Outside the restaurant, it was quiet. People were looking at Amy, who was holding an orange cat and sitting on the stool they had brought. She looked very strange.

I thought MEG was going to fight, but it was Amy who came out. If she didn't fight, she asked them to continue. I didn't know how to continue for a while.

"How do you get a half elf girl?" A first-time restaurant guest asked strangely.

"That's the restaurant owner's daughter, isn't it super cute?" Said the fellow who stood in front of him with a smile.

"Well, although I don't like semi race very much, I have to admit that this little girl is really cute." The guest nodded his approval.

Many people followed the nod, which was a word of their mind. Although they wanted to Tucao a bit, they could see that they were sitting in the stool with their big blue eyes and holding the kitten. They were curious to make complaints about Amy.

"Amy has really become a lot more cheerful and confident, like a child. It seems that Mr. McGonagall has been taking good care of her these days." Luna looks at Amy sitting at the door, her eyes full of love and joy.

Amy is just a four-year-old child, but she has always been too sensible. She is not like a child of this age. It's heartbreaking. In addition to managing her own hunger and cold, she has to think about her father at home. She is a little less intelligent and timid.

But now it's a little different, not only in appearance and clothes, but also in eyes full of hope and spirituality. It's normal for children of this age to be naughty and willful. It's all natural. Luna is very pleased to see these things reappear in Amy.

"How do you feel a little familiar..." Sally looked at Amy sitting on the bench, frowning slightly, showing a bit of doubt. The appearance and tone of Amy's words, and the dark belly temperament made her feel familiar, but she didn't touch any dark belly elves in her memory?

"Master halfbeard, master turtle shell, do you want another fight?" Amy asked curiously, looking at the Firebird at Krasu's feet and the frozen snow at Julian's feet.

"No more, no more."

Almost at the same time, the two said that the Firebird at Kelasu's feet fluttered twice, turned into a small flame and disappeared without a trace. The frozen snowflakes at ulian's feet also cracked with a click, leaving only a drop of water on the ground.

At the door of the restaurant, some of the surprised atmosphere suddenly dissipated, which made the people in the back row feel relieved. Looking at Amy, it's not useless for the little girl to come out.

"In fact, if you want to fight, it doesn't matter." Amy was a little disappointed when she looked at the magic at their feet.

Crassus and Julian's expressions were stiff. Looking at Amy, his precious apprentice was not too small at all.

"It doesn't matter if you don't fight today. You don't have to be embarrassed." Amy looked at them and comforted them seriously“ Anyway, we can see it every day in the future, and there are still many opportunities. "

Crassugan smiles twice and looks at Amy. If she doesn't know that Elena doesn't have a daughter, she will doubt that this little guy is her daughter. Otherwise, it's just as poisonous and natural black.

Julian was also in a trance. I remember that little guy, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, fooled them into fighting all day long. Then he moved a small stool to sit beside him and watched the fun. When he was happy, he would clap his hands and say "yes". That would be a great compliment.

"Miss Luna." Amy soon found Luna in the team and waved to her happily.

Luna also smiles and waves her hand. Generally, she is a little cold outside the school. After all, it's a kind of self-protection to be alone in a chaotic city, but she still can't hide her joy when she is a child.

"And the beautiful fairy sister." Amy also found Sally. Although she only met her once, this fairy sister was the first fairy she had ever met. She was also the first one to tell her that he could be as beautiful as her, so she still remembered.

Sally nodded her head. When she saw Amy recognize her, she was worried about whether she would be named in public. However, it seems that this kind of worry is unnecessary. Amy may have forgotten her name.

After greeting people, Amy holds her chin in both hands and sits quietly on the small bench to watch. The ugly duckling pokes a small head out of her hands and stares at people curiously. At first, she is a little afraid of strangers, but she is used to watching all kinds of guests come and go in the restaurant these days.

In the silence, the battle between salty and sweet, which has just stopped abruptly, begins again. Tofu brain is still unknown. Therefore, the debate between the two sides is mainly focused on whether to eat salty or sweet, and they are very happy.

"That's great." Amy clapped her little hand. Although she didn't understand a word, she still felt that she didn't realize it and was worthy of praise.

The ugly duckling turns her head around and claps her paws.


"Boss, they seem to be fighting. Do you need to persuade them?" Abelmia went to the door and listened for a while. She looked back at MEG, who was eating Yangzhou fried rice.

"No, disputes to a certain extent can be used as a pastime, which is conducive to the development of the restaurant." McGonagall shook his head with a smile and looked out the window at the face-to-face customers. The food of different worlds is really lovely. For a food that has not been tasted, it can even open the prelude to the fight between salty and sweet. It's amazing, it's amazing.

"Let Amy in for dinner." After eating a bowl of fried rice quietly, MEG took a look at the time. It was still five minutes to start business. He got up to collect the plate and looked at abemia again. He said, "you can only buy one portion of bean curd for one person. Remember that?"

"Yes, I remember." Abemia nodded her head. Although she didn't know why MEG wanted to limit the number of shares of tofu, what he said would not be wrong.

Amy came back in with the duckling and the stool, and her eyes brightened as Meg came out with two bowls of bean curd and a rougamo.

"Wash your hands first and start eating when the guests come in." Meg said with a smile.

"Good!" Amy put the duckling on the floor, ran into the kitchen with a small stool, put it under her feet, turned on the tap and washed her hands carefully. Then she climbed onto the chair, with sweet tofu on her left and salty tofu on her right. There was a rougamo in the middle, with a spoon on it. When she grabbed the spoon, her eyes were like little stars.

"Welcome." McGonagall went to the door, opened the door, looked at the long line extending into the square, and said with a smile.

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