Although it's good-looking, MEG is an aspiring Kitchen God after all. After only five times of watching, he went to the kitchen to continue to prepare the ingredients.

Compared with the previous puppets with weird rhythm, holographic projection is really full of pressure, and this semi intelligent setting is also very intelligent. Besides not being able to correct the mistakes in details, the teaching process is gradual, and it can also capture the real-time progress of Amy and abemia, and teach them in accordance with their aptitude. He is a professional dance teacher.

Abelmia moved the two tables next to her, and there was an open space for them to practice dancing. The lowered curtain could also block the peeping eyes.

Originally, MEG was a little embarrassed to look at abelmia, but she didn't see the slightest sneer in Meg's eyes. Her eyes were as gentle as Amy's, so she got used to it and devoted herself to learning dance.

The ugly duckling is also standing on one side with high spirits, jumping around with the blind, which is much more active than when he just let him run.

"It's also very good. What's the meaning of thinking about work all day long?" McGonagall looked at abelmia, who was trying to straighten her hand with some clumsy efforts, and her face showed a smile. He hoped that the girl could slowly walk out of the psychological shadow and find real happiness and warmth in the restaurant.

At lunch time, McGonagall made a small portion of Yangzhou fried rice for the ugly duckling, then chopped up a piece of marinated meat with a little more lean meat and put it on another plate.

McGonagall was worried about whether a cat would be unaccustomed to eating. Unexpectedly, the ugly duckling came up to smell it, and immediately meowed happily. He fell on the ground and ate with a bowl smashed. His whole head was buried in it, not to mention how happy he was.

"It's really a cat that can eat anything." MEG looked back and began to eat.

"My father, it's so much fun to learn dancing today. I want to learn it in the afternoon." Amy took a big bite of rougamo and said happily.

With a rougamo, abemia, who was standing by, was also looking forward to watching MEG. After learning the dance for two hours in the morning, she still blushed and felt much harder than working. But the feeling of happiness was unprecedented, and she felt so happy.

"OK, but we have to wait for the guests to leave. It can't affect the guests to eat." MEG smiles and nods. Amy will follow Krasu to learn magic from tomorrow.

"It's very kind of you, father!" Amy said happily.

Yabeimia's face also showed a bit of excitement, and the Golden Dragon's tail, which came out of eating rougamo, also followed.

MEG grinned and took a bite of rougamo. In the morning, they had made a simple agreement that they would study with Kelasu for three days, with Julian for three days, and with the restaurant for one rest day.

MEG can accept this kind of course. Anyway, Amy will come back for three meals and a little lunch break. She is a kindergarten day student.

Besides, there are two teachers who are similar in strength and despise each other. MEG doesn't have to worry that Amy will be taught too strictly and intensively. If there is a problem, the two waiting to pick on each other will surely get together and look at the direction of the restaurant with envy.

"I've never seen such a long line in Aden square. Tut Tut, this boss is amazing, amazing." Tut Tut, a landlady wearing a floral apron.

"Yes, you say that we have opened a restaurant here for more than ten or twenty years. How can we not compare with a restaurant that has only been open for a few days?" The half bald uncle touched his oil head and was puzzled.

"Did the boss put the medicine in the dish? That's why the guests come to eat every day after they can't stop eating? " A thin old man's eyes brightened.

"Yes! I also think that there is a problem. Those guests are not normal after they come out of the restaurant. In the morning, a little girl passed me with a cake wrapped in paper. She took a bite and made a whimper. The boss was afraid that she had put some medicine in the cake. " On one side, an old lady echoed.

"If this is the case, we should report it to the grey temple at the first time."

"That's it Everyone's eyes suddenly brightened. This is important information. The restaurant has robbed too many customers, which has had a great impact on their business.

"Well, you people, why don't you go to the door and see what others have done? I've been guessing here all day long. No wonder I haven't made any progress for so many years. I just want to make a stumbling block behind my back. " On one side, a fat boss turned his mouth, reached for his apron and threw it on the signboard. As he walked, he said, "I saw that girl in the morning. It's the sound of enjoying delicious food. I can't see that after so many years as a cook. I should be ashamed."

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