his hand. The pink box was tied with a big bow. It was lovely.

"I just saw it. It's a very lovely ice cream cake." Mia agreed with a smile.

"Why not have a birthday party in the restaurant so that we can have a nice and delicious ice cream cake." Connie looked at Meg's cake with some regret.

"Tomorrow, I'll make you a cake." Meg said with a smile, carrying the cake and taking Amy out.

There was a long line at the door of the restaurant. People looked at McGonagall with cake on his hand. They were all slightly resentful, especially the girls who couldn't eat tofu.

"We should have a good meal. My father and I went out to play." Amy walked out of the door, grabbed one of Meg's fingers, raised his right hand and shook it at everyone, smiling.

"How lovely

They all looked at Amy, who was wearing a little wizard's robe, with two small clenches on his head, laughing and two shallow dimples on his face. His eyes lit up one after another, and his resentment towards MEG disappeared in an instant.

Right, such a lovely baby, why do you take some time to go out and play with her? Isn't that right?!

So McGonagall smoothly stopped a bright carriage and took Amy away.

"I can see that in order to avoid our censure, boss Mai has begun to borrow the little boss to sell cute." Harrison sighed. What can we do? We can only eat hot pot tonight.

The carriage stops outside the miners' family area. MEG pays the driver's fare, carries the cake and takes Amy out of the carriage.

"Did Xiaomi prepare a present for Jessica?" MEG took Amy's hand and asked as he walked.

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded and took out a slightly rough wrapped gift box from the wand.

When Krasu and Julian made the wand, they designed the storage function by the way, so the wand became Amy's big pocket.

"Let's go." MEG looked at the gift box that Amy held in her arms and said with a smile. He was also curious about what the little guy had prepared for Jessica.

The houses and streets in the family area of the miners have been rebuilt, and the environment and people have been renovated. Walking on the road, we can finally see some smiles on the faces of the pedestrians.

MEG and Amy stop in front of a closed house.

"Here it is." Said Amy, coming forward, reaching out and knocking on the door.

After a while, a small hole opened in the door. A bright eye flashed past the hole. Then the door was opened quickly. Jessica with mushroom head looked at Amy with surprise and said, "Amy! Why are you here! "

"Happy birthday, Jessica." Amy stepped forward, put her arms around Jessica, and said with a smile, "I remember today is your birthday, so I brought my father to celebrate your birthday."

"Happy birthday, Jessica." MEG smiles at Jessica, who is held by Amy.

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