McGonagall looked at the two young members of the inspection department of the gray temple, but they were not aggressive. He looked at the outside, and there were already guests waiting in line. It was inconvenient for people to know about Connie's business for the moment, so he turned to the door and said, "please talk inside."

"Good." The two inspectors nodded and walked into the restaurant.

McGonagall closed the door and looked at the two young inspectors, hesitating to say something.

"Mr. McGonagall, we've got the details. Yesterday, the ORC was the prisoner we chased, with seven lives. In the process of attacking a young girl last night, the person who was stopped was killed, and the one who shot should be the employee of your restaurant, and you were at the scene last night, right?" Said the inspector who had spoken earlier, looking at MEG.

McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly. It sounds like telling him that the guy is worthy of death. You are killing people. He nodded with a smile and said, "yes, the three of us originally went to the north of the city to celebrate my daughter's friend's birthday. On the way back, we heard a cry for help, so we rushed to the scene of the crime. Because the mob was vicious, the employee wanted to protect the girl, So I had to shoot him to save the innocent girl. "

"Thank you for bravely standing up and protecting the residents of the chaotic city. Recently, there have been many good deeds to prevent crimes against female residents in the north of the city. It must have something to do with the employee of your restaurant. Can we see her? This year's annual Top 10 citizen selection is about to start. Maybe we can apply for a place for her. " The inspector continued.

McGonagall raised her eyebrows slightly and sighed: "she is a shy girl. She is afraid of other people's attention. The selection of the top ten citizens may not be suitable for her. She doesn't even want to show her true face. If you think she is doing right, let her continue to do it."


"She has a problem here." McGonagall pointed to his head and said with regret: "what a nice girl. She is young and should have a good youth. If she is suddenly over concerned, I'm afraid her condition will become serious, even..."

The two inspectors looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and said, "well, in that case, we won't force it. Please Mr. McGonagall to thank her for us. If there is any need, please let us know the grey temple as soon as possible."

"OK, ladies and gentlemen, please take your time." MEG nodded and escorted the two inspectors away.

"Father, what's wrong with sister Connie's head?" Amy, who had just been watching, asked curiously.

"Alzheimer's coming early." McGonagall sighed and couldn't help laughing.

Although things on the other side of the grey temple were settled smoothly, they were all expected by McGonagall, but it can be seen that the grey temple still agrees and appreciates the residents' behavior of stopping violence.

At the end of business hours in the morning, MEG rode to the mercenary union with a power of attorney.

Straight into the hall of the trade union, came to the task release area.

The staff behind the counter are busy, and many people who release tasks are carefully filling in their cousins.

McGonagall queued up to the counter. The staff in the counter handed over a form without raising their heads and said, "Sir, please fill in the form first and choose the type of task you need to publish, the specific requirements, the task time, and the specific remuneration."

"All right." MEG took the pen, sat down at the counter and began to brush and fill in the form.

About five minutes later, McGonagall handed in the form and said, "it's finished. Please see if you have anything to add."

The young staff member took a look at the words on the form, and her eyes couldn't help brightening. She had worked here for three years and it was the first time she saw such beautiful handwriting.

However, after carefully looking at the form, I couldn't help but make a light sound, and then looked up at MEG.

"What's the problem?" MEG asked with a smile.

"No... are you sure you want to entrust this?" The staff member asked, voice seems a little unnatural, such a commission, she met for the first time.

"Yes, I'm going to launch a" gentlemanly alliance "to entrust all mercenaries and residents with gentlemanly spirit to protect all those who need to be protected after nightfall. I'm willing to pay a certain amount of reward as a reward for my efforts to eliminate the thugs who hurt the weak through night and darkness." McGonagall nodded with a smile. "Isn't that in line with the release rules?"

Hearing McGonagall's words, many people who are filling out the forms around look back at him in surprise. This kind of entrustment is really surprising.

"It's the first time I've met such a commission. Please wait a moment. I need to ask my leader for instructions." The staff member was also a little hesitant, said to Meg, got up and left quickly.

Before long, the staff member came back with a tall and thin middle-aged man.

"Boss Mai, I didn't expect it was really you." When the tall and thin man saw MEG, his face burst into a smile.

"I didn't expect you were from the mercenary Union." McGonagall also looked at the middle-aged man with a smile. Katla was also a regular in the restaurant. He came back to the restaurant every three to five to have a meal. His favorite dishes were Jiaohua chicken and roast beef kebabs.

"I heard that you want to set up a gentlemen's Union, dedicated to the elimination of violent elements?" Katla asked, looking at MEG.

"Yes, on the road yesterday, I met an incident of aggression against young girls. This incident happened in the chaotic city, which touched me a lot. I hope the chaotic city can become better. Even in the dark night where the sun can't shine, even in the poor slums and ordinary residents at the bottom, they can get enough sense of security, respect and protection." MEG nodded solemnly.

Katla gradually put away her smile and became serious.

"Isn't it great to have such a man?" Standing on one side, the female staff's eyes have completely changed, unconsciously with a bit of worship.

The people filling in the form gradually put down their pens and looked at McGonagall, thinking.

"Of course, I am willing to pay for this, as long as the members of the gentlemen's League use the photo stone to leave images of punishing the bad guys, and get identified in the grey temple, confirm the truth of the incident and the identity of the bad guys. According to the incident level, I set up a 10 level reward amount, get the corresponding rewards, and get the corresponding gentleman points in the gentleman ranking list. Today I'm going to inject five million copper dollars into the start-up of the gentlemen's League. " Meg said with a smile.

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