"Well?" The crowd was stunned for a moment, and their expressions suddenly became a little strange. They were recognized by the guests, and then passed away. Now they were recognized directly by the boss's daughter, and they directly asked if they were here to smash the show. For a moment, they didn't know how to answer.

Amy's words also attracted people's attention. Originally, not many guests noticed the group. When Amy woke up, shallot cakes and pork chops were all famous food in Aden square. They immediately remembered who these bosses were and showed their doubts and curiosity. Were they really like what Amy said?

Krasu and Julian also look around, and it seems that when they are present, someone dares to smash the scene, which is not to pay attention to them, right?

Brandley was also surprised to see who had the courage to smash the restaurant.

"I used to watch it in front of your restaurant. Must the pork chops be delicious? The shallot cake smells good, too. " Amy nodded her head and continued to say, but soon she turned and looked at the crowd with a kind of examination. "But how could you come to my restaurant today? If you come to eat, you are welcome. The rainbow fried rice and rougamo made by your father are delicious. "

"But I don't agree with you if you come here. If Amy is angry, she will be very fierce!" Amy turned her tone, put her fists in front of her face, tried to show her teeth, and said seriously.

"Poof - how lovely." Bernice looks at Amy, who is trying to be fierce. She laughs with a puff. Her eyes are all finished. Little moon, whose children are almost grown up, can't run home outside every day. She hasn't seen such a lovely little guy for a long time, and suddenly feels like a flood of maternal love.

"We're... We're not here to blow the show." Andrew waved his hand awkwardly and looked at Amy, a little at a loss. The little guy was small, and he was really cute. He also praised his fried pork chops as delicious. Although the nickname was strange, it was not unacceptable. He just didn't know how to explain the problem of their coming together.

"Well, little girl, we're here for dinner, not to ruin the scene." Miles was calm, smiling and shaking his head.

"Really?" Amy was still a little suspicious, but she slowly put down her little hand in front of her, nodded and said, "then you eat well."

Everyone nodded. They were all relieved. They felt that being watched by the little girl was more stressful than being watched by the boss.

"Sorry, the child is still young and not very sensible. Please forgive me for what you said." At this time, McGonagall came out with a bowl of Yangzhou fried rice, put it in front of the guests at the next table, touched Amy's head, looked at Andrew and his party, and said with a smile, but there was nothing strange about Amy.

They all came together. He didn't believe that they didn't mean any hostility or prying. However, they didn't make trouble and he didn't say anything. Amy's words were taken as a warning, which also represented his attitude.

Of course, it's OK to come to dinner. Anyway, it's the same as giving money, and it's also a wave of new customers coming into the store. McGonagall is happy to see the success, but if he wants to make trouble, he's not a good man.

"Well." Amy rubbed Meg's hand and said nothing.

"Why, the little girl is so cute." Bernice looked at McGonagall. She was about thirty years old. She was a little thin, but she was in a good spirit. She had clear eyes. She was wearing a simple and clean black-and-white dress and a black apron. She looked fresh and neat, completely different from the greasy feeling of other cooks.

"Boss, we are all owners of restaurants in Aden square. Today we just got together to chat. Seeing that your business is the best, we said we would come to have a meal together and try what kind of delicious food can attract so many guests. I hope you won't misunderstand us." Miles looked at McGonagall with a smile. He didn't mean to hide his identity, but he was very generous.

McGonagall looked at miles, in his forties, of medium build, dressed in a well tailored black blouse, with his hair combed up meticulously. He looked like a man who was strict with details. He nodded with a smile and said, "welcome, please sit down. Your order will come soon." There are just two tables nearby to check out. They indicate that everyone can sit down and turn around to enter the kitchen.

The guests thought that there might be a conflict, but they didn't expect that the solution was quite harmonious. They didn't even have verbal confrontation. They were a little disappointed and took back their eyes and continued to enjoy the delicious food.

"The boss feels very good." Bernice sat down and shook her hair with a smile. Although she was nearly 40 years old, her skin was well maintained. She looked very gentle, but her hands were rough and some calluses because she often soaked in water and held a knife.

"Yes, when I was my age, I didn't have that kind of bearing." Bishop also nodded, a little ashamed. He almost got angry just after being teased by a guest. If he saw a group of colleagues come to the door suddenly, he would come out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife in his hand.

"You don't have the patience even now." The bald uncle revealed with a smile that everyone would smile when they heard the words.

Mr. Bishop's temper has been on the rise for ten years, and his three sons have been strictly controlled by him. However, because of this, Mr. bishop can be a shake off shopkeeper now, and any one of his three sons can take charge of his own affairs.

"Who said that?" Bishop's old face is red, but everyone knows what he has been for ten or twenty years, and he has not said anything.

"Little girl, is your name Amy?" Bernice turned to Amy and said with a smile.

"It's acridine." Amy nodded and looked at Bernice with great interest. She asked curiously, "aunt floral apron, where's your floral apron?"

"I took it off before I came here. I don't need to wear an apron when I don't cook." Bernice looked at Amy with a smile. The little guy had a good memory. After thinking about it, she said, "does little Amy like floral aprons? If you like, I can give you a small floral apron

"Good! okay! After that, Amy can wear it when she learns to cook with her father. " Amy clapped her hands happily.

"Please enjoy your rougamo." At this time, abemia came out with a tray and handed out the rougamo to the people. She said with a smile.

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