"It's so delicious?" Andrew looked at Bernice, who was eating Yangzhou fried rice quietly, and her face was full of happiness. She murmured suspiciously and then scooped a big spoon into her mouth.

After eating the rougamo, everyone was waiting for the new dishes. This meeting was completely attracted by them. Looking at Bernice's eating appearance, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Bernice is always picky when she eats. She doesn't eat too heavy or too greasy. She seldom sees such an expression of enjoyment on her face. Even when she just ate rougamo, she didn't see it. Is it true that Yangzhou fried rice is more delicious than rougamo?

With doubts in their hearts, they all turned to Andrew to see how he would evaluate after eating.

After eating a rougamo, Andrew felt that his blood was still a little difficult to recover. His body seemed to have some wonderful improvement, and his strength became bigger. He didn't know whether it was an illusion.

After eating a rougamo, his strength increased. This kind of thing sounds mysterious, and even makes him feel that it may be an illusion, so he didn't pay attention to it.

When a mouthful of Yangzhou fried rice was fed to his mouth, Andrew's eyes lit up. He was worried that so many ingredients might be mixed together, which might lead to mixed tastes. However, after he really tasted it, this kind of worry was totally superfluous.

The taste of all kinds of food materials is perfectly integrated. The taste is delicious and mild. The salty ham, fresh shrimp, and crisp winter bamboo shoots are distinctive and unique.

After swallowing it, it turns into a warm current that spreads in the body and nourishes the flesh and blood. The fatigue of killing pigs in the morning seems to be relieved a lot. The comfortable feeling makes him want to close his eyes.

"Does the food in the restaurant have wonderful effects?" Andrew suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the Yangzhou fried rice in front of him in surprise. If the power growth brought by rougamo is not very strong, the feeling of relieving fatigue of Yangzhou fried rice really exists. It can't be an illusion.

Andrew clenched his fist, and his eyes became brighter. Although the increase of strength was not much, he could feel it when he felt it carefully.

"Andrew, what's the matter with you?" Miles looked at Andrew strangely. He took a bite and stopped. He was still clenching his fist. It was strange.

"Don't you feel it? After eating rougamo, the strength increases. " Andrew looked at the crowd, then pointed to the Yangzhou fried rice in front of him and said, "after eating this Yangzhou fried rice, it can eliminate fatigue. It's really amazing."

"Well?" Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the speech. Although they just felt that their bodies were a little strange after eating rougamo, they couldn't find out where they had changed. They clenched their fists for a while, and their eyes lit up. Their strength did increase a little.


When the spoon touched the plate, it made a light sound. Bernice looked at the plate in front of her and licked her tongue. Her face was filled with a happy smile. She looked up at the people and said, "I think it's only a matter of time before the first three will change. This Yangzhou fried rice is the best food I've ever eaten in my life. "

"In contrast, I prefer rougamo. It's very satisfying when I take a bite. But Yangzhou fried rice is really delicious." Andrew also said with a smile, is a scoop of Yangzhou fried rice, continue to eat, feel the feeling of fatigue disappear, is really a kind of enjoyment.

"I'm looking forward to Yangzhou fried rice when you say that." Said miles with a smile.

The fried rice ordered by everyone came up one after another, and soon they were immersed in the delicious Yangzhou fried rice, with different expressions, but they all looked very happy and enjoyed themselves.

McGonagall walked out of the kitchen with a packed Yangzhou fried rice and handed it to vicennio, who had just finished two Yangzhou fried rice.

"Boss Mai, you are the best cook of Yangzhou fried rice." Vicennio's face was a bit bloody, and he gave MEG a thumbs up. His face was full of excitement. He didn't say much about delicious food. After eating, he felt strong all over.

Usually take those folk prescriptions have no such effect, and that kind of thing is for a while, after the drug strength is more uncomfortable.

But Yangzhou fried rice is very powerful. The more he eats, the more energetic he becomes. He can feel that his body, which has been half wasted by medicine, is slowly recovering in nourishment. It's like sprouting again in spring. He can see the hope of recovering his old style. If he is not full, he will want another bowl.

"Good luck." MEG took the coin and said with a smile.

"Well, today I have to ask for mercy from that woman!" Vicennio took Yangzhou fried rice in one hand and went out with confidence.

MEG smiles and shakes his head. It's not easy for him. I hope I can see him in the evening.

"Boss Mai, I'll fix the place for tomorrow's class. I'll tell you when I come over for dinner in the evening." Crassus settled and looked at MEG.

"Yes, thank you." McGonagall nodded with a smile. How can we say that Krasu is Amy's master now, which is worthy of respect. After all, he almost became the master of the fairy princess.

I don't know when they will know what kind of expression the apprentice who almost fought for the first place, the daughter of the fairy princess, will have.

"Good bye, little Amy." Krasu and Amy said.

"Goodbye, master half beard." Amy responded with a wave.

Julian, too, got up and left.

"It seems that Amy's magic talent should be perfectly inherited from her mother. Do you want to teach her swordsmanship in the future?" McGonagall watched Crassus and Julian go out backward, thinking silently that this was a problem worth considering. Although he couldn't lift the Epee now, McGonagall had many powerful sword skills and fighting skills in his mind.

"We'll check out here." Andrew spoke to MEG.

"A portion of Yangzhou fried rice and a portion of rougamo are nine gold coins in total. Do you pay for them together or by yourself?" Amy slipped down from the high stool, stretched out her little hand, looked at the crowd, and said that she was very skilled.

"Amy is still a cashier. Let's go Dutch. We always do." Bernice took nine gold coins from her purse and put them on Amy's little hand. She touched Amy's head with a smile and said with a smile, "next time my aunt comes to bring you a floral apron."

"Thank you, Auntie flower apron." Amy nodded happily.

Other people have no opinion, they are like this every dinner, each paid their own money, got up and went out.

"Boss Mai, you are a genius. Maybe you can bring a new direction to the food industry." As he passed MEG, miles stopped, looked at him and said seriously.

The guests in the restaurant and the visitors all looked at McGonagall. They agreed with McGonagall. The food provided by the restaurant was like a meteor in the starry sky, bringing a completely subversive food experience.

"I'm just a cook." McGonagall looked at miles and said seriously.

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