After a pleasant talk with Gloria, McGonagall went to the mercenary Union. To his surprise, although many gentlemen were called to the north of the city last night to get rid of the evil and bring peace to the good, and left many names on the list of gentlemen, none of them received the bonus.

The number one is——

"Grumpy helmet girl?"

McGonagall raised his eyebrows, feeling that things were not so simple.

Is it such a style for secondary two girls to nickname themselves now?

The original initial fund of 5 million has become 8.5 million.

Overnight, it soared by 3.5 million. It can be seen that everyone is very supportive of this project.

Also, McGonagall has received some feedback.

One of the most talked about is the problem of more gentlemen and less thieves.

He has no way to solve this problem?

Is it difficult for him to make a group of thieves to play for these hormone excess gentlemen?

"I heard that yesterday the Bastille prison was full, and all the criminals arrested by the gentlemen were forced to be held. Mr. McGregor, you are a real gentleman." Katla looked at MEG and gave him a thumbs up.

One side is responsible for handling affairs of the little sister is also a look of appreciation at MEG.

"I'm flattered." McGonagall waved his hand modestly. He was not a gentleman. He was just an ordinary man. Looking at Katla, he asked, "can the gentlemen ', To optimize efficiency. "

Katla pondered for a while, nodded and said, "although there is no precedent, it does not violate the rules of the guild. If other mercenaries are willing to join, there will be no problem."

McGonagall said with a smile, "I don't know if I can entrust the guild to help with this. I can pay a management fee."

Katla waved his hand with a smile and said: "management fee is unnecessary. It's also what our mercenary association should do to contribute to the stability of the chaotic city. I will personally take charge of the promotion of this matter in the next two days, but whether the gentlemen are willing to join the mercenary regiment is still unknown."

McGonagall and Katla discussed some details about the establishment of the mercenary regiment of the gentlemen's League. After they had worked out a framework, they went back to the restaurant.


"Master, are we going to have a holiday soon?" Amy played with the lotus shaped fire in her hand and looked at crassus.

Krasu was stunned and said with a smile: "this... Chaos school has not had a holiday yet. We are not in a hurry. Little Amy, you can see everything in the magic room. You can play whatever you want. Just tell master what you want, and I'll get it for you. "

"I want to play with my friends. I want many delicious food. I want to lie in bed. Is that ok?" Amy asked, blinking at crassus.

"This..." Camilla glared, this is not a holiday to do things, for a time do not know how to answer.

"Hum, big liar." Amy snorted, put the fire lotus in her hand into the small crystal bottle, and then screwed on the lid.

Palm size golden red small fire even flickers slightly in the crystal bottle, which makes the crystal bottle shine very beautiful.

"Little Amy, what do you do with the lotus in a small bottle?" Crassus was slightly embarrassed to try to change the subject.

"I'm going to blow up the school." Amy put the bottle on the shelf and said seriously.

"Hiss --" Krasu looked at the small crystal bottles on the shelf, which were nearly a hundred. There were all kinds of flames in them. He couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

If these little bottles explode together, not to mention their magic room, I'm afraid most of the chaos school will be blown up.

Krasu hesitated and said: "well, little Amy, we learn magic. It's not used to blow up the school. You see how lovely the school is, how lovely the magic room is. If we blow it up..."

"Puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff - puff

"Yes... Eh? "No..." Krasu looks at Amy with a bright smile and sighs silently in his heart. It seems that the plan to delay the holiday will not work.

"Besides, we're going out in a few days and have another holiday." Amy continued.

"What, are you going out again? Do you want to ask for leave again? " Clarissa's face suddenly became a little nervous.

Amy shut up. Oh, no, I let it slip.

"Mr. Mai doesn't open a good restaurant. He wants to take his children out to play every day, regardless of our teacher's feelings. He has to have a good chat with him tonight." Krasu thought to himself, this problem is too serious.

"Ding Ling Ling ~"

The school bell of chaos school ring.

"Master, I'll go first. Today I'm going home with Daphne and Ignaz. I won't go with you." Amy slipped down from the high stool, grabbed the small schoolbag hanging on one side, swung it on her back and ran towards the door.

"I can go with you, too." Krasu said to Amy's back.

"No, you're too old. You'll raise our average age." Amy said without looking back, and then came the sound of closing the door.

"Who said, I'm still young..." Krasu muttered.


"Amy." Daphne stood at the school gate, waving at Amy.

Ignaz followed her, the green bean sprouts on her head shaking.

"Daphne." Amy jumped over and gave Daphne a hug. Then she reached for Ignaz's mung bean sprouts and said with a smile, "let's go to my house."

The bean sprouts on Ignaz's head were shaken to the left and right, but he didn't care. Instead, he looked at Amy expectantly and asked“ Can you keep looking at the cat and the mouse? "

"Yes, they've been in that box for a week. Will that little mouse be eaten by that stupid cat?" Daphne asked with concern.

"It doesn't matter. When I got up this morning, I opened the box to have a look. The stupid cat still didn't catch the mouse." Amy shook her head.

"Hoo, that's good."

Daphne and Ignaz both breathed a sigh of relief.

"But recently, the ugly duckling seems to be interested in the little mouse. When I woke up this morning, I saw it biting the box." Said Amy.

"No, we have to educate it. The little mouse is so cute, how can we eat it raw?" Daphne said seriously.

Amy thought about it seriously and said, "yes, if it's Roasted until golden, then sprinkled with a little chili powder and pepper powder, it will be super delicious."

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