"I had a good time today. I ate so much delicious food and rode horses. It's great to have fun!" Anna shakes Sheryl's hand and her little face is full of smiles.

"Yes, an interesting day." Sheryl looked down at Anna with a smile on her face.

"Sister Sheryl, you have a good laugh." Anna looked at her smiling face and said seriously.

Since she came back this time, there was always a trace of sadness between her eyes and eyebrows. Even Anna didn't see her smile.

Sheryl was slightly stunned, and suddenly realized that after she returned to the city of chaos these days, the negative energy field she unconsciously sent out must have affected Anna. Looking at Anna, she apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Anna."

"It doesn't matter. I just hope my sister can smile more, just like she just did." Anna smiles, shakes her head and says softly.

"Well, I will." Sheryl nodded with a smile. The haze accumulated at the bottom of her heart during this period seemed to be completely swept away by Anna's smile.

Hatred may not be forgotten, but if it dominates life, it is probably the most unfortunate thing.



"Sister, you see, I can turn over the dragon --"

A gold and a silver two dragons flying in the sky rolling, Mia happy laughter from the front.

"In combat, this is the most useless skill. On the contrary, it is to completely expose one's weakness to the other." Elizabeth said in a cold voice.

"Oh." Mia immediately adjusted her normal flying posture, followed Elizabeth and asked expectantly, "when can I begin to learn combat skills? Just as you can easily hail with a fan, can I? "

"No, you can't." Elizabeth shook her head.

"What about cryosurgery?"

"Not either."

"Well..." MIA was frustrated and said, "it seems that my talent is really bad..."

"It's not a matter of talent." Elizabeth's body accelerated abruptly. Then she turned her back and looked into abelmia's eyes. "You are frankster's daughter, with pure blood and extraordinary talent."

"Then why can't I practice?" Mia was puzzled.

"You inherit the blood of the Golden Dragon. The cultivation method of the frost dragon is not suitable for you, so you can't practice the frost art, but you can practice the Juli Jue of the Golden Dragon and become the king of power in the sky." Elizabeth shook her head slightly and said, "so if you want to be strong, you have to accept the help of the golden dragon clan."

"But... Am I not the ice dragon? Father is the ice dragon, you are also the ice dragon... "Abelmia is a little tangled.

"Our grandmother is a golden dragon. Maybe that's why you inherited the blood of the golden dragon, and it's the purest royal blood." Said Elizabeth.

"So, are those golden dragons who came last time true? If I want to learn powerful ability, do I have to go to Golden Dragon Island? " Abemia frowns. She wants to be stronger and protect her sister and everyone in the restaurant, but she is not willing to leave the restaurant and everyone.

"It's not up to me to decide." Elizabeth shakes her head slightly. The relationship between the ice dragon and the golden dragon is not harmonious. Hundreds of years ago, they fought because of their grandfather and grandmother.


Loto, master tower.

"President, the magician conference is almost ready, and all the invitation letters have been sent out. This will be a more wonderful and powerful magician conference than before." Brent looked at Richard with some excitement. The triennial magic meeting is the most important thing in the wizard tower recently. The president handed it over to him. It can be seen that his position in the president's heart naturally makes him do his best.

"Krasu is sure to be there?" Asked Richard, looking up at Brent.

Although he hated that guy very much, when he entered the palace today, his majesty also mentioned to him whether Krasu would be present or not. He had already answered, so it was necessary to ensure that Krasu would be present at the magician's meeting.

"I'm sure he'll come. He's a very face saving old man. He has given his apprentice a name, and he's not in the junior group. I'll see how he ends up." Brent said with a smile of schadenfreude.

"Isn't his apprentice only four years old?" Richard frowned. Last time he saw the little guy with his own eyes. Although he was much better than the ordinary four-year-old guy, if he went to participate in the official competition, he would only be abused.

"No, he's asking for trouble. He's going to lose his reputation with Julian this time." Brent nodded with a smile.

"It's interesting." Richard's mouth also showed a smile, since there is no chance to defeat Krasu, but if his apprentice can defeat Krasu's apprentice, it seems to be a good thing.


MEG put a pot of mutton soup in the big pot before taking a bath. After boiling, he simmered. Then he went upstairs to take a bath and sleep.

This mutton soup needs to be stewed all night.

What's more, it's only sold in the morning. At noon, the taste is not so good.

In order to comfort the guests, MEG decided to launch mutton soup early tomorrow morning.

After taking a bath and lying on the bed, MEG excitedly opened the experience bag of roast mutton kebabs in his mind.

After practice in the evening, McGonagall admits that he is still far from becoming an excellent master of kebabs.

A huge amount of information suddenly poured into his mind, a string of excellent mutton kebabs, from the selection of mutton, bamboo stick, to how to cut mutton, pickle... Many processes, each step is not as simple as imagined.

The simple and crude roasting method on the grassland is not suitable for every scene. After all, not everyone can experience the feeling of sitting in the blue sky, blowing the wind with the fragrance of grass and eating the original roasted mutton kebab.

"If they launch two new dishes a day, they should have nothing to say, right?" McGonagall kicked open the door of the kitchen god auditorium and went in without hesitation.


"Father, believe me, no chef in the whole chaotic city can cook mutton. We can make a lot of money by opening a mutton restaurant in Aden square." A young ORC with a big pot on his back, looking at the tall Orc walking beside him, said firmly.

"The city of chaos, the place where all ethnic groups meet, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, is not as simple as you think." The tall Orc smiles and shakes his head. He looks at the shops beside the square. There are not many restaurants that open in the morning. Along the way, he sees many shops selling cakes, and most restaurants selling beef and pork. The mutton restaurant has not been seen yet.

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