The door of the small dark room closed slowly, and everything in the room was restored to its original state. Except for a pool of water that was drying up in the corner, it seemed that the cleaner would not find anything unusual when he came to pick up the tools tomorrow.

"Boss, how do you know he knows where my brother is?" Connie put the hand-painted map in her hand and pressed MEG in surprise.

When the claw pierced the bastard's heart, she knew what to do next.

"First of all, we can't be sure whether this map is real or not. It may also be a trap set by the other party knowing that they can't get away today, so we can only believe half of it.

Secondly, what he said just now is the purpose of our trip. If our rescue operation can succeed and overthrow the rule of Gary, the things in this photo stone are the evidence of Gary's crime, which can help you recover the people's hearts quickly. " McGonagall threw the stone to Connie.

"This pervert, as expected, always carries a photo stone with him at any time!" Camilla looks at the photo stone that Connie catches, and she's more convinced.

McGonagall didn't care about Camilla's eyes, looked at Connie and said, "but since even he can recognize you by his body shape, even if we get the legal identity of going to the FAK tribe, you can't act with us. Once you are recognized, the action will fail."

"Well." Connie nodded.

"Come on, it's time for the party to begin." MEG came downstairs first, and music had come from the direction of the ballroom.

At the year-end meeting of the chamber of Commerce, it was inevitable to praise the four families that founded the Aden chamber of Commerce, and then presented several awards to the businessmen who had made great progress in the past year. The atmosphere was quite lively.

McGonagall sat in the corner, looking at the scene with interest. He remembered the scene when he was a child, nestling in his mother's arms and sitting in the front row to watch his company's year-end meeting.

At that time, the company was not big, and there was no star supporting the scene. His father would go on stage and sing with the employees. It was not so wonderful, but it was human, and the employees were the leading role.

Later, the venue became bigger. All kinds of lights on the stage were the same as those on the stage of the concert. All the singers were invited, and the excitement was lively. However, the year-end meeting didn't seem to have much to do with the staff, and he never attended it again.

"Father, do you want to taste this fruit? It's sour, sweet and super delicious. And after eating it, the teeth will turn purple." Amy ran to MEG with a small fruit tray. She grinned and showed her teeth which were dyed purple red by the juice.

"Look at your purple teeth." Meg said with a smile, and then looked at the pea sized, purple black fruit in the small fruit plate, which looked a bit like blueberries. Before he reached out, Amy had already grabbed one and tiptoed to feed it to her.

McGonagall opened his mouth and took the small fruit. With a slight bite, the thin peel burst open. The sweet and sour taste bloomed. The taste and taste were between grapes and blueberries. It was really delicious.

"Isn't it delicious?" Amy asked expectantly.

"Well, sweet and sour. It's really delicious." MEG nodded with a smile and touched Amy's head. "Go play. Don't run around and don't bump into anyone else."

"Well, this plate of fruit is here for you to eat." Amy nodded cleverly, put the small fruit tray on the table in front of MEG, and then hopped away.

"Little one." Meg's eyes follow Amy all the time, knowing that she meets with the children. Gina has acted as a temporary playmate for the children, bringing a group of children to the party with her parents. It can be seen that she really likes children.

"Let's make a deal. How can you get rid of my miss Gloria?" Camilla sat opposite McGonagall, looking at him and asked in a low voice.

"We are innocent. You can't ruin our reputation by talking nonsense." MEG dropped a fruit into his mouth and said calmly.

"Do you think I'll believe you when you say that?" Camilla rolled her eyes.

"Believe it or not, pursue what you like. If you don't even have the courage, what's the point of attacking the imaginary enemy? If you don't, please let me teach you." Meg said with a smile.

"Well, who wants you to teach her? She will be my woman sooner or later!" Camilla snorted and turned away.

She wanted to pursue it, but her previous actions seemed to scare Gloria. Instead of having any positive effect, she felt like pushing Gloria to MEG.

Although he didn't look away, he couldn't help glancing in Meg's direction and thought to himself, "this guy is a bit abnormal, but he seems to be very attractive to women. Does he really have any secret secrets? If I learn, can I make miss Gloria look different to me? "

"I would like to thank all the members of the chamber of Commerce for their support and contribution to the Aden chamber of Commerce in the past year, so that the Aden chamber of Commerce enjoys a good reputation in Nolan. I also wish you a prosperous and prosperous new year." As the president of the chamber of Commerce, Jeffrey made a concluding speech to the commendation conference.

There were warm applause from the audience, and most of the chamber members were radiant and proud.

Jeffrey's speech is over, ready to step down.

"President, please wait!" At this moment, Cyril, sitting near the central stage, stood up, walked to the stage, looked at Geoffrey and said, "today is the year-end meeting of the chamber of Commerce. According to the rules of the chamber of Commerce, if there are major issues, the Council meeting can be opened, right?"

Geoffrey frowned and looked at Cyril.

All the eyes of the audience fell on Cyril. In addition to the directors, the members of the ordinary chamber of Commerce didn't know what Cyril wanted to do, so they proposed to open the Council meeting.

"As a member of the board of directors of Aden chamber of Commerce, I think Gloria, who was promoted some time ago, is not suitable to be a director. She is not qualified for the post of director of Aden chamber of Commerce in terms of qualification and ability. Moreover, her previous promotion has not been discussed and voted by the board of directors, which is suspected of non-compliance." Cyril looked at Geoffrey and said in a loud voice, "so, I'm here to ask the president to hold a council meeting and vote to decide whether Gloria should continue to be a council member of the chamber of Commerce. If the number of votes against her exceeds half, she will be deprived of her Council member immediately in accordance with the constitution of the Council."

All the guests were surprised to see the father and son standing on the stage.

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