People were a little surprised to see Ha Switzerland. He could have easily won the vote, but now he himself stood up and refused.

"It's worthy of being an invincible Kitchen God. It's admirable." Some people said with emotion.

People look at HA Switzerland's eyes is a bit more respect, this is respect for the opponent, but also to ensure the fairness of the game.

"There's something interesting, uncle." McGonagall's eyes at harshwitz were also a little more interested.

He didn't have a good impression of the person who came to challenge him. After all, he would waste his time on the unexplained duel and trigger the system's messy tasks.

However, his superb cooking skills, as well as his pride and bottom line as a chef, have changed his perception of other chefs.

"If it fails, it means that there may be a 2-2 draw, so that the second game will also fail, so that today's duel will be in chaos." Hill clenched her fist subconsciously. She knew the chain reaction of the failure.

As the helmsman of the Warren Buffet family, pride makes her unable to make such inappropriate decisions on such occasions.

"I'll taste it myself and make a fair judgment." Hill looked at Harvey and said seriously.

"Ian did choose a good successor." Ha Switzerland laughs a way, raise a hand to signal hill please.

Hill picked up the chopsticks, and the chopsticks skimmed over the tripe and stopped on the beef. But Michael had tasted the beef, so he continued to move forward, skimming over the scalp and hesitating over the heart and tongue.

The cow's heart and tongue are very strange parts. Just imagining it, she felt her stomach begin to wriggle.

She couldn't imagine why McGonagall used such strange ingredients for cooking. There were so many things to choose from, such as steak, beef, beef bones... But he chose these things.

Hill looked at MEG bitterly. Although she appreciated his talent, now she wanted him to make something else for her.

McGonagall smile, also made a please gesture.

Some foods are really hard for some people to accept. For example, they can't accept the dark cooking of hairy eggs.

Hill can choose to try, already very bold, hope after trying, won't let her too disappointed.

"Just eat it. It's just a piece of beef offal. If it's a big deal, just swallow it." Hill took back her eyes and thought with some chagrin. Those eyes that looked at her aroused her pride that she was not willing to be looked down upon. The chopsticks stopped on the ox tongue and picked up a piece of ox tongue.

Ox tongue has been marinated into soy sauce, cut into thin slices, the middle color is slightly lighter, the outside color is darker, the surface is covered with a layer of red oil, dotted with a few white cooked sesame seeds, the smell of stewed beef with the smell of red oil slowly floating, if no one told her that this is ox tongue, she must not come out.

But now that she knew it was a cow's tongue, she could not help thinking of a wet tongue, and could not look directly at the cow's tongue on the chopsticks.

"Hill, you can do it. It's just a tongue." Hill said to himself in his heart, still calm, trying to press down the thoughts in his heart, and feeding the cow's tongue into his mouth with a trembling hand.

Originally, she wanted to swallow it in one bite, but the red oil wrapped outside the ox tongue seemed a little choking. In order to keep elegant, she had to change her mind in the middle of the way.

It's too late to spit it out. Everyone on the scene is staring at her now. If we can't deal with this scene well, her image over the years will be damaged.

"Then try it." Although ten thousand people didn't want to see the tongue, hill was still calm and began to chew and taste it like a professional judge.

The spicy red oil has ignited her mouth. As a person who doesn't like spicy flavor, the spicy flavor has exceeded her comfort.

With a strange state of mind, she tried to bite open the piece of ox tongue, the wet tongue in her mind suddenly materialized, as if suddenly ran into her mouth.

However, at this moment, a crisp and tender feeling came from the tip of her teeth, and the fragrant meat filled her mouth, just like a heavy blow, which smashed the bull tongue out of her mouth.

"Ying ~ ~"

Hill's lips opened slightly and gave out an inaudible whisper.

The delicious food burst out in her mouth, which made her unable to prevent it. Her legs were subconsciously clamped, and her body was suddenly stretched.

It's like the flavor of beef, but it's also different. The crisp and tender taste is even more different. Under the background of bittern and spicy, she runs freely in her mouth, teasing the taste buds on the tip of her tongue.

At this moment, she has forgotten her disgust and fear of ox tongue, and greedily feels the delicacy and experience it brings.

What wet tongue, what rolled up grass tongue... Everything was left behind by her.

She saw the grass, saw the grassland, saw the boundless blue sky, and a cow eating grass.

She seemed to lie on the grass, smelling the fragrance of the grass, feeling the pulse of the earth.

A black cow came and ate grass beside her. The grass rolled between her tongue. It didn't look dirty.

Everything is quiet and beautiful.

Hill slowly opened her eyes. The tongue had been swallowed unconsciously, and the pleasant smell of meat still remained between her lips and teeth. It seemed to remind her to have another tongue.

"This ox tongue, with amazing taste, can even change the inner fear and inherent thinking. When you know it's a cow tongue, your heart is resistant. But when you begin to taste it, you will find that you can't resist its delicious taste, and even fall in love with it. " Hill put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "Eighteen girls' skirt is the most beautiful dish I have ever seen, but if I choose between two dishes, I will choose husband and wife lung slice, which brings me a greater sense of surprise in taste."


There was a burst of cheers and applause, applause for the bull's tongue and for Hill's courage.

Can let a person get rid of fear, abandon the inherent thinking, this tongue how delicious, give people great imagination.

And, more importantly, hill has made her choice, voting for McGonagall.

Victory seems to have been on McGonagall's side.

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