Although McGonagall doesn't know what the system's so-called talent points of famous teachers and skills of turning stone into gold are, he is also a little helpless when facing the system that starts to play dead after assigning tasks.

He didn't want to learn from the masked Hazzard, and he didn't want to follow him around.

In this case, he has no choice but to defeat the other side and let the other side worship him as a teacher.

"Dog system." MEG swore in his heart.

The business hours are over in the morning. It's already nine o'clock.

Many guests left the restaurant, but did not leave. Instead, they occupied a good place at the door, ready to wait for the upcoming show.

For example, the reporter of chaos daily who just chased McGonagall to ask questions at the door has climbed on his own high stool, set up a photo stone, and is ready to record the exciting duel completely.

In recent days, the chaotic city news has been dominated by the gentlemen's League, and he is determined to write a different news.

Invincible Kitchen God vs. the first local chef in the city of chaos, who will win?

He has already thought about the title and name: shock! More than 100 consecutive unbeaten Kitchen God ha Switzerland broke the city of chaos! It's human

Or: painful! The genius Kitchen God who once won the best chef of Imperial Palace Banquet fell into the hands of unbeaten Kitchen God! What is this

As an experienced reporter, he has made a plan and even made a connection draft in his stomach, which can absolutely guarantee that chaos daily is the first to spread this incident.

More and more people came to the audience after hearing the news, and there were many people with their own small benches.

"Come on, the front row sells melon seeds, candy, roasted sweet potato and roasted corn. The vendors who smell the business opportunities begin to sell the snacks necessary for eating melons.

It's really boring when it's so cold and so many people are waiting outside, so many people choose to buy a hot baked sweet potato and cover it in their pocket to keep warm.

"Brother, I heard that these two chefs are very powerful today. Have you ever had dinner in the Maimi restaurant? Their food is very expensive, isn't it? " A middle-aged man with a sweet potato in his left and right hands, bared his teeth and whispered to the young man beside him.

The young man took a bite of the roasted corn in his hand, looked at him with a little meaning, and said, "poverty makes us meet."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. The roasted sweet potato stayed in his hand for more than two seconds. After shaking his hand and copying several times, he grasped the sweet potato again before it fell to the ground. It was a relief. Looking at the young man with a surprised mouth, he laughed awkwardly and said, "you're very humorous."

"Just like each other." The young man grabbed the corn and took a bite.

More and more people gathered around them. There were nearly a thousand people on the inside and outside.

The door of the restaurant is closed, and regular customers are not surprised. Boss Mai is always on time. He said ten o'clock, which must be ten o'clock. It's impossible for you to let him arrive in advance.

"Please give way!" At this time, a middle-aged voice sounded from the outside, the crowd separated into a road, and a dilapidated ox cart slowly drove in. The driver was a tall and strong young man, followed by more than a dozen people in plain clothes, including young people and middle-aged people, all wearing half worn cotton padded clothes. In addition to their bags, each person carried a striking black pot.

"To be an apprentice with master ha Switzerland is really a black pot." Vanessa took a good place in the front row. Looking at the black pot on the people's back, she couldn't help but smile. It wasn't ridicule. Her bright eyes were full of joy and surprise.

"No wonder it's slow to start. I can't get up fast even if I want to drive this old ox cart." Abraham's attention fell on the old ox pulling the cart and chebman driving the car, laughing.

The voice of the people on the scene gradually decreased, and they looked at the ox cart one after another, hoping to see the charm of the unbeaten Kitchen God.

Chebman slowly stops the ox cart in front of the Maimi restaurant and looks at the guests who come to watch. His eyes are a little surprised. Are so many people coming to watch the cooking duel?

They have been to many places, and Shifu has had a duel with many famous chefs, but it is the first time that they have met such a lively scene.

"Master, here we are." Chebman raised a corner curtain and said to the inside.

"Here we are?" There was a confused sound in the bullock cart. After a while, a big hand stretched out, lifted the curtain, and came out shaking. Standing on the shaft of the bullock cart, he stretched out his waist and yawned. Then he glanced around with his sleepy eyes. Suddenly, he was in a daze, and only a narrow slit of his eyes suddenly widened: "I'm going! Why so many people

The audience looked at the greasy middle-aged uncle standing on the shaft of the car, wearing a patchy, washed white cotton padded jacket, wide and fat, with a round face and a small handful of sparse short hair on his head. His expression was also a little stiff.

And their imagination of the unbeaten Kitchen God's appearance, really some differences.

"Pooh - this uncle is so cute. Although he is trying to widen his eyes, he still can't see his eyes." Vanessa said, looking at HA Switzerland with a smile.

"Master, generally have their own unique, this master, obviously has a perfect interpretation of this point." Abraham nodded deeply and was a little surprised by the appearance of harshwood. But after all, he had seen many strange people and things, and did not belittle him because of his appearance.

"Well, I didn't expect so many people. I'll try again." Ha Swiss turned his head back to the ox cart. After a while, he lifted the curtain of the cart and walked out with his head high. He stood on the shaft with high spirits and did not forget to brush his sparse hair on his forehead.

"Master, I see one of your hair is missing." Chebman whispered.

"Ah ah ah --" Ha Switzerland's expression suddenly tensed, a painful face stroked his hair, "this left a hundred roots, how to drop another one, I'm really too difficult."

Chebman whispered: "master, we are here to challenge Mr. McGonagall. The time is coming. We should visit him first to determine the way and venue of the culinary duel."

"Yes, too." Ha Switzerland put away his sad expression, raised his hand and waved to the audience, then got off the ox cart and walked towards the Maimi restaurant.

"It's a nice restaurant." Ha Swiss looked up at the Maimi restaurant, and his eyes lit up. They met countless restaurants on the road, but none of them could match this one.

Chebman stepped forward and gently pulled the bell on the door.

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